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Diplomacy Ira in Patrem || CIS & EE


The Accord...felt like a betrayal.

There was a schism between the names Vicelord and Isley Verd. A divide between the responsibility and the man who bore it. The responsibility? It was bound by the will of a thousand worlds. It was guided by the heartfelt desire of the people. And thus, peace was the first step forward. Yet the man whose shoulders bore the burden? He was capable of pain. Of grieving. Of feeling the icy sorrow when loss captivated his entire being. He was capable of love. He was capable of loss. And sometimes, the will of a thousand worlds clawed at the scars.

His daughter. His grandchild. If times were different - if his way was different, their deaths would have been answered in kind. Though he had earned himself the title Darth, he did not soak his hands in animosity as others had. He did not rob his worlds and people of freedom, but rather made their liberty his goal. Thus, with hands bound by literal democracy, a solemn exhale fell from his lips. He knew what the terms were long before his Minister presented them to the Eternal delegation. This was what his people wanted.

This was the sacrifice he would bear.

The Vicelord hearkened to the response of Aura Vexx. And with the fate of the talks now thrust upon his shoulders, the reply was one that Isley should have anticipated. An almost heartfelt plea to put aside the past and, if lives had to be lost, let them be towards a common enemy. The man had so much that he wanted to say. Yet the Vicelord held his tongue. Meanwhile, his alabaster counterpart spoke. And her sentiments mirrored the truths which had raked across their lives. Tacitus had been a great friend of hers - extended family without mutual blood. Yet he and his Empire had caused them and their Confederacy to suffer.

As Srina aptly put it - the Eternal Empire was built on the back of Confederate suffering.

Isley's sulfuric gaze settled upon the Eternal monarch. Srina had plucked practically all that needed to be said from his mouth. Thus, the Vicelord was satisfied. Yet the man? When it came to his family? He leaned forward ever so slightly. His tone? Ice. His words? Uttered in the High Nelvaanian the woman favored so much.

< I speak as only a man, not as Vicelord. Death would be a reward. An escape. There is but one atonement for the blood on your hands - for the death of my child. In your heart - your soul - there are chains binding you to the boot of Tacitus. Loyalty to the one who spat in my face. I will not accept your life, Ingrid. I will take your heart. >

< Forswear. Upon your honor as Empress. Upon your honor as a woman. Your loyalty shall no longer rest within the hands of a murderer - but with the one you plead for peace. Forswear that Tacitus is your enemy. And I will forgive your sin.

He paused, exhaling. "For the Confederacy, I echo the sentiment of my Exarch. We keep our word and our oaths. They are our bond and our blood. Should the Eternal Empire remain true this time, then peace will exist between us. Collaboration against the Scourge will exist."

The Vicelord then rose, his dominant hand extending towards the Eternal Empress. With thus, the covenant would be sealed.

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Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Wolfsbane | Ferrum Solis
TAG: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Srina Talon Srina Talon | John Locke John Locke | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Aura Vexx | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

A ping coming across a secure channel caught Gerwald off guard. He looked to see it came from one of the men who seemed to be sitting across the way, the one Metus told to remain silent. He had an answer for the things Gerwald had asked. The answer was less than what Gerwald could have hoped for.

A gun for hire?

It was a curious thing that a gun for hire would be sitting at a table which was reserved for the delegation. If he was there as paid security then his mouth should have remained closed. Where Gerwald had once been in that role, his role was now to ensure that nothing was agreed upon which would place the delegation in jeopardy of breaking the Confederate Charter.

The wolf sighed as he reached for the bridge of his nose. Normally Gerwald would not dignify the explanation he had just read with a response, but today he was feeling the need to make his position more than clear.

Telepathy would be the best method.

< “A gun for hire has loyalties to the highest bid. There is nothing you can say from this point onward that I will not see as bought and paid for. You were with Confederate soldiers on Dantooine, and you are sitting with Eternal Empire delegates now. Who will it be next week, the Brotherhood?” >

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim began to address the lupine. Her words pulled his attention away from the tank before him. They were…


Gerwald listened as best he could, and while she denied the actions taken by the former Emperor, she spoke of her loyalty to him. The wolf scratched his head. How could this be? How could she remain loyal to someone that put her in the position she faced now. His actions had put her in the hot seat. Tacitus should have been there to face them all.

