Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Invasion System Revamp

I do not like this idea, however I must say it is well thought out and fairly reasonable.

The main reason i dont like this is because it seems to make invading/losing large territory TOO easy. Major Factions take a considerable amount of time developing their worlds and as someone who enjoys world building this could quickly become demoralizing.
More dynamic map game is a good thing, imo. Taking less time to build up a faction will hopefully encourage people to take risks more and take a step back from their internet clouds. I get that a measure of emotional attachment is important (why else would we care about things?) but sometimes that gets to unhealthy levels. Hopefully attaching a story to the map game can finally be made less of a meatgrinder for writer's willpower than it currently is with this new system.
The map game has been largely stale and stagnant since I joined three years ago (And had probably been so prior), and was particularly painful in that regard in the past year and year and a half prior to this year's invasion season, and this is a subject I've touched on in the past for quite some time as well. As was stated earlier, Invasions currently hold very little payout for the effort put into it, while the gaining of hexes is way too easy. It's not even a hard 50 post bare minimum to gain a hex, there have been factions that submitted dominions with 30-40 posts and still gotten them.

Considering the most recent invasion rules update, there's even less incentive to go after bigger factions capital hexes, and considering the option to just scuttle one's capital to another hex entirely, makes it practically impossible to achieve anything of great merit. The system either needs to make it more difficult to obtain hexes through dominions/mandates to balance out the amount of effort required to invade one or make invading hexes way more meaningful.

The whole mindset of 'Wah, I put all this work and effort into getting all this territory, I don't want to do anything that endangers that or makes it more difficult' also needs to go. The map game needs more mechanics and dynamacy to keep it interesting, just like any other game it needs regular content updates/patches to keep things interesting. While the argument of 'It's about writing story, not playing a game' is probably going to get flung at me, you miss the point of a story being shaped as a result of shifting factors - Events are shaped and molded by external factors beyond anyone's control (Outside the person who's implementing them), like how the CIS First business sparked a lot of controversy amongst people and other factions. These things are what make the roleplay more interesting because you have to be attentive to everything that is happening and be ready to react accordingly.
I personally also echo the concerns about the small guys and world-building Vytal Noctura has voiced here and Adron Malvern did further up. If we find map-game detached stories and the world-building that accompanies them isn't supported well if the rule changes go through? Those issues 100% need to be discussed when we get there. But I think the minor faction system and private roleplaying section present good alternatives for these kinds of stories currently and have been somewhat under-explored, imo (without even mentioning that most Major Factions are very open to incorporating cool ideas right now). However, plenty of stories aren't allowed to happen and die when territory is held prisoner for too long, as well.

Cooperation between folks is gonna be what determines how well we can facilitate our stories and these rule changes to major faction territory are a great step in the direction of encouraging that cooperation by making the process easier for everyone.

Change is what makes stories interesting, stagnancy kills them. Every faction has an expiration date. Give folks more power to be the change they want to see by giving them the power to create and destroy factions more easily while promoting cooperation and mutual understanding in the process and hopefully we can turn this collaborative writing board into the collaborative storytelling environment it should be. F*** burnout attrition wars, but right now there's no way to avoid them when people are too entrenched in the 5000 posts of slog it took to get those colours on the map. If that process is made easier, the possibilities become a lot more interesting and, hopefully, the preparedness to let go of that territory for something new comes along too. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

And, as the quote goes, "the journey is more important than the destination". Making that journey better for everyone involved should be the priority, because honestly, f*** burnout attrition wars, they're the worst.

Melia Siari

How does this help smaller factions with a smaller/moderate sized member base compared to larger factions with more members? A smaller faction might only be able to match 100 posts to a larger faction's 300 (and I mean population, not map size, that is irrelevant and is only an indication of how long the faction has been around).

If a larger faction could just dominion again for a quick 50 posts (going off of this logic), how does this not prevent, or rather incentivize major factions to immediately dominion towards smaller factions and take them out to prevent risks to their cloud?

