Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Iron Cage | Occupation of Orinackra | NIO

// FOCUS //: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Avernus Avernus

"Director seems Mister Sunreva may want to hear this." Aboard the bridge of his Lucrehulk, Tambor's amber beady eyes turned to the helmsman before a holofeed was brought forward on a GatSlab to Tambor. Ah yes, the (Eurobeat), (Eurobeat) was markedly one of Avernu's favorite genres of music. The fact that it was now seemingly blaring in Aerarii Tithe's compound was all he might ever need to know of whether or not to gauge his Sith counterpart's presence here. Though the T.U.R.B.O LOVER's signature was yet to be seen entering the system.

Curious, but alas nothing slowed the advance of the Mandalorian strike team.

"It seems they've entered the main tower, Director." The Duro helmsman sounded off once more.

"So it has...I assume we've secured clearance codes for the Imperial blockade?" Tambor inquired.

"We have."

"Prepare a shuttle then...must be sure our Mandalorian friends don't harm the Moff."
Gat said, and off he went.

Location: Governor’s Residence, Orinackra
Objective: II - Operation: Gold Bloom
Kit: Skystas Rieve iv Tave Daboti Dvasi | Vokti Mekn iv Siarbras Naudot | Sith-Imperial Military Uniform
Assets: TSE
Liabilities: Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett | Ra Vizsla Ra Vizsla | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Avernus Avernus | NIO
Post: III

Without warning, strange music began blaring from Tithe’s tactical holo.

The high tempo beat, electronic clashes and repetitive lyrics flooded his office. Tithe cringed as he tried unsuccessfully to stop the cacophony. The aural assault could not have been any further from the Moff’s preferred genre of jizz music. He knew only one being with the skill to hack his residence and the gall to play such music.


The bureaucrat paused for a moment. This development was unexpected - he hadn’t heard from his former colleague since the Battle of Mygeeto, and had heard rumours of his demise. But while unexpected, Avernus’ arrival was not necessarily a bad thing. Despite being on opposite sides of the war both cared about one thing above all else - credits. People were surprisingly flexible in their beliefs and convictions when it came to credits.

Tithe finally managed to stop to hideous music and returned to his chair. The tactical holo continued to update with faint pings as contact with his Legionnaire protectors was lost. A louder ping heralded the launch for a shuttle, which the system identified as belonging to the Tyrant of Trade himself, Gat Tambor.

So far, so good. All of the pieces were coming together.

The governor of Sector Group II - well, what little remained of it - took another sip from his wine. He could faintly hear sounds beyond his office door as the enemy closed in. Saving them the hassle, he touched a control panel on his desk and opened the door.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen, please, please come in,” he said. Normally he would rise from his desk to greet visitors, but given the circumstances, sudden movements would not be a good idea. He instead elected to keep his hands open and visible in a sign of goodwill. His electrohammer sat inert on a display shelf on the far side of the office.

“There’s, ah, no need for your blasters,” he added. “I surrender without restraint or duress.”

He nodded to a small token sitting in the middle of his desk. He had carried the small electrum-plated credit chit with him for some time, waiting for the opportune moment to use it. The object was otherwise mundane, save for a Trade Federation crest engraved in the centre.

“Now, if you would be so kind as to summon Mr Tambor. Before your bounty can be paid we have, ah, a small business arrangement to transact.”

Stilicho Drumarch

// Death Knell Actual //
// Operation: Iron Cage //
// Focus: Grigory Tallis Grigory Tallis Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen //

Fire consumed the prison, lighting up the dark and cold night. Even the sheets of rain couldn't extinguish the burning rhydonium that Major Tallis relentlessly lobbed into the prison walls. Salvor watched as his men were thrown aside by the blasts or engaged in combat with the more violent inmates. Salvor made his final approach to the nearest cell block. The door was sealed for obvious reasons, yet an angered man in a prison jumpsuit beat at it's control panel with a metal pipe. Salvor looked down the barrel of his rifle and fired a single warning shot placed to left of the man.