Another sigh. Meetings like this were exhausting. People rarely said what they meant.

His eyes shifted to the table for a moment.

“Perhaps I am too simple to understand, but I do not see how you can remain so loyal, and yet desire to see his head on a platter as well? You seem conflicted when it comes to Tacitus. I fear that may one day be your undoing.”

It was all he would say on the matter. Other’s, like the white haired Exarch, were much better with words. Srina Talon Srina Talon spoke clearly, and decidedly. There would be no mistaking the position of the Confederacy by the time she spoke, even if the terms set forth by the Minister of Influence had just been accepted.

Blue eyes turned to regard the redhead for a moment, brief enough to catch her wink. Gerwald almost chuckled, but held it to a small smirk. He was not safe, even from Hester Shedo Hester Shedo , or so it seemed. Had she been showing off? Time would tell. Gerwald was certain they would have a discussion about it later.

Darth Metus Darth Metus finally spoke once more. There would be little to say beyond this perhaps, other than to determine the locations of embassies and military installations. Nothing seemed out of place with the charter, though Gerwald was still left thinking why?


If they did not suffer an Empire to live…

Were it not for the Brynadul threat, Gerwald had to believe this meeting would have seen a different outcome entirely.


< “A gun for hire has loyalties to the highest bid. There is nothing you can say from this point onward that I will not see as bought and paid for. You were with Confederate soldiers on Dantooine, and you are sitting with Eternal Empire delegates now. Who will it be next week, the Brotherhood?” >

Frank couldn't help but feel a bit snippy as he received the telepathic message from the wolfman before him. Thankfully due to his training from the Ex CEO frank could not only receive but respond.

<Oh right a gun for hire would sure as hell be a better alternative to my current situation. Honestly if i were given the option do you really think id be here? Im a jarhead a soldier not a diplomat unfortunately Im not given those kind of options, In the case i have to spell it out here you go. I spent three years in a medically induced coma after Dantooine due to being by most assumptions dead. 3 years and i guess billions of credits later i was brought back to a situation were Hades corp owns my sorry hide in every sense of the word so until I pay off this debt that i didn't really consent to I'm officially a slave to them and by extension this faction....I think the terms of my service are "until I pay off my debt to hades corp and by extension Eternal Empire They own me due to all the proprietary crap replacing 80% of what was distroyed in being bombed out by turbo lasers." Sorry if I'm a bit snippy as its a touchy subject for only to be called a traitor feth, the only money i keep is enough for a beer every so often and possible a pack of deathsticks so i can deal with the messed up situation I'm in.> after frank sent his telepathic response back he returned his current attention back to the proceedings of the Diplomatic meet.

tag: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Riflor, Neutral Space
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
CIS: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Srina Talon Srina Talon | John Locke John Locke | Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb
EE: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Aura Vexx | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling
[ How can I… ]

Ingrid wanted nothing but peace, prosperity, and security for the Eternal Empire. In addition to being a great agent, spy and assassin, she was also a soldier. She was also currently the commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Eternal Empire, but she was not a conqueror or warlord. If it could be solved, she avoided wars. She didn’t have a problem with the fighting itself; two armies fought with each other, if it had to, it had to. But Ingrid did not like to waste the army unnecessarily, and the cost of wars is high. If there was another way, she chose it.

"And how long should someone be punished for their predecessors, Exarch Talon? And how long should a nation be punished who didn't do nothing? Can an entire nation be condemned for their leader's action?"

She asked emotionlessly as she looked into Srina's eyes with her blue ones. Ingrid never blamed the CIS for losing her child. In her case, the active service caused this, but she never blamed the CIS or its leadership. The red-haired woman never wanted anyone to die for it. Nevertheless, she understood the other woman perfectly, why she felt the way she did.

"You are not the only one who considers him as family, friend, confidant, my Lady. But! You are not the one who has been struggling to find him since his disappearance and death. But me. You are not the only one who has suffered a loss. If you think I’m insensitive to losses, you’re wrong. Unlike you, I can’t afford the luxury of acting driven by my emotions. If you really knew Aidus, you know why, my Lady."

