Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Isley Verd, Wayward Son of Mandalore

Isley Verd, Wayward Son of Mandalore
"No matter what I do...I cannot feel sorrow."

  • Name: Isley Verd
  • Alias: Darth Metus
  • Force Rank: Master
  • Force Alignment: Dark Side
  • Species: Human
  • Races: Kiffar, Umbaran
  • Age: 28
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Brown
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Voice Sample: Paul St. Peter
  • + Mandalorian Heritage: Even without the Force or a lightsaber, Isley is a deadly opponent. Since shortly after his infancy, he had been trained in the traditional upbringing of a Mandalorian and was quite literally bred to be a warrior. He is excessively resourceful and quite capable of decimating opponents, with or without his Force-related abilities.
  • + Mentalist: Due to his tutelage under Gregor Gideon, Isley specialization in the Force is that of a mentalist. He is quite good at influencing the thoughts of others, in addition to erecting mental barriers to prevent the same to be done to him.
  • + Interrogation Resilience: Isley has demonstrated unusual resilience during interrogations, even when his life hangs in the balance. In fact, he is known to spew ridiculous sums of snark whilst in the midst of being asked sensitive questions. Suffice it to say, he is a tough nut to crack.
  • + Magick Man: Isley is amongst the three percent of Force Sensitives with the innate ability to learn and access Sith Magic. Due to the fact that Isley has diligently studied the various holocrons and datacrons that have come into his possession, over the course of years, he has become a rather talented Sith Sorcerer.
  • - Impulse: As evidenced by the manner by which he came into the tutelage of Gregor, Isley is prone to making decisions in the heat of the moment. These heated decisions are seldom made without thought and can pose great danger to himself or others.
  • - Specialization: While Isley is a deadly combatant overall, his skills with a lightsaber pale in comparison to those of individuals whose core training included constant training in the blade. His Mandalorian upbringing allowed him to become an excellent shot and well-versed with a variety of weapons and tactics; but lightsaber combat was not among them. While he now knows his way around a lightsaber, it is one of his weakest areas all around.
  • - The Charms of Women: Although he is a disciplined warrior, Isley has a fatal flaw in that he has minimal experience with the opposite gender. For this reason, he has a gullibility to the wiles of women and can easily be coerced and seduced by them.
  • - Ocular Hypersensitivity: Due to his Umbaran heritage, compliments of Demia, Isley has a rather high sensitivity when faced with sudden, blinding flashes of light; such as those produced by flashbangs. Though the response is not as violent as what is typically experienced by full-blooded Umbarans, Isley can enter an episode just shy of a full epileptic seizure if exposed to the aforementioned, sudden changes in light. It is for this reason that Isley constantly wears protective eyewear outside of his beskar'gam, or relies upon the photochromatic visor installed into his armor's helmet.
  • Taozin Beskar'gam: Following the destruction of his reforged armor at the hands of @[member="Ket Van Derveld"], Isley commissioned the assistance of @[member="Valik"] in the obtaining of a Taozin Amulet. Once secured, he utilized this exceptional tool in the construction of his current armor, which completely masks his presence in the Force.
  • Devorah's Song: Constructed in the Dark Forge of Castle Ne'tra, Devorah's Song is the collaborative work of Isley Verd and his half-sibling, @[member="Devorah Sains'Cyr"], after whom the sword is named.
  • CZ-BTN Bothan Personal Cloaking Device: Due to his possession of the rank Colonel and leadership of Venom Squad, Isley is one of the select few in possession of the Czerka Arms-designed, personal cloaking device.
  • The Ring of Darth Moridin: Salvaged from the wrecked, personal ship of @[member="Jacques Cavill"], this ring boasts the ability to absorb lightning projected by a Force wielder of the same rank, or lower, than Isley. It can also fire a blast of lightning equivalent to the current, Force wielder rank that Isley possesses; in addition to granting some protection against lightning projected by a higher-ranked opponent.
  • The Bracers of Najus: Also salvaged from the wrecked, personal vessel of Jacques Cavill are the Bracers of Najus. They bear the ability to marginally increase his Dark Side attacks against Lightsiders. However, this augmentation does not occur when facing any other caste of opponent.
  • Tal'galar, Vitiate, and Ragnos: Isley has three lightsabers within his arsenal. The first is Tal'galar: the saberstaff he personally constructed. The second and third are a pair of twin, curved lightsabers that were recovered from the wreckage of Jacques Cavill's ship. All three are relatively standard, save for Vitiate containing a Mestare crystal which effectively prevents it from shorting out when exposed to Cortosis.
  • Sith Scrolls: Recovered from the wreckage of Jacques Cavill's ship were a trio of Sith scrolls. One was an alchemically-preserved scroll, labeled "Knotters of Entrails", containing an advanced technique for creating Sithspawn. However, the skill is currently beyond Isley's reach, as it requires Mastery in the Force and experience in Sith Alchemy. The second scroll, aptly labeled "Aura of Uneasiness", is of copper hue and contains instruction in the Sith Spell: Aura of Uneasiness. Lastly, the third scroll, labeled "Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut", contains the Sith Spell for reanimating the dead. However, this spell requires Mastery as well, and as such Isley cannot access this ability.
  • Sith Holocron/Datacrons: One of the last spoils taken from the aforementioned wreckage were a trio of valuable, data-housing recepticles. The first was the so-called Tascollan Holocron, which contains basic instruction in the first six lightsabers forms, along with Jar'Kai and Sokan. The next was a Datacron containing the full contents of the Holocron of Adas. This artifact bestows upon its owner the ability to become on of the 3% of Force Users who have the innate ability to learn Sith Magic. It also grants one Basic, Sith Magic spell, which Isley chose to be Summon Fear; albeit at a Knighthood level. Further study may uncover additional abilities. The final Datacron, simply labeled "Force Drain and the Droch Connection", contained advanced teaching in the ability Force Drain. Further research of this data may reveal other possibilities involving Nam Chorios. However, due to lacking basic knowledge in Force Drain, this information does not currently benefit Isley.
  • Shâsot'taral: Stripped from the corpse of Jacques Cavill was a suit of Songsteel armor known as "Passionate Protector" in the ancient Sith tongue. While useless to Isley, due to his possession of his Beskar'gam, it is an exceptionally valuable suit of armor that may be sold for a high price or gifted to one worthy of it.