"Move!" Sal yelled as the man jumped away from the door in shock. Without another word to the man he pulled his thermal detonator from his belt and lobbed it at the base of the door. It's signature beeping was drowned out by the fighting around them, but the man was smart enough to know that if he didn't run now he'd be caught in the grenade's blast. The weapon detonated against the door, twisting metal upwards and back leaving a mangled hole in the bottom of the door, begin enough that Salvor could crouch through.

"Squad, on me!" He called over the commlink to his troops, then switched the line to the major. "Death Knell Actual to Major Tallis, we are entering Cell Block E, watch your fire."

Cell Block E of the detention center had so far avoided being totally obliterated by the artillery or ransacked by the prison riot. The prisoners that hadn't up and left when the Empire withdrew seemed to be those who were too weak. What caught Salvor's attention was a man kneeling in his cell looking as healthy as a prisoner in a hole like this could. Sal approached the man deactivated the cell.

"You're little red for legionnaires. Who the hell are you?"

"Friends of the New Order, here to rescue guys like you. Why aren't you fighting?" the man looked at him with confusion,

"What is the New Order? I apologize but I've been in here a long time."

Salvor, equally confused, turned to his squad.

"Shit, he's not one of ours. Ok move out." Sal directed his soldiers to move further down the hall.

"If you want out you better go now before this whole place is burnt down."

Without further distraction Sal made his way down through the cell block, this time hoping to find at least a few captured soldiers...


// FOCUS //:
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Amon Vizsla | Ra Vizsla Ra Vizsla | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Alejandro Chadian


"I surrender."

It was all Ra needed to hear, stepping off the lift and following the other Sons of Mandalore. The bulky crimson armor of the Son moved into the office where they prey lay, with Ra moving behind the man to secure the room. He motioned to the security detail of the Moff to lay down their weapons, as it seemed the ambush had worked and these folk were hopelessly outgunned by the Sons and the expeditionary forces that had accompanied them.

Then some weird music played as Ra collected the weapons, attaching a thermite ring to each weapon, rendering them useless.

Ra then looked to Trajan Fett Trajan Fett and nodded, then back at the other Sons, including Amon Vizsla. Then back to their prey.

"No tricks."
They didn't want to harm him. Nor his security detail. No further blood needed to be shed - they had their orders, and their now had their mission's success. It was time to move the objective out to the shuttle and back to Imperial High Command.

// Death Knell //
// Operation: Iron Cage //

DK-03 was naked.

Well, sort of.

He had his helmet on, and his tidy whities. And he was painted in some sort of foul smelling brown paste.

His body, contorted, diseased, as if it had suffered a thousand surgeries was now exposed to the cell's inmates. It seemed that he had now fully engrossed himself into the prison riot, sprinting past @Salvor Thull and slapping the thermal detonator the man threw out of the air. It would land in an innocent man's hands, as he looked down and was instantly cratered by the resulting explosion.

An explosion that would go on to propel the mostly naked DK-03 into the air, sprawling, screaming "B-B-B-BUH BYE NOW" as he sailed screaming into the ceiling of the prison, expecting to erupt through the duracrete enclosure and out towards freedom.

Except he didn't.

His body flattened against the ceiling with such force that it created a loud suctioning splat noise and the Darktrooper himself let out an involuntary "WEHHH" as the air was forced through his lungs.

Defying gravity, his body stuck to the ceiling for a long while.

Seydou of Thyrsus

// ANOOBA //
// TAGS // Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Trajan Fett Trajan Fett Ra Vizsla Ra Vizsla Redmond Geller Redmond Geller

Six-Six and Amon Vizsla had punched through the front entrance, killed a dozen, wounded a few and ended up at the top of the grotesque tower only to see an office in complete contrast with the brutalist architecture outside. The most non-Sith office in which resided the least Sith-looking Sith. Of course, every aruetii was eccentric to a Mandalorian but their target today quite did not fit the Sith stereotype.