Her voice was not accusing, but had respect in it, however her tone was still military and cold and looked at Srina's eyes as she spoke.

"My people will not provoke yours, Exarch."

She then looked at Lord Commander; found it somewhat ironic that they both held the same rank within a Force User organization. Although the Eternal Imperial was a secret and only the master title meant this title, in the case of the man the leadership position. Although Ingrid was also the leader of her own Wardens. She shook her head gently at the man’s words.

"You're misunderstanding me, Lord Commander. I don’t want to see his head on that tray, but I know countless people and states who do. You, the Sith Empire… and countless others."

She was surprised for a moment when Darth Metus spoke in High Nelvaanian. Every single word of the man hit her like a knife, a thousand and a thousand daggers stabbing her soul and heart. Adrian's hallucination chuckled not so far from her. Through the soulshard, the woman felt satisfaction from her late husband. They talked about this countless times with Adrian while the man was still alive. The Sith Lord always asked her for this, this was what he wanted the woman to break the last chains that tied her to Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe . But Ingrid was unable to do so. She was too loyal.

As she looked at the man, her eyes widened, two tears streaming out of her blue eyes. The first emotions from her, the sign she is able to feel and she is not entirely dead. There was no right or wrong answer here. The man wanted betrayal, the woman wasn't ready, she might never be. It was exactly the opposite of what she was raised in, what she believed in, what she lived for. If she does, she will admit that she made a mistake. She didn't, who's going to apologize to her for Adrian's death? Would her husband’s life and death really be so insignificant? She struggled…

<"You can't ask this from me, Darth Metus… you want me to betray the Eternal Empire, my people. How can I betray those whose responsibility I owe? I don’t matter, I’m insignificant, they’re important. If you know the Eternal Empire… you know, if I do that I will betray them, my own faith… myself. Last but not least, my own people would execute me for treason and turn against me; most of the military. I serve them, I will not betray them, I cannot do it, I cannot turn against my own people and ideals. My duty is to protect them. All I had left that is my loyalty to my people, Darth Metus. I can't, I can't betray them, him - nor Adrian's memory. You can get your daughter back if you want, or I can do it if you want… but I can't get my husband back, your daughter destroyed his soul… I… when I get… ">

More tears streamed down her face, Ingrid was unable to hold back her pain for a few moments, her pain, the bleeding black hole in her soul, what now could be felt by everyone, in the Force. The place of the shattered Force Bond, which was still in such severe mental pain, that it was hard to imagine how the woman could stay on her feet or keep her mind intact. How can she be alive at all with this level of constant pain? Eventually she managed to suppress this again the pain, the “bleeding” wound, and in the end she spoke hoarsely.

"I can say the same thing, Vicelord. I know my word is worthless to you yet, but we will keep what we promised." she said a little hoarsely, but again without emotions.




CIS: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde
EE: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Aura Vexx | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Dressed in: Black
Items: Holding Aces | Ring of Aspiration | Mother's Wrath | Mudarra | Scarlet Vow |


How long should they be punished?


Oh, the irony.

The response was clear, concise, and without hesitation. The room seemed to be full of soft-spoken feminine figures that maintained their will with an unbreakable iron grip. Every word that left the Confederate Exarch was touched with a dulcet tonality that rarely left serene, frozen waters, that inherently eschewed compassion as weakness. Unfortunately, for the rest of the room—Srina had been born with pure ice in her veins. There were none so cold, with eyes so cruel, as the Dread Queen. “As long as your nation bears the name, bears the banner, and swears fealty to Darth Tacitus? As long as you preach his ideology? As long as his grip on you remains? You keep him alive. You substantiate all he has done. In that? You damn your people until their last breath.”

Could an entire nation be condemned for the actions of its leader?


That was a simple enough question by galactic standards. One only needed to ask the remnants of the Mandalorian Empire, if only, they were still around to ask. They had done the unthinkable under the leadership of a heathen Mandalore and the result had pulled the entirety of known civilizations into a state of Total War. Little more than fragments were left behind. No one blinked an eye when the Sith Empire converted the remains of the Empire into slaves and bio-beskar. While they all should have blinked in horror, felt the twisting, unearthly shame?