During the outbreak of the Gulag Plague, widespread panic gripped the known Galaxy. All throughout the stars, worlds were collapsing and millions upon millions of lives were lost with each and every day. Some stayed within the hell that had once been known as their homeworlds, desperately fighting against the disease which mercilessly ravaged the planets...and others fled. Countless vessels, of all shapes and sizes, flooded the Hyperlanes shortly after the Plague reached its apex; and amongst this literal stampede of refugees was a small, humble freighter which had escaped the world of Kiffex. Within this vessel were huddled together the remains of a merchant family: a brother and sister pair who had abandoned their crumbling world in order to chase a rumor of sanctuary.

And that rumor centered around the distant, Outer Rim world of Mandalore.

According to the transmission which had trickled its way across the known Galaxy, the world owned by the warrior culture was opening its doors to those affected by the Plague. Of course, they would need to spend a period of six months in quarantine within the system, so that those possibly infected would die off and leave the denizens of Mandalore unaffected. Being that the siblings were untouched by the sickness, they eagerly made the voyage to Mandalore, and following their period of isolation, were accepted with open arms into the foreign society. Of course, in order to stay, they would have to work. The brother, elder of the pair, resumed his role as a merchant and began to organize daring missions to brave the worlds ravaged by the Gulag Plague. Their directive was to salvage anything that could be of use.

