So lately with all these big invasions that are supposedly story relevant, I just started to notice that there is an issue with invasion rules. Particularly with the idea that multiple invasions can happen with a same timeline.
For instance, the GE has two invasion attacks to deal with, last month the GA had three invasions, SJO ended with three invasions in a same period as did the Dominion way back when. I know the rules don't state you can't do this but I think it encourages a form of "bullying", intentional or not. You end up pushing writers to partake in various invasions, some of which can be draining and very time consuming. It can drive people to abandon factions so they don't have to deal with invasions, can cause people to leave the site because they feel like they are forced to write for things they don't want to otherwise their faction collapses, ignoring the hard work they did in other areas.
I know that invasions aren't going to stop, and I'm not suggesting they should. It be stupid to, invasions happen IRL and they happen in SW lore. But perhaps instead of allowing a faction to suffer two or more invasions at the same time, we limit it. A faction can only declare an invasion on another faction, if they are not already in or will be in, an invasion during that same period.
This stops other factions dog piling on a factiom, reduces the saltiness people feel when they see their faction being invaded and fearing another will be close behind it. Allows a faction to recover from one invasion and means their writers aren't focused on fighting non stop for weeks.
Anyway, that's how I've felt about these invasions lately. If others disagree or have a different view they want to share, go ahead. I just feel, it creates more tension between writers than its worth. This is meant to be fun, you should be able to do what you want here, suffering through invasions so they faction you pour your heart into doesnt collapse, its not fair.
So lately with all these big invasions that are supposedly story relevant, I just started to notice that there is an issue with invasion rules. Particularly with the idea that multiple invasions can happen with a same timeline.
For instance, the GE has two invasion attacks to deal with, last month the GA had three invasions, SJO ended with three invasions in a same period as did the Dominion way back when. I know the rules don't state you can't do this but I think it encourages a form of "bullying", intentional or not. You end up pushing writers to partake in various invasions, some of which can be draining and very time consuming. It can drive people to abandon factions so they don't have to deal with invasions, can cause people to leave the site because they feel like they are forced to write for things they don't want to otherwise their faction collapses, ignoring the hard work they did in other areas.
I know that invasions aren't going to stop, and I'm not suggesting they should. It be stupid to, invasions happen IRL and they happen in SW lore. But perhaps instead of allowing a faction to suffer two or more invasions at the same time, we limit it. A faction can only declare an invasion on another faction, if they are not already in or will be in, an invasion during that same period.
This stops other factions dog piling on a factiom, reduces the saltiness people feel when they see their faction being invaded and fearing another will be close behind it. Allows a faction to recover from one invasion and means their writers aren't focused on fighting non stop for weeks.
Anyway, that's how I've felt about these invasions lately. If others disagree or have a different view they want to share, go ahead. I just feel, it creates more tension between writers than its worth. This is meant to be fun, you should be able to do what you want here, suffering through invasions so they faction you pour your heart into doesnt collapse, its not fair.