Srina only felt that it was an efficient design.

Not everyone deserved to live.

She had remained buried in the rubble of Kuat, listening to others, peaceful people, die in droves. Srina had felt the life force of her Master momentarily slip away while the life within her was lost to the crushing permacrete that kept them trapped. So many lives, lost, for a grudge belonging to a man this nation championed. It was disgusting. The comparison of pain, the understanding of loss, only proved that the flame-haired woman would never understand. Pain was not to be compared. It was unique to each individual and far be it for a traitor to decide she understood what the Confederacy had suffered. No. There was no word more succinct than that.

Simply, no.

“You know not of what you speak, Empress. I have hunted him more than you will ever know to bring justice for MY people. If we acted with emotion, here and now, we would have chosen the option of orbital bombardment versus discussion. Do not insult the backbone of my people with your idea of luxury.”

The atmosphere changed, then. She could feel her Master in the Force and the general tone of the private conversation he held with the Empress filtered through their bond. There were no secrets between Master and Apprentice. At the same time, the Exarch felt her senses dim while the vision of a dark-haired man entered her. It moved, breathed, and in that split second, she saw someone she had never seen before.

The lover that Ingrid had lost on Dantooine.

Silver eyes seemed to grow distant from the delegation while the intrusion on her mind flared in an echoing breath. Firstly—She could see Adrian Terassi Vandiir. Two of him. One version was brazenly warning the Empress to let Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe go. To cut him from her rule like a cancer. The other was afraid. Far, far in the future. Another day. Another time. Trying to flee in a crystal cave system on Dantooine. Backing away from Runi Verin—Trying to push her away. It was dark. The Exarch could see the moment of his death and when her eyes snapped back toward the Empress she found the woman in tears. Blubbering. In actual, true, tears.


“You don’t have the luxury of emotion?”

The lazy words that drawled slowly from the ivory creature were pointed. The leader of the Eternal Empire had just claimed not to have the luxury of emotion when Srina had given none. She was not here to avenge her child. She was present to represent the will of her people. The Confederacy held her in willful bondage and she would serve until they required her no longer. Pale skin seemed almost translucent for a moment before she reached for Darth Metus Darth Metus to transmit what she had seen. To give him her vision in the form of a pure and gentle gift. Her touch to his arm was soft, delicate, and in direct contradiction to the punishing temperament she had displayed thus far.

The words that followed were definitive, sharp, as only broken glass could be.

“Let us hope that you can keep your word better than you can keep your personal feelings in check. At the very least, better than you kept your coward lover alive.”

A man who had perished, disreputably, while trying to run away.


The events of Dantooine were provided by AMCO and he gave me perms to bring him up.
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Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Wolfsbane | Ferrum Solis
TAG: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Srina Talon Srina Talon | John Locke John Locke | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Aura Vexx | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Gerwald was not usually one to cut in when others were speaking, but the revelation that came from @Frank Sterling’s telepathic response saddened the wolf. No one should have to live as a slave. In fact the Confederacy charter granted freedom to all its citizens, and the agreement which the two nations had just reached implied all slaves would be set free. Perhaps there would be those who would consider this issue with the mercenary to be a loophole. Gerwald would put an end to it.

< “Perhaps today’s accords can change that,” > Gerwald replied to the tank of a man Frank Sterling Frank Sterling

They needed to address this issue as well. Gerwald did not have the authority to simply pay the man’s debt, or even demand it be discharged. There were others at the table who could make such a demand, and one who would do so without hesitation.

Gerwald allowed his thoughts to slip into the mind of the winter haired Exarch. He could feel the anger coming from the woman. There was plenty of emotion in the room whether those feelings were driving this meeting or not. Logic was still winning out in certain regards, and where it mattered it seemed the echani showed restraint, even if she did not want to.

< “Their soldier, the big mechanical one. He just informed me that they essentially own him after piecing him back together after Dantooine. An indentured servitude of some kind. No one should be owned for such a thing, not when we would have done this for him so readily without any expectation that he repay us with service for it.” >

Was there something they could do? Had Gerwald asked a question? He had not, but the lupine was more than certain that Srina would have a solution to the problem this particular situation posed.