Yeah, I see you want more invasions - there have been 4 in the last month, and there's 3 this month, so I don't quite see where you're pulling this 'stagnation' figure from.

Shake up invasions? Sure.

But have you thought about what happens after you've changed things to fit around post counts? If I had to choose between changes and not remain the same, I'd go with victory conditions (I should note that you can't win if you don't win by 1 condition, though, so I am not quite sure why you'd pick any mandate other than Contagious Assault).

Everyone likes change, well most people like change, but the only good change is well thought-out change. I don't see the consequences of what would happen after this proposal being brought up here, just a bunch of posts that are agreeing (with the few dissenting opinions voicing some similar concerns).

What if Darkwire had popped up near the Eternal Empire and this had been the ruleset at the time? I'm not saying this is a for-sure event that would have happened, but would it not have then been in the best interest of that faction right away, the moment they could be invaded (after the first month is over)?

I mean, unless that is the intention, to constantly burn people out of wanting to make factions, because I am pretty sure people prefer stability and enjoyment to constantly being on edge for invasions. Not every roleplay on the site is invasions - even if 82% of the posts my faction has made in the last 49 days have been.
There is a lot to unpack here, but let's just take one statement out of your post for now and clarify my position, because it seems to have been lost in translation.

Yeah, I see you want more invasions - there have been 4 in the last month, and there's 3 this month, so I don't quite see where you're pulling this 'stagnation' figure from.

No, I do not want more invasions. I want invasions to matter more. These are two different things. You mention that there have been 4 invasions in the last month and 3 this month.

What actually changed?

What was the result of these invasions? These factions spend upward of 900 posts starting from June and what do any of them have to show for it? A few hexes shifted around? A few hexes that went neutral? A few hexes gained here and there? Staff spend over a month reading along, judging as these factions battled it out in epic struggles and battles. They spend days judging it, just as these factions spend weeks fighting in them.

And nothing of consequence actually happened on the map.

2 hexes lost here, 2 hexes lost there, 1 hex gained elsewhere.

How is this a worthwhile investment of anyone's time? Why do people think that spending 900 posts to effect... what... 8 hexes in total is reasonable or even desirable?

That is what I am talking about, when I speak of stagnation. I am talking about spending hundreds upon hundreds of posts, but any result is marginal and inconsequential.

I am talking about spending 5000 posts just to get to the level of the big leagues, something that is frankly unattainable, unless you have the wildest hype train and nobody sets their sight on you. So, yes, I am also thinking about the Minor Factions here. Because that is why I didn't just suggest that we make it easier to invade. I am suggesting that we make it way easier to gain territory too. That way a Minor Faction that only just starts out? They can quickly expand and get some reasonable territory, instead of having to spend 6 months struggling to get anywhere with their faction, because they can only do 1-2 dominions each month.

I understand the concern about Minor Factions, I really do.

But the situation as it stands is stagnant, because the amount of work you have to do to influence even a few hexes is silly, compared to the effort it takes to just play the dominion game every month.

The way things are set up right now already is grotesquely disadvantaging smaller factions.

Just my two cents. I see where you are coming from, but I don't think the status quo is any better and I think this proposal would give them a better way to get a leg-up against the larger factions on the map.

Melia Siari
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
I feel like its telling to see who's willing to just lose territory at the drop of a dime, versus who's clutched onto what they've got. You have new factions like the Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order who are actively popping out 3 (or 5 in the case of GA as of June) dominions a month. You've got NIO, snagging five over the course of a month due to a won invasion + their dominions. Both of these factions are gaining more territory right now than anyone on the board, and they're willing to throw all that territory away for a more dynamic environment, that will impact galactic-wide narrative. Yeah, neither of these teams have spent years building up their territory, but that's the problem. You latch onto what you've earned through this system, one that could see much-needed change, because of how long you've worked at it. No one can blame teams like CIS, TSE, OPA, or SJO for not wanting to lose out on years worth of labor. But at the end of the day, its a bunch of made up territory on our fanfiction site.