The sister assisted in this quest as well, but ultimately settled into the role of Mandalorian wife after falling in love with a member of Clan Verd. This family was, during that span of time, one of the lower clans of Mandalorian society. However, through the assistance of the siblings, they rose to prominance over the course of the centuries following the outbreak of the Gulag Plague. It was their unparalleled boldness and willingness to dive where no sane man would dare that secured them their fame and position within the Mandalorian society of the present. Whenever a task which was labelled suicidal or impossible arose, it was a Verd who would willingly answer the call for the Glory of Mandalore.

It had taken several centuries for the Galaxy to recover from the Gulag Plague and in year 819 ABY, the borders of Mandalore began to reopen in earnest. This was not the only change which had graced the warrior planet, for a son was born into the now-prominent Clan Verd. By the reigning Patriarch of the family, the newborn was given the name Isley; the name of the elder sibling who had helped catapult the Clan into greatness centuries prior. The tale of Isley's birth was one written in heartache, for a young Umbaran by the name Demia once loved the Patriarch of Clan Verd. Isley's sire was a great man in many respects, however, he had a weakness for the majesty that is women. Though loving and affectionate towards the beginning of his relationships, he quickly turned into a boiling mass of anger and verbal abuse that saw the loss of his first wife: the mother of Rigard. Demia, foreign to the world Mandalore and her lover's tendencies, fell deeply in love with the man, and through this union was born Isley. However, shortly thereafter, history repeated itself and Demia tearfully put an end to their marriage. She attempted to take Isley with her back home to Umbara, but due to the Patriarch's stern stance that his son be raised Mandalorian, she too bid him a sad farewell. Shortly thereafter, the Patriarch found a new wife once more, with whom were conceived Isley's younger siblings, namely @[member="Ginnie Verd"].

It was almost ironic that Isley had been given such a strong, ancestral name, for his body was sickly and frail in comparison to the tale of his ancestor. What's more, for the entirety of his infancy, his father looked upon him with utter disgust and contempt; born out of frustration towards Demia and disappointment in his son's weakness. As opposed to showing him kindness and care, he focused entirely on grooming Rigard for the mantle of Patriarch during the whole of Isley's infancy.

Though Rigard, Isley's elder brother, held no ill will for his younger sibling, the seeds of jealousy and hatred were sown in the youngling's heart. As such, once his body was free of the sicknesses which had characterized his initial years, Isley focused himself entirely upon being the absolute greatest warrior he could be. He studied at the feet of several warriors of many clans, hoping that their teachings in the Mandalorian ways could help him live up to his birthright; and in time, the child grew old and strong enough for an opportunity to prove himself worthy of the title Initiate. In order to pass this trial, he had to complete a task of immense valor; one that took all that he had learned over the years and applied them...while pushing him to the absolute limit.

The opportunity to do so came when disaster struck the very heart of Clan Verd.

Whilst living up to the reputation that had come to characterize Clan Verd, Rigard had found himself ambushed in the midst of Hutt Space. His purpose for being so far away from home was simple: in his freetime, he worked as a freelancer and even took the occasional bounty. It was on one of these downtime ventures that he lost his life, attempting to collect on the head of a Hutt...who turned out to be a rather powerful criminal boss in his chosen sector. When word reached Mandalore of this passing, Isley took his brother's armor for his own and vowed to avenge his death. Under the cover of darkness, the hopeful Initiate infiltrated the residence of the Hutt and put an end to his miserable life; then triumphantly returned home bearing the head of the mongrel to his Clan.

In the eyes of his people, he had done well and had brought much glory to the people of Mandalore; but his father, blinded by his grief, did not so much as pat the youth on his back. Perhaps it was due to his young age, being only sixteen at the time, but Isley took this blatant neglect straight to the soul. As far as he was concerned, his sire did not treat him like a why should he look to him as a father? This passionate, yet rebellious, line of thinking led him to identify another as a "father figure": the leader of their people himself. While Isley had very little personal interactions with Mandalore the Rebuilder, he soon came to idolize the very ground that the man tread upon. He came to aspire to, someday, ascend to the mantle of Mandalore; and to do all in his power to assist the "father of his people" in bringing glory to Mandalore.