Ingrid answered his comment about the silver platter. Perhaps Gerwald had understood her earlier, one reason he thought he was ill suited for diplomacy. The wolf truly was simple. He did not always understand the nuance of language, nor did he twist words in the ways that others could. Gerwald spoke plainly, and it was often he learned that he needed to speak less and listen more. Folding his arms, Gerwald leaned back observing the rest as they would speak. Unless spoken to, he no longer had anything to say at this point as they rest of the details would be negotiated by the others.

And so the Vicelord could see.

His words had cut the woman deep - like a spear of midnight black through the chest. Impaled. Ripped. The mere utterings of his tongue brought tears dripping from the Empress' pallid features. This was a stark contrast to the absence of emotion which had ruled her previously. The same absence that she had accused his apprentice of lacking. Whilst he watched the response to his own words - his demand for her to eliminate all affections for Wolfe and to replace it with loyalty to him, Srina worked in her own way. She obtained clarity. She saw that which the Empress wept over. With but the gentlest of touches - the man's sulfuric gaze was made clear.

His lips curved into a small smile - and once more his words were uttered in the tongue of Nelvaan. He would not echo what was already uttered by his Apprentice. He would not repeat, for Ingrid had given the word of the Eternal Empire now. But he would speak on the true reality. On how things were and are.

< I do not ask you to turn your heart away from the Eternal Empire. You are its Empress. You are its heart and soul. Keep your loyalties to the people and to those who follow you. But.

You remain loyal to the enemy of the South. You remain loyal to my enemy. You cling to his memory as a babe does its mother's breast. I ask again - forswear that he is now your enemy. Rip the love and adoration you have for Darth Tacitus out of your chest. And not only will you find forgiveness. You will find a reward.

For those who are loyal to me, they will find many great things. Yours? A simple truth: I can undo the work of my child.

Your husband - in exchange for your heart. Forswear.

With thus said, he simply flexed the fingers of his outstretched hand. He would not make his offer thrice.

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Riflor, Neutral Space
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
CIS: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Srina Talon Srina Talon | John Locke John Locke | Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb
EE: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Aura Vexx | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling
[ How can I… ]

Ingrid was slowly able to re-control her emotions, it was still very painful, but her tears slowly faded and stopped. Here it was now necessary to deliberately suppress her emotions, the instinctive method was few. Adrian's death left a wound that will probably never go away, will never heal. She will never forget the Sith Lord and will never give up on finding a way to bring him back.

If she had been as evil and cruel as Srina Talon Srina Talon , she would have now stated that, unlike Srina, she has at least two children, and one of them from Adrian. But no, she did not sink into depths like the Exarch. She was better than the woman, she tried not letting emotions drive her, Ingrid was not engulfed in hatred and anger. Actually she never felt these emotions, just if she stole it from others, but it was only a cheap trick. She was not a Sith, and she will never, will never let the Force play with her.

She looked at the woman with a faint and now emotionless look. There wasn't really anything that would have hurt Ingrid any further, the red-haired woman was essentially dead on the inside. She nearly died with Adrian; most of her soul did, and died with the man she loved.

"If you enjoy this Exarch, just keep going. I will not going offend you, if you are waiting for me to insult you, your unborn child, the CIS, we will be sitting here forever. I'm not going to do it, but if you continue, do it, I won't leave the room, and I'll listen you all along."

Her voice was still cold, emotionless, but also tired. She never understood why people let these feelings consume them, the dark side. She was simply different. She then turned her attention back to Darth Metus. She wishes it was as simple as the man thought, but it wasn’t.

<"I wish it was that easy. Part of the army who served him, who were still on his side even before Nelvaan, consider him as a god. Most of the army and fleet are already loyal only to me, but there are many who still consider him a god. If I refuse and label him a traitor, I will split the Eternal Empire in two. Yes, he built a personal cult or let it be created, I don’t follow that. I changed a lot of things precisely because of Adrian so that I wouldn’t be like my former master so I wouldn’t go his way, but my own. I was always his conscience, I tried to be…">

These words were still very difficult, especially since for the woman the Empire was the first, she did not want internal conflict.

