Jaxton Ravos
Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
What Is Kathol Technical Academy?
Kathol Technical Academy is the leading University of biology, engineering sciences, and exploration in the Kathol Outback. Housed not on a single world but instead a nearly 1 kilometer long Cruiser students are encouraged not only to learn with a diverse set up students and ideals, but also study in a range of differing planets and environments. A respected and accredited university, Kathol Tech is rated one of the best in the Outer Rim.
Is Kathol Technical Academy Right For Me?
While some of the Core World Universities may boast the best academics in the Galaxy, KTA offers an experience like no other. The Academy itself travels the Kathol Outback, a wild and unique portion of space that is largely un-integrated from the galactic scene as a whole. Students will have a chance to see many cultures in a variety of technological levels, and see first hand the impact an explorer, engineer, or doctor can have on a new planet ecologically, economically, and socially.
Does Kathol Tech offer Financial Aid?
While The Kathol Outback is a new and budding government Kathol Tech makes every opportunity to help its students financially through it's work-study program. Students can serve on the ship in a variety of roles in return for partial or full tuition depending on qualifications. With the Officers and Professors of the ship working hand in hand they understand your needs, and can help you balance your school and workloads to ensure a balanced life. With the student taking on more responsibilities as they go farther down their degree-path our work-study programs shows potential employers that you are more than just a degree, and gives you a leg up on the competition.
I’m a Transfer Student, is Kathol Tech right for me?
Kathol Tech is happy to accept transfer credits from other universities, and help you get on the path you need to graduation.
Is Kathol Outback Citizenship Required?
The Kathol Outback has students from a variety of places in the galaxy, and Kathol Outback Citizenship is not required. Due to the nature of the work-study program and the aid that Kathol Tech gives the Outback at large many intergalactic students feel called to be a part of the Kathol Outback, and often apply for citizenship while on board. This is in no way required, but the Kathol Outback has worked with Kathol Tech to ensure that every step of obtaining citizenship can be accomplished on university grounds, and worked around your academic schedule.
Is KTA Safe?
Some in the galaxy are concerned about the safety of Kathol Technical Academy due to it’s space-worthy nature. The truth is however, that Kathol Tech has never been in a combat situation. Even so, based on the MC70 Ackbar-Class Cruiser the KTA boasts redundant military-grade shielding and matrix armor plating. A comprehensive array of probes ensure that KTA knows when danger is coming and can make a hyperspace jump at a moment’s notice. The safety of our students is always our number one concern, and we have taken every precaution to ensure their well-being.
Life after Kathol Tech?
The work and degree programs of Kathol Technical Academy are highly respected throughout the galaxy, especially the Outer Rim. Our engineering students have had no problem entering careers with multi-trillion dollar companies such as Silk Holdings, Iron Crown Enterprise, and Arceneau Trade Company. Our Explorers are the leaders of their field, mapping the outer reaches of post-gulag space and reporting changes in culture and species. Our Pre-med program boasts a 90% acceptance rate into Medical programs across the galaxy. With Kathol Technical Academy the future is yours for the taking, you need only to enroll today.