Make Dominions less painful, so losing the territory to an invasion doesn't feel so lame. Make invasions more impactful, so dumping hundreds of posts into them across weeks as if they were a job is less obnoxious. The status quo supports people becoming territorial of a bunch of made-up content. It should see change.

EDIT: So no one gets their feelings hurt, the proverbial "you" in this post is aimed at the people stroking their colored territory who feel like they're winning in some manner.
You want invasions to matter more?

Limit the number of participants. Force teams to choose their writers. :)
I absolutely do not agree with this. If a faction with 50 writers gets invaded by a faction with 10 writers, why should the former tell 40 of its members that they can't participate?

However, there should be a limit to alt padding in such situations, and the 50 writers shouldn't go after 1-2-3-however many of the 10 members with multiple alts.
So, since I haven't slept on this suggestion I decided to write up a set of options I like.

Multi-Hex Invasions would be awesome. More Dynamic invasions would be awesome. More compassion and compromise with our fellow writers would be awesome.

But, this thread is about the first two, so here we go.

A faction can realistically only Invade Once per month (once every 3ish weeks) in the same time frame a faction COULD do 3 dominions.

First: Delete Inward Perfection, make it just a thing (Hate me if you want, Simultaneous Invasions aren't about IC, they are usually about OOC)​
Second: Up the ante on Invasions. Delete Contagious Assault (Or keep it but make it even bigger than what I'm about to say). Invasions should be multi-Hex things at this point but Let's limit it to 3 Hexes at a time for this suggestion, not including a Capital Hex or Fortress Worlds which must be invaded individually.​
For Contagious Assault (if kept) I'd push to 5 hexes instead of 3.​

Now (Aside from those exemptions, like Grasp the Void and Manifest Destiny), Invasions roughly match Dominion Output. Smaller Factions CAN lose a ton of space relative to the bigger ones, but there are Mandates that benefit them and allow them to grow under some protections. Perhaps extend the 30 day grace period to 60 (since that's how long Factions wiped off the map have to wait and mandate changes) but that's not super important to me, just food for thought.

Let's get some dynamic movement in there.

First: Give attackers some risk. They could Lose... say 1 Hex for losing (Not Drawing) the Invasion. If the hex is within reach (adjacent to the defender) then the defender gets it.​
Invasions should be quicker, easier chunks

Eh, Invasions are the biggest threads on the site. They should be baller and be big.​
So, to make an alternative easy breezy beautiful cover girl. Hex gains (not swapping like invasions) with skirmishes perhaps? Kinda like the original idea with Conquests but make them more cooperative by allowing the Majors involved to squabble over them in nice bite sized skirmishes and each walk away with it like a Dom? Mutually Beneficial skirmishes maybe? IDK here, but its a thought.​

Now for Dominions

First: I'm a big fan of the idea of making Dominions more dynamic (discussed somewhere else I think). Allowing them to be multihex (still limit the number of hexes gained per month to whatever) if the thread is good enough for more than one hex per thread.​
I'm even pro-making them easier or upping the cap from 3 to 5 (assuming we need a cap) or both if we could compromise on whether they needed to be single threads (longer threads allow for more dynamic stories in my opinion)​
Second: Any increase on Hex Gain should correlate to increase on Invasion impact.​

Ronan Vizsla Ronan Vizsla whatchu think?

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...However, there should be a limit to alt padding in such situations, and the 50 writers shouldn't go after 1-2-3-however many of the 10 members with multiple alts.