<"But I can promise what I promised Adrian after his death that I will not follow his path, I will not make his mistakes. I will tread my own path… For me, the Empire is the first, I promise that if he ever comes back and does anything against the Eternal Empire, he will ever endanger citizens, the Empire's army, our allies, our friends, the state, I will be forced to treat him as an enemy of the Empire and I will have a duty to kill him to protect the Empire.">

She had swore for this to herself a long time ago, but she had never said it out loud, until now. Anyone who knew her or knew things about Ingrid knew that to utter these words was very difficult for her. Adrian's hallucination smiled proudly at her, but Ingrid felt very bad about it.

<"I’m sorry, but I can’t offer more than that, not even for Adrian…">




CIS: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde
EE: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Aura Aura Vexx | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Dressed in: Black
Items: Holding Aces | Ring of Aspiration | Mother's Wrath | Mudarra | Scarlet Vow

This was the reason Srina oft identified with the Sith.

Pain that breached the surface and sat on display for all to see was a weakness that the leader of an Empire could ill-afford to have. It was a weapon to be used. The emotions of the Empress fluctuated up and down so quickly that Srina suspected some sort of chemical imbalance. That was neither here nor there. If she wanted to drive her country into the ground by pledging fealty to an absentee, murdering, failed leader? Who were they stop her?

Let them go—Let the past, let the inept, die.

“You listen, obviously, but you hear very little. There is one reason and one reason only you are currently seated on a throne. Because the deaths and resources of MY PEOPLE put you there. You keep bringing up children, loss, and pain but you’ve brought all of it on yourself. The only truly evil thing is when supposedly good people stand by and do nothing.”

“You, Empress, have done exactly that.”

The red-haired woman saw what she wanted to see. She seemed to think that the glacier words that the pale-skinned Echani spoke were born of the Dark Side. Perhaps, were born of anger. There was nothing within the winsome creature that still held to Darth Metus Darth Metus but strikingly blunt pragmatism. She did not mince words, nor, did she lie. To comfort Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim in any way would have simply promoted the same behavior that brought her to this point. “Actions have consequences. You would do well not to forget that.”

Srina leaned back in the high-backed chair once more and tapped her finger once on the arm of the Vicelord. She knew of the silent conversation that was traded between the Empress and her Master but it was entirely unnecessary for her to comment on it. The seemingly erratic woman across the table was concerned that her Empire would split in two without the memory of Darth Tacitus, however, that meant that she was also willing to let atrocities stand. It was not a guess.

It was not supposition. It was NOT propaganda.

It was fact.

And the Empress refused to see. Not for the sake of peace with the Confederacy and certainly not for the welfare of their people. The message from Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner told Srina even more about the flame-haired royal that sat before them. She liked the throne. She liked power. Why else would she be flaunting an “indentured servant” in front of a nation that despised slavery? It was either a gross oversight or a gamble for supremacy. A way to push their hand without lifting a finger.

“You’ve accepted our terms. You are aware of what will come to pass should you go back on your word or fail to keep it as your predecessor did in the past. We are done, here.”

Srina pushed away from the table and stood up. Though, silver eyes fell to Frank Sterling Frank Sterling .

“This man will also be coming with us as we depart. He will be allowed to collect any assets that may linger in your space and conclude any business he sees fit. From that point, should he choose to leave, he will do so. A free man with no burdens or ties to your Empire unless he considers them thus. He is still registered as a Confederate Citizen. I will assume that I am understood, Empress, and we will trouble you no longer.”

The white-haired woman inclined her head, once, before pulling away from the meeting entirely. The Minister of Influence had the signed document. They had their prisoner of war.

Unless orbital bombardment was on the table?

The deed was done.
Frank was silent for a long moment After Srina said her piece. How long has it been? 8 years now since he had been back within the CIS? Frank by this was a mercenary, a killer for hire running a company of equally skilled killers, bodyguards, spies and soldiers for hire. Could they really want him back? Would they want him back, Hell up until now everyone kind have just assumed he was a traitor who willingly left the CIS. It wasn't until He told them telepathically that that was far from the truth did they really know what he's been through. Frank knew deep down despite everything that had happened he made alot of friends and close bonds with those here in the EE.

