I think there's a compelling story to be had in the "will we make it in time" side of arrival. On the flip side of that same argument, crawling to get to a world that's being invaded for no apparent reason, e.g. "We'll get there when we get there" is pretty much stalling.
But that's just my $0.02
I dont want to tell people any one specific thing about how they approach an invasion. I also want to see then be more than a splash in the pan. Invasions on Chaos sometimes amount to no more than rocking up, looking cool, and then forgetting they ever happened. There's some people who put a lot of effort into crafting the story. There's others who see it as one dimensional, "I'm here to beat the eff out of the other guy and that's it."
I've been there, in the second category. There's a place for it, sure, but it's kinda boring when you're actually trying to tell a story.
What I really think we need a focus on is working
with the opposition to tell the best possible story. I've seen a ton of "We're going to write amongst ourselves and do our best to avoid the other side as much as we can." That's literally anathema to the criteria in the Participation category.
- Participation. An invasion is a story of conflict between two factions, and the participation of both factions will contribute to their chances for victory. This is does not include the total contribution of posts from one faction as compared to another, nor the total amount of individual writers from one faction as compared to another. This does include, but is not limited to, the level of consistent activity of both factions throughout the course of the thread, the interaction between members of both factions with the opposition from the start of the invasion to the end, the steady responses between writing partners made in a reasonable frame of time, and the amount of cooperation and teamwork between members of each faction to achieve their goals.