To this end, Isley was placed under the supervision of Halik Falkosi and had the honor of working alongside a brave number of warriors. Together, they conquered in the name of Mandalore, fought against the one who would become Sith Emperor, and truly embodied all that it meant to be a son of Manda'yaim. However, the young Initiate would find his own tragedy in the form of lowered guard. He thought that he had made a friend in a Sith Apprentice...yet that same Apprentice would prove to be his downfall, for she turned on him when the opportunity presented itself. He was beaten, broken, stripped of his armor, and detained in a Force-forsaken prison on Tatooine for a period of three years. Over the course of that time, each day was filled to the brim with torture; for the Empire was eyeing the Mandalorian space for any hint of weakness.

Yet, Isley did not give them a shred of information, and following the Confederacy of Independent Systems' occupation of the world in question, he managed to escape the clutches of the Apprentice and into the custody of the new nation. He found medical treatment and good treatment in the new congregation of worlds, and shortly thereafter made a brief return to Mandalore. He fully expected to find that Mandalore the Rebuilder had led their people into a glorious war against the Empire...only to find that the man he looked to as a father had been slain and that the title of Mandalore had changed hands several times in his absence. The young warrior was crushed to learn this fact, and was utterly disgusted with the sordid state of his people. Instead of taking the fight to the enemy, they relied upon the Galactic Republic and Omega Pyre for assistance in their "plight".

To say the least, his people were a shadow of their former selves, so Isley decided to spend his first years of freedom paying the debt to those who had liberated him from the doors of death. The Confederacy of Independent Systems treated him quite well, and it was through them that he received his initial training in the Force after the discovery of his sensitivity on Wayland. However, before this span of time began, Isley took it upon himself to have the armor that once belonged to his elder brother reforged. This was, quite literally, the last contact he had with his people...and the last time he lived a day without depression in his heart. This sordid state of mind ate at him throughout his operations in service to the CIS, even whilst doing good beside his newfound friends @[member="Feena Mason"] and @[member="Praxis"].

And lead to a terrible decision.

In a fit of anger and indecision, Isley decided to do something quite rash. He took his starfighter and flew into the border of Sith Space, hellbent on ending his life...along with as many Imperials as he could get his hands on. Of course, his heading was immediately intercepted by an Imperial patrol and he was dragged aboard by the lead vessel's tractor beams. Surrounded on all sides by Stormtroopers, Isley did that which he had set his mind on doing; and began to fight. Though obviously outgunned and outnumbered, he claimed a solid number of kills before the acting Sith aboard graced the hanger with his presence. There, Gregor and Isley interacted for the first time; and it was through this interaction that Isley earned the right to boast.

For he, at the doors of death, uppercut a Sith Knight square in the jaw.

However, Gregor saw the potential in a force-trained Mandalorian and made Isley an offer he could not refuse. Serve him as an apprentice, learn his ways, and aide in the toppling of Darth Voracitos from his throne. What Mandalorian would pass up the opportunity to assist in killing an Emperor? As such, with the succumbing to the temptation of the enemy of his people, Isley felt that he no longer deserved to carry the name given to him. As such, he adopted the Mando'ad word for Sith, Dar'jetii, as his name from thenceforth. Following his assistance in the coup, in which that which was promised to him came to fruition, Dar'jetii served as an enforcer to the Empire. Yet this was short-lived, for the Mandalorian's ties to the Empire relied upon Gregor and his suprior Tyrin Ardik.

And with his coup, Dar'jetii felt no need to tarry within the Empire any longer.

Now, the Mandalorian wanders the stars, taking bounties and work as they come his way. Every so often, he will participate alongside his old friend Feena in a mission of Confederacy origin, but otherwise his future remains unclear...