And that's what probably made him this much valuable.

They had arrived after Trajan and Ra. There seemed to be some conversation going on from which Amon understood the high-value target had surrendered.

Usually the Sith fought screeching to their last breath.

Odd one this one.

Amon remained silent.
// e s c a p e //

"If you want out you better go now before this whole place is burnt down."

Out. What even was out at this point. He lost track of the ages he had spent in that cell. Out was a foreign concept to him, but the other inmates had grasped it well enough. He figured there was hope in that. As the red soldiers marched away from his cell leaving it open, he slowly peered out. This was the first time in years he was leaving the horrid chamber without handcuffs and a guard.

Had this 'New Order' not freed him he was ready to accept his fate. If the place came crashing down he would receive the sweet release of death. If the the Sith came back before that he wouldn't be executed for rioting. So he had opted to stay in his cell. His four walls that he called a depressing home. He was almost reluctant to walk out of the torched doors that led into the courtyard. Fresh air was a luxury in this place that he had rarely been afforded. Unfortunately the air outside was choked with thick chemical smoke.

Leaving behind nothing but stones and bad memories, Hans stepped out into the chaos. Rain touched his skin for the first time since he had been taken from Raxus. He began to sprint towards the gates avoiding any and all fighting he could. His stride was broken before long, as a guard grabbed his wrist and began to wrestle him under control. Hans turned as quickly as the man had grabbed him and with his free arm punched the guard.

He recoiled his hand in pain as his bare knuckles connected with an armoured helmet. As the guard also reeled, Hans grabbed the barrel of his gun and pushed the stock into the man's abdomen, then yanked the gun free from the guard's grip. Turning it on it's former owner, Hans unloaded the entire clip into the man, painting his entire torso with wild and frenzied shots.

Hans was paralyzed by the fact that he had just killed a man. All his years he had wanted to kill the sick Sith bastards that had taken his home and thrown him in here to rot, but finally doing so was less glorious than he envisioned. He was wet, tired, and overcome by more feelings than he could process. He dropped the gun at the dead guard's feet and continued to run. He would run now until he found the New Order, and then he would thank them for his freedom...
Prison Break
As Anton crashed forward into the first guard and took him out, Gordon slowly limped forward. He may not have been able to brawl anyone properly, but he did create a few makeshift weapons that were embedded in his one stub for an arm. The remaining sentry looked at Gordon's slow, crawling pace and a wave of smug overbearingness flooded over any sensations of pain from his previous encounter with the Stormtrooper Captain.

"I'm so glad to see you again Inmate 9821. I so enjoyed our times together and it broke my heart that I couldn't crush your brain with my own hands before I was reassigned."

The sentry began cackling as he menacingly waved the shiv in the air before he casually walked forward to pick up the baton, to enact the brutal beatings he had relished once again. As he bent before the Stormtrooper's unconscious body, Gordon taxed his right leg's servomotors to the extreme and lunged forward, crackling loudly as support structures snapped and servomotors burst. The sentry looked up in alarm, as Gordon's arm crackled with electricity and jammed itself into the man's exposed armpit, sending high voltage waves to pulsate through his body.

The man let out a gutturally horrifying scream as a rancid smell of burning human flesh pungently filled the room. As the man fell with Gordon on top of him, he leaned in and screamed horrifically in binary, at an ear piercing decibel right into the sentry's ear.


Pulling his arm out of the man's armpit, ripping out smoldering blackened pieces of skin and blood, he grabbed the fallen shiv and stabbed the sentry in his throat, hot blood gushing out as it sprayed across Gordon's face, seeping into his exposed skull. The sentry flailed and slammed his arms into Gordon's metallic frame to little effect, as his strength quickly faded.

Dragging himself to the fallen baton, he picked it up and dragged himself to the Stormtrooper, shaking him awake.


The Prison Gang:
Anton Cassel

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