Frank Silently stood up and pushed in his seat quietly at the conference table before making his turn to leave and handling his business before heading back to EE he Stopped by the empress and laid a hand on her shoulder. His head slightly tilted low as he spoke to her telepathically.

<I'm not great with goodbyes Ingrid, But i want you to know These last 8 years working with your people were some of the best for me to remember Thank you I’ll take my leave with hades corp...Life is full of farewells Princess, but they make a path that lead us home. Ill try to visit every now and then. Stay strong if not for them then for me.>

Taking his hand off her soldier he made his way out of the room to handle his business over closed comms with hades corps and their assets and crews. Informing them of a majority of hades corps to be switching hq locations to inside CIS space. However he would give the Elysium HQ and its assets weapons equipment and ways to make them to The lady of blood ensuring her to run hades corp in EE space while hes absent.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Riflor, Neutral Space
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
CIS: Srina Talon Srina Talon
EE: Frank Sterling Frank Sterling
[ How can I… ]

"If you think I want this, or I'll not give up the throne when I find someone who is better than me… you’re a fool! None of this played a role in why I'm here today. The CIS had nothing to do with this. You overestimate your and the CIS' role." she did not think at all that it had happened as Srina had said; the woman did not even aspire to this position, it all happened because of Tacitus, she was only a tool.

Ingrid, if she could feel hate for something, she would have hated power, ruling. She still felt it was a stranger and never thought of herself as a ruler. For her, it was really only a duty until Tacitus will return somehow or she really finds someone so she can give the throne to them. She was most looking forward to this day. But in the meantime, she served and cared for her people as expected of her. After all, she was born at a time to be a tool, it was necessary for her clan to survive. After the last demand, she looked at Frank for a moment, then back at Srina.

"He is a free man, ever since I rescued him from Hades Corp when I found out what they’re done to him, that’s exactly why Mr. Sterling is going where he wants. He can refuse your request, his decision is whether to go with you or not. But note it, Exarch. If I ever find out that, if someone ever gets into a situation in a CIS-centric company like what happened to him… the CIS will burn. I will destroy you because you will allow someone to be enslaved and the entire Galaxy will know you're a slave-holding state behind the scenes. I hope you understood this, Exarch Talon!" she said in a colder voice than the coldest night in Kalidan, and her voice was completely emotionless.

The woman could not choose instead of the man. But the man seemed to want to go. She trembled imperceptibly at his touch, she still didn’t like if someone touched her without her permission. Not to mention that Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber 's actions were too fresh in her memories. As he said goodbye, she sensed something else this time. The man was in love.

~ You can come back anytime, you are still a citizen of the Eternal Empire, Mr. Sterling, whatever the CIS says. I will do my best to bring you home! Because of these, I do not say goodbye, this is not a final farewell. Take care of yourself! ~ she promised.


Frank looked between the two and his whole situation might bring a issue <oh crap> frank thought to himself. He then sight "screw it, Ingrid for your protection Im going to suggest you apoligise to Srina before a war breaks out between your people and the CIS as to clarify a few things for you. One Im not under any circomstances A slave nor are the CIS slavers. Second you are really in no poistion to make threats all things considered and three Were i apreaciate you for what you have done for me when I was in captivity Before this whole ordeal Hades corp is not tied with the CIS and lets be for lack of a better term frank, that if CIS or EE knew of half the shit Hades corp has done or experimented on there would probably be a lawsuit of galactic proportions. please dont make this harder than it has to be, dont throw away all the work you just made in this diplomacy over me leaving alright I cant belive I have to be the one to tell you this as im sure with my record when on CIS payroll speaks for itself of how often i fly off the handle."

Frank unhooked his helmet and sat it down on the confrence tablebefore crouching down at eye level. "Dont throw your and your peoples life away Ingrid Srina is being as kind as she is right now. and after saying you listen but you dont hear anything look what you just did I understand your upset but your letting your emotions cloud your judgent so If your people mean anything to you you need to apoligise for what you just threatened."

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