Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Manaan - Objective 3 - The Fleet

Well guys and girls. It begins again.



No allies
  • This means that writers participating in the invasion of Manaan must belong to either The One Sith faction, or The Galactic Republic faction. (ie. The Republic cannot contract sign-ups from The Protectorate and visa versa).

One character per writer (regardless of side)
  • That spans for both factions. If someone is writing as a Sith, they are writing as a member of the One Sith for the invasion of Manaan.

Fleet Size Limited between 500-8000m total

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Mostly Regarding Fleets)
This is a surprise invasion, where the One Sith fleets will drop out of hyperspace on the unsuspecting Manaan. A Republic Fleet (limited) is currently stationed above the planet due to an ongoing festival to celebrate the planet’s ability — The Festival of Escalation or something — to rebuilt itself after a disaster. After the One Sith fleet engages the currently stationed Republic fleet, there will have to be a time period of 4 OOC days (from the start of the invasion) before Republic reinforcements arrive.

3 Week Time Limit
  • The Invasion will end 3 weeks from the start date and a victor will be determined at this time.
A good thing to consider is that perhaps we can even do boarding attempts if we have a lot of chars that want to do fleeting.

[member="Mordecai Zambrano"] can relay more details and instructions.

I've had a fleet comp done for a while, mate. We got this!


I wouldn't say a few just yet. I like to allow the seniority to assume command of multiple ships. Lords and Knights have more experience, generally speaking. I'll be starting a convo with you and [member="Sophia Walsh"] to let you two know our fleet composition and put forth ideas.

We've also got a little skype chat if either of you would like to join. Just include your skype name in PM.


Well-Known Member
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"] I am not on skype, tell me what size fleet I am aloud. Tell me what my role is, and I will go from there

No individual commands their own fleet. Merely a single vessel or two, depending on how many more members sign up.

I was also under the impression that your character was no longer a Sith.


Well-Known Member
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"] I am harley, I am just being lazy. Well nackard after all rl stuff been happening, and thursday is the scary day. After that I might be able get back on track.

Everyone will control their own vessel during the thread. We'll state what vessel we are commanding on our initial opening post to the thread. If you want to know what vessels we will be commanding, then hit myself, [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] or [member="Darth Arcanix"] a personal message and we'll tell you what vessels are available for command.

[member="Darth Isolda"]

Myself, Mordecai and Arcanix spent a couple of hours on Skype choosing what fleet we were planning to use. The submission for the Ayrix, which you know about, should hopefully be approved by then.
To keep things clean and neat, all lists have been taken off the board. I am keeping an updated list and am in constant contact with your respective leaders.

If you want to sign up for this specific objective and know who to tag, Please tag your respective leader for direction.

If you need guidance on what to do -- tag your respective leader for the objective.

Objective 1: [member="Reverance"]
Objective 2: [member="Darth Praelior"]
Objective 3: [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

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