Armand Temi

On the planet of Virgillia sat a towering mountainside, and on the outside, one of nature’s typical, albeit majestic creations made of stone, rock and even centuries old magma. Yet inside was the Bastion, a subterranean fortress designed to house, train and mold the First Order’s both disciplined and deadly warriors who worked in liege to Sieger Ren, the Force wielded as their primary weapons.
Varas let out a weary sigh - some might describe as petulant - as she walked into the unadorned entrance and down the first large flight of stairs to meet the Master who would train her today.
While she had not arrived completely against her will, the visit today and for the weeks to come if the Master so deigned, was a punishment of sorts. The clone currently resided with her biological father on Mustafar, but he’d been away on travels to Iktoch and Halm and with little supervision, Varas had slipped into a lazy, practically non-existent routine, ignoring her training in favor of holo movies, Spacebook and playing hide and seek with her father’s personal Praetorian guards. They loved that game.
Ultimately her rogue behavior had reached [member="Kyrel Ren"]'s ears and after a furious argument, where Varas was almost giddy with excitement that she’d elicited such a passionate response from him as opposed to his normal coldness towards her, he’d promptly sent her off to Virgilla, this time flanked by the same Praetorian guards she enjoyed taunting in the castle.
And their strict and precise orders were to not let the enfant terrible run away again.
[member="Ara Zambrano"]