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Private Investigation at Castle Bursu

Vladislav Von Kresvelgard


TAGS: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
LOCATION: The Jungle World of Arorua, Castle Bursu
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim | Arorua
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator

On the Jungle World of Arorua in the Sertar Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, would be the Settlement of Kro Verin. The settlement sprang to life during the Age of the Galactic Empire and has had a steady population for many years mostly the wealthy from the Core Regions, living mostly independently and without occupation by foreign powers. The Settlement would be experiencing a time of great prosperity. However things are never quite as peaceful as things may seem, for a series of natural disasters in the form of immense floods would slowly overtake the settlement upon the world. The residents of the settlement required aid to evacuate them from the ever growing tide of water, so they had sent a distress beacon out to any ships nearby for aid. A majority of the settlers would be within one of the last few dry areas of the settlement, near the mayor's office which was on a piece of raised land, which kept the water at bay for now. Although to any observer it would be a strange reasoning, that this inland settlement could be so flooded when the river was miles away from the settlement and no bodies of water had been reported nearby. They didn't have much time left before drowning, so they had to rely on the distress beacon and the kindness of people nearby their planet. The Jedi Order had sent a small team to assist in the evacuation, but even they couldn't stem the tide of the water as if it had an utmost unnatural power within it. Having established a refugee camp near a cliff side, they would be holding the water back with all of their might to allow some of the residents to escape. Although they didn't notice the small spy drone that was nearby on a large tree, recording the entire affair for its dark master, whom was the cause for this unnatural power currently drowning the settlement underneath an immense ocean.

High in the mountains would be the Ancient Castle of Burus, once owned by a noble lord and his family during the past of arorua. Being covered in ornate statues and painted walls, of white that shined in the sunlight when hit just right. The battlements, although old and worn would still be standing strong as ever. Empowered by the dark side of the force, through the current occupant of the Castle, Darth Mordheim. His experiments with the power of alter environment would be going nicely, as he sat near a window. Peering out into the distance of where the settlement was. A sickening smile upon his elderly face. "Drowning an entire settlement is not enough for my experiments, although it will suit my purposes enough. The Jedi Order think that they have the power to hold back my immense flood from consuming the citizens. What they have failed to notice, is that many of the children have been washed away and now reside deep within the dungeons of this castle. Once I finish testing my power, I will experiment with them to turn them into a child legion." Mordheim said, with confidence. Turning away from the window and sitting down at the terminal within his office inside of the castle, being the former location of the bedroom of the Noble and his Wife. Turning on the holoterminal, and pressing a few buttons. He would bring up the life feed of the current situation and refugee camp. Pointing his hand towards the camp, on the screen. He would ascertain the location of it from his memory of the area. Before finally bringing his hand back down and speaking now. "Go, my undead armies. Crush this little jedi camp and bring the survivors back to the castle for experimentation." He said, as the castle doors would open and his legion of korriban sith zombies and skeletal warriors would march forth. The castle doors would now close and reseal themselves, as his legion would be wielding a variety of weapons and having tower shields for defense, as they protected them from lightsabers to a degree and blaster fire. Mordheim would watch them march, focusing on the holo terminal now to watch this invitable battle unfold.

The Undead Legion of Mordheim would march through the forest, smashing down trees and small rocks that stood within their way. An almost unstoppable legion that couldn't feel pain or be destroyed without decapacitation. They would have almost arrived at the camp, as some of the jedi noticed. Redirecting their attention to the undead legion before them, lightsabers ignited and charging to engage with the legion to protect the refugees. Those jedi not engaged would be keeping the rising water back, trusting those jedi behind them to hold the line. Lightsabers and vibro weapons would clash against each other, as the two forces would engage in combat. As the fight would commence, it would either fall to the jedi to be the victors in this fight or the undead. Neither one gaining or losing ground, as with each undead killed they would simply rise again and again. While the jedi would lose some numbers but these were mostly the knights as they didn't have enough experience in dealing with the undead, they needed some outside aid immediately if they were to survive this fight.

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Revealing Fire of Life

Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade, Zeison Sha Warrior Armor
Tags: Darth Mordheim

As soon as Sala's feet touched the ground, a shiver ran up her spine, tingling not only her brain but the very core of her soul. She had heard nearly a million different explanations of what a disturbance felt like, but the sheer darkness of this planet could only be described as an overwhelming force of spite, hatred, and power. The sheer evil of thousands of years of history, a planet overrun with millions of sithspawn, even all of that couldn't account for the terrible and awesome power she was now faced against. Something terrible was happening, and this blade had to stop it.

Faces, memories, dreams, the collected thoughts of hundreds of villagers washed through Sala's mind as she tried to step forward, stunned by this disturbance's sudden onset. Waves of sheer terror could be felt emanating from a nearby source, and it took all of Sala's concentration to banish this distraction from her mind. Putting one foot ahead of the other again and again she forced herself to walk forward, and out of the paralyzing trance this grave evil had placed her in - her brothers in arms were in danger and required her help.

The master continued placing one foot before the other, and again and again and faster and faster until she had broken into an all-out sprint, using the force to control her breathing and enhance her stamina. The shared aura of terror grew stronger and stronger until she burst force into a camp of jedi, fighting hopelessly against swarms of the undead. Leaping into the air, Sala noticed one whose guard was down and defense was compromised, a vibroblade bearing down towards his head. Like lightning released from the sky, she launched herself in his direction, unsheathing her sword and parrying the assailant's blade as she landed in front of the Jedi.

"This Ends Here."


Vladislav Von Kresvelgard


TAGS: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
LOCATION: The Jungle World of Arorua, Castle Bursu
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim | Arorua
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator

[Skeleton Captain Actions with Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis ]

The Skeleton Captain was halted in his strike upon the distracted jedi by the blade of another jedi. Snarling with fury that his killing stroke was ended. He kicked off the clash that was generated. Drawing another sword from his belt in quick momentum from his belt sheath, as he was now duel wielding. His heavy black armor would be tough to break through, as although the force imbued blade was powerful. The armor had notches within it that bounced blades off of it like a deflective sheath only more power attacks or thrust would manage to penetrate it. Moving forward with a twist of his leg, the skeleton would move forward with unparalleled speed due to being empowered by the dark side, swinging his two blades at the jedi master in light and heavy strikes, using a variant of the jedi's Jar'Kai style to attempt to cut her down. Although the skeleton wasn't trained by the jedi or sith due to just being an ancient warrior, he had enough competence to protect himself from her attacks, parrying her blade with peak effectiveness as if he was still alive and was fighting for his life. The blue glowing of his eyes would shine as he growled at her as he struck.

The Jedi Masters would have regrouped and begun a more effective strategy for defeating the undead, using the fires of their camps and redirecting it towards the hordes of the undead as they approached. The massive flood would still be raging within the settlement, as the jedi masters assigned to keep it down with the force were beginning to tire from fatigue. They needed to cut down the horde of the undead faster if they were going to survive this. Mordheim watched from the monitor within the castle itself, brushing his long beard and was satisfied that he had enough children to sacrifice to the dark side of the force to empower himself for another generation. "My Undead Armies have kept them distracted enough for me to empower myself with the children that have been washed downstream. Although I will need the light of the jedi to activate the ritual, and so I must choose one to lure here and kill." Mordheim said to himself within the former nobleman's chamber within the castle. Tapping his wrinkled and elderly finger on the monitor as he zoomed in on the battle between his skeleton captain and the jedi master that had just arrived. Judging from her appearance, he had to guess that she was apart of one of the major factions within the galaxy. He had no choice after the Battle of Mancharakorkon to flee the swamps and restart his research on this world. He wasn't going to let his powerbase be undone but he had to bring her here at all cost to further his overall plan.

Raising his hand, towards the monitor now. The flash flood would vanish as quickly as it came, with the refugees from the settlement returning to check their belongings and make sure everyone was safe. Although their protectors would be fighting to defend them, a small group of jedi had followed the visitors to act as security and protect them from the native animals that had also been washed downstream due to the flood itself. Many of the residents would be within a panic like state, as they noticed that their children were not present and had likely either drowned or had been washed downstream. The group of jedi took a report from each one of them and tried to comfort them as they spoke with tears, leaving around 5 jedi to protect the residents of the settlement. The other jedi had decided to return to the base camp that was under attack by the undead and report their finding after the battle had ended, which would be for some time due to the huge amount of them.

Revealing Fire of Life

Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade, Zeison Sha Warrior Armor
Tags: Darth Mordheim

Faced with a skilled, if dead, undead? I don't know what the term is, warrior, Sala steeled her will, channeling the light side of the force into her blade as it began to glow with a bright, warm, light. Beginning to put more speed and power into her attacks, the Jedi began to analyze the captain's form and strategy. His use of two blades proved a challenge for her single longsword, and it seemed most likely that she wouldn't be able to physically disable him quite as easily as she would someone of flesh and blood. Still, even in the presence of her glowing form, she could feel the tremors of the dark side flow through the skeleton and around her. Noticing the structure and notches of the skeleton's armor, she focused all the light side that she could gather in a quick instance, the sword becoming ever brighter, and struck towards the Skeleton's side, using all of her strength, as well as the force, to strike as quickly as possible to cut through his armor.

As she did this, the other Jedi began to fight the army back with flames from their campfires. Herself unable to back away from her current combat to grab such a fire, she launched herself further at the Skeleton with a battle style reminiscent of Djem So, parrying each of his blows and immediately striking back, eventually putting all of her force-enhanced strength into a "Falling Avalanche" Overhand strike.


