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Invasion of Manaan - the outcome

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If you haven't already seen it, we have been talking with the One Sith Faction Admin Team.

Both Faction Admins have confirmed that Manaan is a One Sith Victory due to success in two of the three objectives.

Both sides would like to commend everyone on their writing and the effort they put into the story.

Both sides acknowledged that although there were some hurt feelings over the approach from some writers to the fight, we both believe that it went relatively smoothly considering it was an Invasion.

Lessons were learned around the clarity of objectives and we will continue improve these things going forward.

Please continue to roleplay in the invasion as you wish. And a big thank-you for staying classy.

[member="Avalore Eden"] aka The Original
It will, yeah, but the event is coming up anyways and everyone shrinks by 2/3rds and there will be trauma and angst and sadness and we see all our dead friends. Not a huge thing to worry about. If we dominion fast enough, we might even be able to retake it.

Or perhaps not we, as Veino is going deep undercover pretty soon.


Morality Policeman :)
I think if we fight like we did at Manaan in the next invasion and don't get captured all the time, we will beat the snot out of them.
Corvus Raaf said:
If you haven't already seen it, we have been talking with the One Sith Faction Admin Team.

Both Faction Admins have confirmed that Manaan is a One Sith Victory due to success in two of the three objectives.

Both sides would like to commend everyone on their writing and the effort they put into the story.

Both sides acknowledged that although there were some hurt feelings over the approach from some writers to the fight, we both believe that it went relatively smoothly considering it was an Invasion.

Lessons were learned around the clarity of objectives and we will continue improve these things going forward.

Please continue to roleplay in the invasion as you wish. And a big thank-you for staying classy.

[member="Avalore Eden"] aka The Original
I'd like to draw the leadership attention to the Dominion that has popped up.

I'd like to ask the leadership - What proactive measures instead of reactive measures, is the Republic taking to counter? Don't tell me there aren't any as I know there are several ways to disrupt the One Sith war machine. Look at their productions in the Codex and Factory. We have alot more on our side in means of technology. Let's take a look at the armory for example and then look at what they have. Skirmishes may prove to be useful - if we can prevent people from getting captured. I understand some of what people do is story driven, and this is not targeted at Kiskla by any means - this is to others. Look at how two people made a huge difference in a space battle in an Invasion. Two people who went for the most part - Ignored and made a huge impact. Sorry, might have been three but either way.

This has always been the biggest problem in the Republic, since I've been here. Started with the crushing blow at Coruscant and kept going forward. Defeat after defeat and when we attempted to be reactive, it blew up in our face and no one attempted again because well I'll take blame for that one. I didn't have the right morale in the right places.

This precious shipyard they speak of - Has anyone thought of attacking it? How? We have NFUs don't we? We have Stealth Starfighters which are literally undetectable. Handed the tools for success and we have -never- used them. Stealth Transports - The Aegis. Sneak NFUs down to Coruscant. Skirmish, blow the base of their precious Palace. Start acting like a Rebel. Start using Propaganda against them. Hell I'll do it myself on Alyesa -without a damned planet to represent-.

Do not depend on some Galactic Event to solve our problems, cause it won't, I promise you it's not going to be the cure all and fix all.

Just my rant for the year - Not trying to be that guy, but let's try to win one before we're all sucked into some void. Even if we don't win, let's try to punch them in the gut a few times and hurt their morale, or even be like a hangnail and annoy them some.

Lira Dajenn

Aaralyn Rekali said:
This precious shipyard they speak of - Has anyone thought of attacking it? How? We have NFUs don't we?
You realize the One Sith have like...a ton of Shipyards right?

Though I'm all for being proactive and attacking them.
The terms were simple, survey and establish a beachhead on Sev Tok while ensuring that any would be voices who would rise against the One Sith be snuffed quickly and assuredly.

The construction of shipyards would bring about a new production facility for the War Machine.
Maybe I misunderstood that.

Having skirmishes and being proactive is probably something I can help out with.

Continuing the rant about why we lose, I must also take some blame. Promising to join in and then never doing that is a horrible thing, especially because every little character more or less fighting at an invasion makes a difference. I'm really sorry for not getting to actually posting in the thread, even though I continuously tried to, even PMed a few of you, wanted to do stuff... Next time, I'll rather not join if I am not sure whether I can keep on track with the invasion or not. But I want to help with a skirmish or a few, or other kinds of threads against the One Sith, and I can be more active in them.
Maria Natalja said:
Having skirmishes and being proactive is probably something I can help out with.

Continuing the rant about why we lose, I must also take some blame. Promising to join in and then never doing that is a horrible thing, especially because every little character more or less fighting at an invasion makes a difference. I'm really sorry for not getting to actually posting in the thread, even though I continuously tried to, even PMed a few of you, wanted to do stuff... Next time, I'll rather not join if I am not sure whether I can keep on track with the invasion or not. But I want to help with a skirmish or a few, or other kinds of threads against the One Sith, and I can be more active in them.
I don't want to say you're to blame - it's not your fault. We're all a team. When one is at fault, we're all at fault.

I am throwing out ideas for people to be more proactive instead of reactive. I am hoping everyone understands that I personally don't believe this Galactic Event is going to solve the Sith problem. Hell, it could make it worse!
True, we don't know how that will end. But it will be a shift in perceived momentum, which might be enough breathing room to take full advantage of the Republic's superior resources and industrial capability as well as start working on being Proactive.

I have a personal plot for Veino I'm working on, but I can take him into Sith territory for some guerilla and intel operations.
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