  • Pending
Thread Listing
Total Threads: 45 | Completed: 26

Training Threads
Total: 2 | Completed: 1
  • [Complete] A Storm of Fangs and Fear: Isley ventures into the deserts of Tatooine in order to discover who he truly is...and ultimate results in his attempting to master Force Fear through the confrontation of a Krayt Dragon.
  • [Ongoing] In A Dark Wood: Under the tutelage of @[member="Rave Merrill"], Isley begins his training in Sith Alchemy within the enigmatic Dark Forge.
Teaching Threads
Total: 3 | Completed: 0
Faction Threads
Total: 15 | Completed: 11
  • [Complete] A Shadow in Space: Alongside his brothers in arms, Dar'jetii (formerly known as Isley Verd) aids in the capture...and escape...of a derelict Sith warship crawling with Sithspawn.
  • [Complete] A Coup...With Friends: Newly freed from incarceration at the hands of a Sith, Isley fights alongside his people to bring Yaga Minor under Mandalorian occupation.
  • [Complete] For the Glory of Mandalore! Taris!: Alongside his brethren in arms, Isley dives into the heart of a Rakghoul den in order to assist the Mandalorian effort to bring Taris under their occupation.
  • [Complete] A Coup With Friends (Empire): Dar'jetii assists Tyrin Ardik and his new master, Gregor Gideon, in their coup against Darth Voracitos.
  • [Complete] Humanitarian Aid Whether You Like It Or Not: Alongside the Empire under Tyrin's rule, Dar'jetii assists in the humanitarian occupation of Togoria.
  • [Complete] 99 Problems: Alongside the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Dar'jetii works with Feena Mason to establish a Sanctuary on Adarlon.
  • [Complete] Slime. Muck. Swamp: Alongside the Confederacy, Dar'jetii works with Feena Mason in order to liberate a team of downed CIS scouts from the fauna of Dagobah.
  • [Complete] On the First Day of Christmas, the CIS Gave to Me...: Alongside the Confederacy, Dar'jetii works with Feena Mason in order to liberate a camp of enslaved Chromans from their Hutt overlord.
  • [Ongoing] Operation Burnout: Alongside the Confederacy's newly-formed Venom Squad, Isley dives into the heart of an ancient space station in order to put the minds of the Thaereian System's people to rest.
  • [Complete] The Siege of Dra'vadia: Alongside the Confederacy, Isley fights to liberate the human capital of Pzob: Dra'vadia, from a siege launched by a Gamorrean warlord.
  • [Complete] Ya'll Done Karked Up: Alongside the Confederacy, Isley wages battle against the combined forces of the Black Sun Syndicate and Fringe Confederation at Barab I.
  • [Ongoing] At the Gala: In celebration of the change of leadership within the Confederacy, Isley attends a Gala thrown by the Archon, @[member="Feena Mason"].
  • [Ongoing] Simply A Messenger: In the wake of the Barab I invasion, Isley has been sent to meet with Republic leadership in order to augment the standing alliance between the CIS and its northern neighbor.
  • [Ongoing] The Readiness Act: Isley meets with the other Viceroys in order to propose a piece of legislature that would result in greater augmentation of the national forces.
  • [Complete] Here, Have Some Hell. We Know How Much You Like It: With @[member="Azrael"] on the guns, Isley fights alongside the Mandalorians in their attack of the Mon Calamari Shipyards.
Duel Threads
Total: 2 | Completed: 1
  • [Complete] Assault on Aegina City: Guiding the limited, domestic forces of Aegina, Isley attempts to fend off the Sith forces long enough for Republic reinforcements to arrive.
  • [Ongoing] Blood, Sweat, and Sand: In the midst of the Execution Arena, Isley faces off against two warriors in the name of fame and glory.
Development Threads
Total: 1 | Completed: 0
  • [Ongoing] R.A.P. - Really Awesome Poetry: Isley and a member of the Templar Order engage in a battle of rhymes for the entertainment of their comrades. (Songsteel Challenge)
Miscellaneous Threads
Total: 22 | Completed: 12
  • [Complete] C'mon it's Just Loot!: A routine hunt for a man with a price on his head turns into a confrontation with a Jedi Master...and a Force-wielding Hutt!
  • [Complete] The Shape of Things to Come: Having followed his impulsive nature, Isley's suicide mission goes South...and ultimately results in the birth of Dar'jetii.
  • [Complete] We Are the Chosen Ones: Alongside a fellow Mandalorian, Isley attempts a mission of redemption by infiltrating Mount Tantiss on Wayland.
  • [Complete] Titan Station: Isley, alongside other hired guns, are briefed on an expedition to the enigmatic Titan Station.
  • [Complete] Scouting Taris: Isley, alongside his brethren in arms, prepare to conquer Taris by pre-emptively eliminating the pirate presence there.
  • [Complete] Conflict on Morje: Isley assists the Republic forces in the repelling of Sith forces on Morje.
  • [Complete] When Will the Republic Learn?: Alongside a newfound Sith ally, Isley puts to a swift end a cloning facility using Jango Fett as the Prime Clone.
  • [Complete] Gluttonous Pursuits: Halik and Isley face off against Darth Voracitos, a man who would someday become the Emperor of the Sith Empire.
  • [Ongoing] A Prince Templar in the Making: Isley and Feena Mason meet the youngling known as Killua Alkyone for the first time.
  • [Complete] New Girl: Following his training on Tatooine, Isley rushes to Adarlon just in time to meet Feena Mason's newborn daughter: Celeste.
  • [Complete] The Forbidden Paradise: During some downtime, Isley meets with Viceroy Walsh and a fellow Mandalorian for a drink.
  • [Ongoing] Just a Man and His Whiskey: In a Cantina at Ryloth, Isley meets his future apprentice: Jason Sisk, for the first time.
  • [Ongoing] The Gray Goddess: Having been dispatched to Adarlon to investigate disappearances, Isley meets "The Gray Goddess": @[member="Phoebe Draclau"].
  • [Complete] Every Superhero Needs Theme Music: Tasked with eliminating a slaver ring, Isley meets and liberates his future apprentice: @[member="Ruza Deveel"].
  • [Ongoing] They Call Me the Wanderer: During some downtime, Isley meets an interesting character by the name @Dr.Clyin Stathan at Mos Eisley's cantina.
  • [Complete] Master of...: Whilst picking up side work at Corusant's Under City, Isley briefly encounters @[member="Coryth Elaris"]...and will always remember that face.
  • [Ongoing] Who Am I?: Whilst seeking mercenary work at Coruscant's Under City, Isley encounters a wrathful @[member="Cassus"].
  • [Ongoing] Enter the Troublemaker!: One his day off, Isley is rudely awakened by a call from the local authorities...his sister, @[member="Ginnie Verd"], is in trouble!
  • [Ongoing] The Prodigal Son: Isley ventures to his home, Mandalore, in order to discuss the Confederacy's desire for a stronger relationship...and to attempt to remove his "dar'manda" status.
  • [Ongoing] New Initiates: As a new member of the One Sith, Isley ventures alongside his fellow initiate to meet the Dark Lord of the Sith.
  • [Complete] A Brand New Start: Much to his surprise, Isley finds a Sith Pureblood, @[member="Siqa"], within a cantina on Utapau and engages her in conversation.
  • [Ongoing] Tie It Up, Forever Bound: "Rudely" awakened, Isley finally reveals his feelings to Phoebe Draclau.
Character Relationships

