10/10 best argument in the history of arguments.Dat1CanadianGuy said:I am practically disgusted some people think otherwise
Kylo Ren survived what was shown in the exact same movie to be what was basically a single-shot-kill weapon. We see a storm trooper, donned in full riot armor, get killed in a single shot by a bowcaster. Kylo isn't even wearing armor and gets shot near center mass and barely even acts like he is hurt.Tathra Khaeus said:But also, even wounded; Kylo should've still had the upper-and and won pretty handily.
No, you are providing me so many more quotes to prove that not only is the opinion you're voicing your dissent against is justified by your remarks here, but also that you're a massive hypocrite.Tathra Khaeus said:This opinion is the height of stupidity.
Hey, here we find this word again. Yes. Disney doesn't push alt-right values onto its audience. This doesn't mean they push an agenda, unless pushing an agenda means not creating propaganda for the political spectrum you're in favor of.Tathra Khaeus said:because Disney clearly pushes an agenda
I don't know if you realize this, but you're just contradicted yourself in your reasoning here. You praise two characters for doing exactly what the character you are saying is bad and poorly written for. Actually, scratch that, you've made it perfectly clear you know exactly what you're saying.Jor Kvall said:This is why most people find so-called "Gary Stus" like Luke tolerable and even likable, because they at least have a coherent character trajectory to go along with their immense power, making for a compelling underdog story that sees the viewer rooting for the protagonist to take their rightful place at the top. By contrast we have Rey who lacks this sort of action-based forward motion and instead keeps the charade of disinterest and feigned weakness going, and the whole thing just becomes tiresome after a while.
Yes, and so has Rey. Also, about your training bit, Anakin had no training before he did all of his feats in Episode 1, and barely had any before he did any of the stuff he did in episode 2 - in fact, he did more great feats than Rey did in 1 movie than she did in 2 and he was 10 years old, had no training (oh but he's the chosen one, so that excuses the absolutely worst writing in the history of cinema)Tathra Khaeus said:Anakin was shown to have prowess in his own right, so was Luke.
lol. Here we see a prime example of hypocrisy.Tathra Khaeus said:People hated it. The same way, people hate Rey for degrading the other Saber Wielding heroes of Star Wars.
Weird that you say that, since Anakin "degraded" Luke in what he did in Episode 1 (destroying the droid federation battleship, winning a pod racing match against aliens that literally are given traits in canon to make them more capable than humans at doing so, being the literal chosen one with the highest recorded midichlorian count in **all** of star wars history) to one-up Luke's feats in Episode 4 (destroying the death star via a mind-guided missile, and that's it). By comparison, Rey barely making it out of a duel with a guy that survived being shot by a weapon shown in the exact same movie as being fully capable of one-shot killing a fully grown man in armor designed to protect against blasters is hardly "degrading".Tathra Khaeus said:Its why people hate TLJ, cause a lot of its narrative amounts to little more than degradation for Skywalker to make Rey look like a hot shot.
Unless you just can't stand to see Rey one up either of them in anything. you know, because she's a girl.
I don't see how you don't say this and realize that calling Rey a Mary Sue and a bad character only means they are worse.Matsu Ike said:ten year old anakin wasn't really able to get anything bad he won the podrace and destroyed the droid ship which luke also did in the first movie introducing him.
Neat. You're going to casually ignore the reason why Rey got away in her duel with Kylo because it doesn't suit your narrative. That's pretty par for the course in this thread though.Adenn Kyramud said:The problem for many is that Rey beat Kylo so easily and was able to use the Force just like that. It's plausible if you say that Kylo was extremely exhausted from his prior fights and trauma not so long ago, but still stretching it. However, I'll ignore that for now
You're right, because if we actually compared powers of the force, Rey wouldn't even compare to Yoda in the original trilogy who had the least amount of impressive force feats in the entire saga after Rey.Kale Seleare said:The Power of the force has nothing to do why she is a Mary Sue at all.
Yes, and part of that internal consistency is that both Rey and Kylo are powerful. Unless you mean internal logic and consistency in genetics, which weirdly sounds rather eugenic. Also sounds very incorrect, considering genetics isn't how the force works.Tathra Khaeus said:That internal logic is what means there can be overpowered people, or powerful Sith or Jedi. That internal consistency is part of why Vader and the Emperor are beloved.
lol. no they didn't. Why don't you actually go watch episode 1 and episode 4 before you go spouting nonsense about training. The only training in the entire saga was Luke's rocky montage with Yoda.Tathra Khaeus said:Anakin was literally born by the force, and Luke is his son. They are kind of an exception to the rule, but even then both required training.
Name one single thing she did that they didn't. One single thing.Hrealga Nacht said:in TLJ, she's undergone some modicum of training, but did things neither luke nor anakin were capable of,
Anakin had zero on-screen training time. It was assumed he had training because he knew how to use a lightsaber in episode 2 and they (the movie/writers) told us. Similarly, Rey had on-screen training and off-screen training that was implied because she got better at using a lightsaber and the force.Tathra Khaeus said:Also what handwavium is in place for Anakin when he trained for well over a decade if not more by a full fledged Jedi Order, including three years of warfare and was beaten in his second movie and even lost his most important fight in his third film?
No, I'm not defending Rey as a well-written character. I'm saying that unless you are open to labeling both Luke and Anakin as poorly written for the same reasons you label Rey as such (or, in your case, not characters at all), then you have no argument at all because you are praising them for having the same qualities as her.Jor Kvall said:Arguments in defense of Rey are now boiling down to "but the prequels and some EU books had bad writing too!"
I don't think anyone is ignoring the (not) thought out arguments made prior. In fact, I've responded to all of them above just for you <3!Azarak Drek'ma said:Are you purposefully ignoring all the thought out arguments brought forth previous to the last page on purpose to make your argument have some validity?
Hi. I saw this and decided I would take the 6 minutes out of my day to quote every instance of where a writer (user on this forum) has decided they consider it a bad trait for Rey to be a Mary Sue while being perfectly okay (and in some cases, also quoted, happy) with Luke & Anakin being Gary Stus (A gary stu is the male version of a mary sue). By having this double standard one is, by definition, being sexist. I haven't been arguing that disliking Rey is something unique to sexist people, so I don't appreciate that everyone keeps misrepresenting the dissenting view as that, but I can assert that several people posting in this thread have made their political stance and societal views known to the public in the past, all of which are in favor of fixed gender roles and double standards (hypocritical) views on traits for each gender (i.e; being a Mary Sue as a negative while being a Gary Stu as a positive). So, in a very roundabout way, yes, I guess by your own arguments everyone who is arguing in defense of Anakin & Luke while treating Rey as a lesser character simply for being a Mary Sue (which she isn't, by the very definition of what a Mary Sue is as it was originally written).Azarak Drek'ma said:sexism towards Rey isn't a common occurrence
Anakin is a Gary Stu (Mary Sue) personified. He has every trait of this trope, including the trope of Chosen One.
Luke is only a Gary Stu if we're going to broaden the definition of Mary Sue to include Rey, as he has failed as many times as Rey has and succeeded more. (He also has more feats in proportion to his failures, too.)
Rey has less feats than either of the two, and more failures than both. Luke lost one duel. Anakin lost a hand once and was defeated by Obi-Wan only because the Original Trilogy already existed so he was required by plot to lose. Rey never actually won her first duel with Kylo, who somehow survived being shot with a bowcaster in the same movie we see a storm trooper wearing actual armor get killed and knocked flying through the air in a single shot, and didn't actually win her second duel either - she simply escaped.
So, sure, if we're going to call all 3 protagonists Mary Sue/Gary Stu, then Rey is a Mary Sue. And unless we're going to say Anakin and Luke are bad characters for that, then I'm not going to agree that being a Mary Sue even matters.