Iron Giant
CybeResu Heroine
Image Credit: Render Creators
Affiliation: Kathol Outback
Manufacturer: InterGalactic Solutions
Model: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer (Modified)
Modularity: Yes (Already Modified)
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Terenthium/Desh
Classification: Assault Star Destroyer
Role: Heavy Destroyer
Height: 574m
Width: 833m
Length: 1300m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Two Solar Ionization Reactors
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1, Backup 10
Minimum Crew: 63 CybeResu (Originally: 6,340 human(oid)s. Specialized Navigational and Targeting Systems utilize technology that greatly reduces the need for larger crew by approximately 99%, a necessary need given the size of the occupants)
Optimal Crew: 350 CybeResu
- Twenty Long Range Heavy Turbo-Lasers (Originally Twenty-Five)
- Twenty-Five Long Range Heavy Ion Cannons (Originally Thirty-Five)
- Forty-Five Heavy Quad Turbo-Lasers (Originally Fifty-Five)
- Thirty Heavy Turbo-Lasers (Originally Thirty-Five)
- Thirty Energy Torpedo Launchers (Originally Forty)
- Forty Concussion Missile Launchers (Originally Forty-Five)
- Fifty Quad Laser Cannon Turrets
- Twenty-five Flak Cannons
- (Total: 45 guns removed for re-purposed space)
- Advanced Redundant Deflector Shield Generator
- Reinforced Hull
Non-Combative Attachments:
- Encryption Network
- Escape Pods
- Holonet Transceiver
- Long-Range Communications Array
- The Standard Detention Cells were re-purposed into Live Food Storage (aquarium hatcheries intended for consumption)
- The Standard Life Support Systems were traded out for, Resu-specific Life Support Systems
- The Standard Navigational systems were totally replaced by a more advanced Navigational system characterized by Liquid Metal Hydrogen connection to Resu Navigator via Biolux Series Organoform Circuitry, with assistance from Calor Series Biocomputers
- The old Standard Targeting Systems were removed entirely, as the Advanced Navitional Systems installed into the ship double as an Advanced Targeting System as well.
- Standard Sensor Array
- Tractor Beam (x12)
Cargo Capacity: 30,000 tons
Consumables: Six Years (doubled from three years, with aquariums which replenish consumed prey through specialized hatcheries)
- 30 Fighters
- 6 Bombers
- 6 Gunships
- 12 Dropships
Special Features:
- Utilizes Liquid Metal Hydrogen Technology, which interfaces with Biolux series Organform Circuitry and Calor series Biocomputers for extremely fast (extremely exotic) computer processing, resistant to ionic, and E.M.P. blasts in addition to Cyber-warfare protection. Allowing a single Resu Navigator to directly interface and intuitively control hundreds of Starship subsystems simultaneously.
Armament Rating: 16
Defense Rating: 16
Speed Rating: 16
Maneuverability Rating: 16
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0, Backup 10.0
- Protection in Triplicate - With its reinforced hull plating, and double redundant deflector shields, the amount of damage this ship could potentially absorb is massive.
- Ionic, E.M.P., and Cyber-warfare Resistance - Due to the nature of the reworked circuitry involving Liquid Metal Hydrogen Technology from the Resu, interfacing with Biolux Series Organoform Circuitry and Calor Series Biocomputers, resistance to Ion, E.M.P., and Cyber-warfare are all but accounted for. Attempting to disable or disorientate this ship through any other means than physically destroying essential components in battle is going to be very difficult for the enemy.
- Processing Powerhouse - Thanks to the superconductive nature of the Liquid Metal Hydrogen Technology, all mental commands from a Resu Navigator travel through the ship approximately at the speed of light through hydrogen. This means that the reaction time between the pilots of the ship, and the ship conducting that command is nearly instantaneous compared to standard navigational or targeting systems.
- Exotic - From the life support, food storage situation, and the components which make up its information and computing network, there is little in the way that is standard on this ship now that it has been modified by the Resu. Because of this, its maintenance costs have sky rocketed in order to ensure their technology is working properly with the foreign ship design, as well that their organic components are well adjusted. If a "circuit" blows out on this ship, it becomes a tenuous, arduous, long, and complicated process of repairing whatever went wrong, if the "repairman" can even find what is wrong.
- Directed Radiation - In addition to being exotic, many of the circuitry are actually alive. Meaning that high doses of weaponized radiation can really damage the ship's ability to react. This is true, even with the increased radiation protection from a water atmosphere reducing radiation damage, as the Biolux Organo Circuits that branch away from the center are kept in separate environments from that of its occupant, making it vulnerable.
- Halved Hangars - In order to make room for the exotic components on the ship, as well as general living space, and compartments for food storage... much of the hangars were sacrificed. This means the Iron Mother is only half as good as its original design.