Vladislav Von Kresvelgard


TAGS: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
LOCATION: The Jungle World of Arorua, Castle Bursu
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim | Arorua
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator

[Skeleton Captain Actions with Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis ]

The Skeleton Captain was trying to wear her down with Jar'Kai Style of Lightsaber Combat using his two swords to combat her one sword. As the Jedi Master put more speed and power into her attacks, he adapted to it rather quickly bashing back with even more speed and power to compensate. While he was fighting the jedi master struck him in the side with a lucky blow, tearing his armor asunder as the pieces would fall down around him. Enraged now as he snarled at her, he attempted to strike her in the chest with a thrust. While keeping his other blade around to parry hers, if the thrust was a success he didn't know. But it should force her back to avoid being impaled upon his blade. Looking around as the other jedi began to fight back the undead legions with flames, which were a known weakness of skeletons in general. His brethren would start to loose their number advantage due to their fragile bones still being bones. As such the captain would begin to fight back with more vigor in order to survive even though he could be raised again by mordheim at a later time. The thrust missed of course as he overextended himself for a fraction of a minute. Being cut down into two halves with her use of the "Falling Avalanche" overhand strike. The skeleton captain was defeated and the victory won by the Ashlan Crusader.

"And so, the captain of my first legion falls by the wayside." Darth Mordheim would say, still watching the battle on his monitor system of the castle. The Jedi Master was strong and couldn't be underestimated in the slightest. However he was confident in his abilities to overwhelm her with shear power instead of skill with a blade to which he was lacking in due to his frail body. Getting up from the chair now within the old nobleman's quarters of the castle, he would proceed to walk with his skeleton guardsman to the dungeons of the castle, old but effective in holding mear children to sacrifice to the dark side. Of course he wasn't going to actually sacrifice them to the dark side, they were merely a ploy to lure the jedi master here and if they were apart of a major faction in the galaxy. Get his name recognized by the major powers as a threat. More conflict meant more undead armies could be raised and he at last could have his own undead empire within the galaxy with him at its head. Raising his hand, he recalled his armies back to the castle. As the jedi masters could see that the remaining of the undead army would proceed to withdraw back into the dense forest to return to the castle on the peak.

Jedi Master Reuben Karon would be in charge of the remaining jedi forces that survived the battle, watching as the undead armies retreated. As the group of jedi had arrived from the village to report the missing children. A Jedi Knight would hand him the incident reports that were written on paper instead of technology due to technology being a risk of being sliced into. He looked over to the Ashlan Crusader Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis and called her over along with the other jedi that remained within the camp. "We have a situation on our hands, and it isn't looking good. Most of the children within the village have disappeared without a trace, most likely taken down stream by the immense and unnatural flood that we were holding back. Returning the children or even their bodies to the families are the right choice of action as followers of the Light Side of the Force and should allow the villagers some sort of closure. An alternative would be that the children were picked up by the undead armies that had suddenly arrived and taken somewhere nearby. If anyone has any suggestions as to our overall planning, speak now." Master Karon would say to them, wanting to get everyone's suggestions before he proceeded to split the group of jedi up to better cover more ground. He was more weary of the Ashlan Crusader, as although they had helped them fight back the undead armies and saved a jedi from being killed. Their following of Ashla was to militant within his eyes and was more closely linked to the dark side than they realized. They wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone that stood in their way if even the slightest hint of bogan was detected and he was sure that they would use any methods necessary. He didn't say any of this outloud as although he disagreed with the Ashlan Crusade, it was keeping the tide of the dark side down so that more incidents such as this wouldn't happen on other planets.

Revealing Fire of Life

Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade, Zeison Sha Warrior Armor
Tags: Vladislav Von Kresvelgard

Sala doubled over, panting at having to have jumped into the fight so quickly after having landed on the planet, without any immediate preparation. She winced as she felt a sharp pain in her side, using her free hand to hold it as she sheathed her sword. Pulling her hand back, she saw a few flecks of blood. Apparently she hadn't jumped back quite enough to completely avoid his blade, though he hadn't punctured any vital organs or important blood vessels. Cursing herself for allowing the warrior to hit her, she sucked in her gut and allowed the force to flow through her, closing her wound, though not fully healing it due to the overwhelming presence of the dark side on this planet.

Taking stock of the Jedi around her, the Blade Grandmaster would look for the Jedi she could best approximate to be the leader. These Jedi seemed somewhat distrusting of her, perhaps because of the stories of Ashlan fanaticism, but she had no will nor time to smooth out those problems as their Master, at least who she thought must have been their master, spoke of a serious situation. Listening to the force, Sala tried to spread out her feelings in the force, searching for any sign of the children, if only a disturbance caused by their fear and pain. Unfortunately, against the deafening and blinding power of the dark side that flooded this region of the planet, any such disturbance would've been like a quiet whisper against a loud storm or a fading candle against the brightness of a triple-star system.

"We've got to split up," Sala said as she engaged. "We'll need a team to defend the village, both in case the skeleton army returns, and to evacuate everyone if the flood returns. They should take any injured with them - we can't put the camp ahead of the civilians" She stared the master in the eye, her voice conveying as much authority as she could muster. "I suggest the search team split up into teams of two, I'll scout ahead." Throwing the cloak off of her back, leaving only her tunic, Sala looked away from the camp, as if she could feel a wind passing up the back of her neck. "We need to move quickly, This planet is shrouded in an overwhelming darkness, and the longer we stay, the blinder we become to the light of Ashla, and the more the sickness of Bogan will creep into and taint our souls." Removing her sword from its sheath, she began to break off from the group, the chill leading her downstream from the camp, and deeper into the jungle.


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