  • [Spouse] @[member="Phoebe Verd"]: After liberating her from a Carbonite prison, Isley took it upon himself to care for the mysterious woman known as Phoebe Draclau. He brought her into the Confederacy and personally saw to her well-being; and over time feelings began to develop between the two. These feelings ultimately blossomed into a deep, passionate relationship that culminated with their marriage just shy of a year into the future. At current, they have overcome their ability to have children through the cloning of a child, @[member="Adela Verd"], and have a growing, happy household in Castle Ne'tra.
  • [Daughter] @[member="Adela Verd"]: Adela is, simply put, the joy of Isley's life. Though cloned due to his own inabilities, she is the answer to both he and @[member="Phoebe Verd"]'s prayers. As such, Isley loves his daughter with all of his heart and has the tendency to spoil her absolutely rotten.
  • [Sibling] @[member="Ginnie Verd"]: Since the moment Ginnie entered the world, Isley has adored her. She is the sweet, spunky younger sibling that kept a smile on his face throughout his rather rough childhood. In his adult life, their reunion has been a source of constant joy...and occasionally stress, as she has the rare ability to get into the deepest poodoo at times.
  • [Sibling] @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]: The Force works in mysterious ways, for Isley has a younger sibling who is ignorant of his existence. Though they walk similar paths, both steeped in the Dark Side of the Force, they have only crossed paths once. The only ties to one another they possess are similar amulets, gifted by their mother at birth.