I feel this even when the factions are balanced in writers. I'm fairly new around here so I might just not "get it" but I find the number of alts in an invasion to be kinda ridiculous. It feels like I need to make squadron of my own alts just to even pretend to have the same level of narrative impact but at the same time that feels like I'd be gaming the system. It's a huge turnoff IMO.
Making Dominions easier is high key ideal too, and it's being discussed already in the other suggestion thread (hhhhnnnnnnggg-), so I'm just going to say that a higher cap would probably be really nice. 5 hexes of growth a month sounds pretty reasonable to me, with a possible +2 with Grasp the Void. A faction could go from 3 starting hexes to 8 (potentially 10!) in one month. That's TSE/CIS/SJO/OPA super-BIG sized territory in about a year (12.375 months [and ~10 months with GtV]).

With roughly 850 hexes (I didn't count, I used some guesstimations with non-galaxy areas subtracted and rounded down just for the bits I might've missed) that should be plenty of space for quite a few different factions to expand into and start telling dynamic stories with lots of territory gain and loss (It takes 106.25 [or 85 w/GtV] months to fill the entire map one colour based on these numbers btw). The current speed at which doms go (3 per month), would require roughly 33 months to get a CIS sized territory going, which, as the OP said, is as massive a time sink as it is a post sink (5000!?!). It's incredibly slow and honestly, that time and those posts are better spent telling faction or inter-faction stories that aren't just limited to short 50 post dominions. Let's have more stuff happen!

At the same time, lowering the requirements per Dom or making grabbing multiple hexes easier should also be a priority. Throughout June and now into July the GA has taken Grasp the Void as its mandate and been utilizing it to the fullest, which has left us with basically only dominions for activity (and we have a fairly big active writerbase going on currently). Maybe lowering the soft post reqs to 40 or 35 could do the trick?

I'm just rambling here with some rough numbers that highlight different aspects of the speed at which factions grow from the OP, feel free to do whatever with 'em and suggest even better ideas.

Edit bonus math: I guess the truly interesting point of discussion would likely be the growth vs loss rates we could come up with and whether or not we should even be caring too much about ratios or if that's going off the game design deep end. The way it currently is we're looking at a 1.5 : 3 ratio per month, which is about 0.5 hexes lost per hex gained (Contagious Assault [3 : 3] makes this 1 hex lost per hex gained, and Contagious Assault vs Grasp the Void [3 : 5] is roughly 0.6 hexes lost per hex gained), which is assuming peak activity from both factions and back to back invasion losses w/ 1.5 invasions per month (3 weeks per invasion starting August, 1 prep week + 2 action weeks). ... hm maybe that's not exactly useful to this discussion, but they're some more neat numbers. Assuming we have 3 hexes per invasion and 5 hexes dom'd per month, we'd be at the 0.6 hexes lost per hex gained ratio for invasions, which is a slight bump, and imo, a good thing. The concrete numbers are probably not as useful for this one on a conceptual level, but ... I don't actually have an argument here, this was a pretty hasty edit.

My maths fetish aside though, I think that getting those hex gained and hex lost numbers up, not necessarily ratios, will make for far more compelling and dynamic inter-faction dynamics that I am 100% in support of, which is, I guess, the point of this post, just by illustrating it with some more concrete number examples.

Double edit note: This used to have a bit about Alt-padding, but that's probably something better discussed in another suggestion thread now that I think about it, though.
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Its never made sense for all these characters to just happen to be somewhere when it gets attacked.

It's my personal policy to either have a damn good reason to already be somewhere, or to start elsewhere and join the fight in a realistic timeline when it comes to invasions.

So I echo that bit.

In fact, if we could ground every invasion in more IC detail before they even start, that would be better. The objectives that people come up with on fly are cool, but imagine continuity.

Come on, try to imagine it.
Dak Dak | Agrippa Agrippa | Bernard Bernard | Enlil Enlil

I was just speaking to Enlil in the Bryn discord. And had an idea; if we want to do multi-hex invasions. What if, the Faction wishing to invade needs to dominion a hex adjacent to one they intent to invade as part of an Invasion announcement, to set up a forward base to launch a larger strike?

Just a suggestion, it allows Major Factions to essentially have prologues that can set up who is going to be there and why.

EDIT: This also covers any need for Hex gain/proximity factors concerning invasions.

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