- Dulled Teeth - In order to make room for the exotic components on the ship, as well as general living space, and compartments for food storage... a number of the guns originally found on a Wyyrlok have been removed (and salvaged for other purposes in the Outback). This means that while still formidable, the Iron Mother is not as effective as it's fore-bearer, and about as effective as its sister ship, the Iron Blade.
Description: Originally the Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer was designed to fit a need that the One Sith previously had for an easy to produce ship with enough firepower to take on most enemy ships in existence.
This particular ship was designed and created by the Oorooroo hive of the Killiks, as all the Wyyrlok Star Destroyer's were. A deal was brokered between the Hive and a Hand of the Dark Lord, Darth Mierin, in order for the Killiks to design and create an easy to construct ship that the One Sith could easily replicate and field in the galaxy at large. The Killiks, greatly wanting to join their Hive with the power of the One Sith quickly complied with this request. They moved with the utmost urgency, sending their massive Nest Ship to the Shipyards of Copero where the One Sith's most secretive projects were undertaken.
The Design of the Wyyrlok could be considered to be somewhat alien (very fitting for this particular ships occupants). Instead of the harsh angled lines of most Star Destroyers, the Wyyrlok instead is smooth and rounded. The ship itself seems to almost be alive and organic. This is mostly due to the design influences of the Killiks making the ship appear far more “smooth”.
Aside from this more aesthetically pleasing design, the Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer was designed to be nothing more than a fast-to-build, fast-to-fight, and extremely effective Star Destroyer. The Ship was armed with a suite of weapons, both heavy and long range, the hangar was filled with fighters for protection, and dropships for assault. The Wyyrlok was designed to fill the roll of an Assault Ship, sitting next to its more heavily armed cousin the Dark Blade Class Dreadnought in order to create fire support, and assistance, relying on the Dark Blade to do most of the damage while the Wyyrlock itself soaked up most of the hits.
Due to this role, the Wyyrlok was designed for taking hits. Its hull is reinforced, it has redundant shield, its bridge is hidden within the ship itself, and all around its vital systems are hidden beneath alcoves of thick hull and metal. In fact the prow of the Ship is actually mostly empty. Its front is nothing but plate after plate of lightweight terenthium and desh alloy. This feature is designed to counter Hypervelocity Cannons, which had become so prevalent in the galaxy during that time period. Along with the slanted nature of the prow of the ship, the "stacked" armor, so to speak, is far more difficult to penetrate.
Along with these features, the Wyyrlock was also incredibly easy to repair. Its systems were designed by the Killiks to be easily replaceable and form fitting, with each system on the ship identical to its sister ship. This means that scavenging one part of the ship for another is incredibly easy. Beyond those features, the Wyyrlok was nothing truly special, never outclassing or outgunning many ships of its size, and was comparable to matching Star Destroyers of other factions.
That distinction of "special" for at least one Wyyrlok though, was very much the once it was captured by Iron Giant and her CybeResu, assisted by the efforts of [member="HK-36"] and @Kimiko. Its easily repairable nature and internalized design made the modification of the ship into a dedicated mobile home for the Resu, in a very similar but more specialized role as the "Iron Blade" (also captured and modified by Iron Giant and her CybeResu) a little easier than its Dark Blade counterpart.
Almost identically to the process undertaken to transform the Dark Blade all available empty space was assessed on how it could be utilized to build the ships technological arteries, create a suitable Resu living environment, and how to increase living space. Its narrow halls and corridors widened to fit its new occupants, hangar space sacrificed to make space, entire sectors of the ship shifted and redesigned to provide sufficient comfortable space for these aquatic denizens. Whole wards are filled with the exotic fish of its homeworld, outfitted with hatcheries with the specialized task of keeping its food breeding. The entirety of the ship is filled with water, and special filtration units that distill it with hydrogen. Deep within the ship along the revised corridors of this Wyyrlok, runs a kind of blood, which makes all ships piloted by the Resu, unique.
The unique circuitry of the entire retrofitted ship, leads to the safely nestled command bridge, turned into a large scale Resu Navigators Suite. These cybernetic aliens become directly connected to all of the ships systems, as if these systems were a direct extension of the various pilots. A single pilot could now replace several hundred humanoid crew members.
Just as the Wyyrlok had be created to assist and support their Dark Blade cousins, so too would the Iron Mother assist and support the Iron Blade as it protects the mothership, except now both would fight to assist refugees... rather than to create them.
This ship should adhere to the new restrictions placed upon this class of ship post-Omega Event, whereby it would be no longer available icly or oocly in any manner unless acquisitioned by Intergalactic Solutions directly. Permission was given previously for members of the Kathol Outback to hijack and to own this class of ship as well as others prior to that ruling, as part of a faction event campaign.
Development Thread:
- Of Razer's and Wyyrlok's! - Thread started prior to current Wyyrlok restrictions, and part of a Kathol Outback Event that allowed them to hijack these ships with the owners permission. 23 posts.
Who Can Use This: The Kathol Outback, Iron Giant, Resu Characters, etc.
Primary Source: