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Approved Starship Invictus III Space Defense Platform

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"The Invictus III Space Defense Platform, crafted by the esteemed Shipwright and manufacturer Byblos Star Drives, is the premier choice for safeguarding your homeworld against an invasion by a foreign power, and even the vagabonds that inhabit the hyperspace lanes. This station can guarantee the protection your assets, no matter the cirumstances!"
- Mac Tarot, Sales Representative.

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Power Generation:
    • Like all products of Byblos Star Drives, the Invictus III comes equipped with a Hypermatter Annihilator System, allowing it to create an enormous amount of power for its various systems and sub-systems which means it can operate for far longer than normal.
  • Formidable Station:
    • The Invictus III was engineered to serve as the most formidable defense station in the galaxy, boasting a side array of weaponry positioned throughout its armored hull and is equipped with ample shielding to endure multiple enemy fleet bombardments without suffering serious damage.
  • Stationary:
    • The Invictus III was engineered to operate as a stationary facility, devoid of any capacity for mobility or propulsion due to the absence of essential starship components.
  • Extreme Firepower:
    • Despite the impressive engineering of the Invictus III, it remains vulnerable to more powerful weaponry wielded by super star destroyers, superdreadnoughts, or a squadron of battlecruisers. The station's defenses can easily be breached by any of these formidable vessels.

The Invictus III Space Defense Platform was designed and developed by Byblos Star Drives as an entry point into the orbital defense market, a sector that has low compeition in comparasion to professional starships and capital ship construction.

Its purpose is to act as a formidable bastion against an enemy invasion fleet exiting from hyperspace, with it often serving as the first fortification in any prolonged naval engagement.

Equipped with a vast and diverse arsenal, the Invictus III is a force to be reckoned with, from its formidable missile luanchers to its awe-inspiring capital ship turrets, the platform can surely strike fear into the heart of any adversary arrayed against it.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

Another cool sub! However with this dimensions only Major Factions can produce and field such space station. Minor factions and companies are able to produce/field only with 3.000 metres dimensions.
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