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Ishmael Verd, the Ravager

Ishmael Verd, the Ravager
"No matter how hard you fight, in the end you'll still Die."
  • Name: Ishmael Verd
  • Alias: Ravager
  • Faction: The New Order
  • Role: The Emperor's Apprentice
  • Force Rank: Apprentice
  • Force Alignment: Dark Side
  • Species: Human
  • Races: Kiffar, Umbaran
  • Genetic Age: 5
  • Physical Age: 18
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Orange
  • Skin Pigmentation: Brown
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Voice Sample: Crispin Freeman
  • Character Theme: Swimming Pools
  • + Mandalorian Heritage: As part of his covert training at the hands of the Dread Lord, Ishmael received an assortment of instruction in a wide variety of areas. Although he does not speak a word of Mando'a or abide by the Resol'nare, Ishmael strategizes and fights like a Mandalorian. His training revolved around tactics, weapon versatility, and how to efficiently bring about the swift demise of an enemy.
  • + The Path of Magick: Ishmael is amongst the rare percentage of Force wielders with the natural ability to learn Sith Magic. However, despite possessing this gift, he has yet to begin formal instruction in the arts.
  • - The Seeds of Madness: Due to being the clone of a powerful Sith Lord, Ishmael has begun to exhibit the symptoms of clone madness. While these are not permanently dehabilitiating at present, the do manifest in the form of spontaneous, "painful" influxes of the prime clone's memories. These influxes can easily bring Ishmael to his knees for minutes at a time and can manifest anytime or anywhere.
  • - Ocular Hypersensitivity: Due to the Umbaran genes of the prime clone, Ishmael has a pronounced sensitivity to sudden flashes of exceptionally bright light; such as those found within flashbang grenades. Upon exposure, there is a large possibility that Ishmael may enter a dehabilitating episode similar to an epileptic seizure. It is for this reason that Ishmael is rarely ever seen without a pair of glareshades, regardless of occasion or environment.
  • Terentatek Duster and Vest: Due to the Dread Lord's continual donning of his Mandalorian Armor, he elected to pass down the exceptionally rare duster he was gifted as a perk of his employment under Akure Executive Leatherworks. Having been fully instructed in its effective usage, the duster and vest grant Ishmael immunity from a very niche assortment of Alter-themed Force powers that impact the duster and vest. However, those areas not covered by the aforementioned garments are fully vulnerable.
  • Executive-class Formal Wear: Another garment that the Dread Lord passed down to his personal enforcer was the ensemble of formal wear that came through his position on the Confederacy's Executive Council. This garment offers mild resistance to lightsaber blows, but leaves the extremities vulnerable to the heat of a lightsaber.
  • The Bracers of Najus: Passed down from the Dread Lord, the Bracers of Najus bear the ability to marginally increase the wearer's Dark Side abilities when used against Light Siders. However, this augmentation does not occur when facing any other caste of opponent.
  • The Ring of Darth Moridin: One of the final gifts passed down from the Dread Lord is a ring that boasts the ability to absorb lightning projected by a Force wielder of equal or lesser rank than Ishmael. It can also fire a blast of lightning equivalent to the Force wielder rank that Ishmael is at present in addition to granting some degree of protection against lightning projected by a higher-ranked opponent.
  • The Nightingale: The final gift given by the Dread Lord to his personal enforcer was an Espada-class Stealth Transport dubbed the Nightingale. This ship is poised to serve as Ishmael's main, personal vessel.
  • Vitiate: Claimed during his final trial prior to earning his name, Vitiate was the personal saber of the Dread Lord. Curved hilt in form, it produces a crimson blade and boasts the ability to ignore the affects of Cortosis due to the Mestare crystal housed within it.


For the waking months of the clone's life, all that mattered was that small sequence. It was the only thing that set him, one of identical hundreds, apart from those who matched him completely. Day after day, the question why plagued his young mind. Why had he been created? Why did he have to train? Why was he constantly prodded and examined by the damned cloners? Yet, as time wore on, not a single question was answered. Instead, the pale masters who forced him to wield weapons each day insisted upon dangling Truth before his eyes as a prize. "Fight." they would say, "Become the best of your brethren and only then will we give you the answers you crave." Goaded on by their promise of Truth, 194X04 clawed through every challenge that was thrown his way. He grit through the spars, endured every trial, and excelled at every test that the Kaminoans could throw his way. For him, failure was not an option; not only because the promise of answers was within his grasp...but because demise was a certainty if he so much as faltered.

For those who were deemed "flawed" by the cloning masters were never seen nor heard from again.

After the waking months rolled into years of ceaseless "conditioning", the hundreds upon hundreds of clones were reduced to a handful of four. Then, as promised, the Truth was finally rewarded to them. They were but a replica of one far greater than the whole of them combined: a man known simply as the Dread Lord. His reason for creating them was to groom a flawless enforcer...a personal, living weapon...who could carry out his Will through the shedding of blood. As such, the selection process was designed to be beyond brutal and the weak or flawed were easily weeded out over the years. Now that only the four remained, it was time for the real tests to begin. In a rare twist, 194X04 was paired with one of his "brothers" and both were instructed to rely upon each other thenceforth. Their training and trials took a dramatic shift from individual survival to collaborative conditioning and emphasized building a strong bond between the two. During this time, 194X04 deluded himself into thinking that, perhaps the Dread Lord had fostered favor for the four survivors and sought to make them all into his Enforcers; for what other reason could he have for deliberately having them all forge bonds?

Yet, this delusion was wrong. Dead wrong.

For months, the bond between 194X04 and his brother grew immensely and over the course of that time, the two became inseparable. They, under the personal tutelage of the Dread Lord, trained according to the Mandalorian ways and became even stronger than ever before until, finally, the final test was at hand. Gathered together before their "father", the four were then issued a challenge that 194X04 was confident they would overcome. Together, they were to face the Dread Lord in full combat and attempt to defeat him. If they survived the encounter victorious, the four would be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams...yet if they failed, they would face the most severe of consequences. Although confident when the battle began, 194X04 soon realized that he and his brethren were but ants biting at the toes of a giant. Their best efforts, their combined strength...all was futile in the face of the Dread Lord's power. The battle claimed two of the four's lives and left 194X04 and his brother barely breathing.

And for their failure, the consequence was one that brought horror to their faces and devastation to their hearts. The Dread Lord plucked from his belt a lightsaber, Vitiate, and tossed it in the midst of the two brothers and ordered them to kill the other. Although 194X04 could not believe that one he had grown to rely so heavily upon was now his enemy, he did what he had to in order to survive. Without hesitation, he claimed the saber of the Dread Lord and put to and his one and only sibling; much to the approval of his "father". The Sith then explained the necessity in forging such a bond only to be decimated. Bonds, according to him, were but a liability when it came to obedience. He needed to be absolutely certain that his personal enforcer would be wholly loyal to his every command, even at the expense of a loved one's life. Having proven himself worthy of the Dread Lord's favor, 194X04 was rewarded with something more valuable than all the treasures in the Galaxy. He was given a name, Ishmael. Codename: Ravager.

From thenceforth, Ravager began to expand upon his training under the personal tutelage of the Dread Lord and was soon given a very specific task: there were a group of prey that he was now sworn to kill.

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