  • [Sibling] @[member="Darth Avara"]: The relationship between Isley and Adamus is one steeped in mutual respect and the Dark Side of the Force. Though they had spent a lifetime apart, the reunited brothers now share in a covert bond within the One Sith.

  • [Sibling] @[member="Lucas Straife"]: In the same manner as @[member="Darth Avara"], Lucas and Isley were united through the sheer providence of the Force. Since then, the two have also shared a bond of loyalty and respect; steeped in the Dark Side.

  • [Sibling] @[member="Alliera Nakamura"]: Though they are not siblings by blood, the former Manda'lor and Isley were literally raised alongside one another in the same household. Cousins by blood, siblings by affiliation. The years saw them separate and go separate ways, but at present the two have been reunited within the Confederacy.

  • [Sibling] @[member="Torinia Mune"]: Raki Verd was a rolling stone, to say the very least, for he fathered several children throughout the Galaxy. Amongst those is Isley's younger sister Torinia, a well-to-do girl from Coruscant. They met through one of Isley's side, bounty hunting ventures and have been inseparable since.

  • [Sibling] @[member="Devorah Sains'Cyr"]: Of the family in his life, Isley is only more protective of two individuals over Devorah: his wife and his child. Those aside, Isley is fiercely protective of his younger, half-sister. Being that she was abused for several years by a sordid husband, only to be liberated by her brother during a twist of fate, he has then personally seen to wellbeing and the two are seldom apart.

  • [Master] @Gregor Gideon: What began as an uppercut to the chin ultimate grew into a bond of mutual respect. During his brief stay within the Sith Empire, Isley existed as the apprentice of Gregor Gideon: the veritable right hand of Emperor Tyrin Ardik. He learned a great many things under Gregor's tutelage, such as his assortment of mentally-based Force powers; in addition to the benefits of Sith Battle Coordination. However, ever since the coup which removed Tyrin from power, Isley has yet to see or hear from his former master.
  • [Mentor] @[member="Halik Falkosi"]: During his days as a young Mandalorian, Isley was placed into a squad under the command of Halik Falkosi. To say that the young man hero worshipped his squad leader is an understatement. Over the course of many operations, including breaking the throne of @[member="Darth Voracitos"] long before his ascension to the mantle of Emperor, Isley has come to regard his comrade with the utmost respect and unwavering loyalty.
  • [Friend] @[member="Feena Mason"]: Ever since joining the Confederacy, Isley has had a single, consistent friend. From, quite literally, the moment of his entrance into the faction to the present, he has been deployed alongside Feena Mason and grew to have untold heaps of respect for her. For a brief span of time, he even developed feelings for her and began to seek the light side of the Force, in response to her Jedi heritage; but ultimately the corruption of the Dark Side reigned supreme. Regardless of this internal turmoil, Isley has always regarded Feena Mason as one of, if not the, closest friends he has ever had.
  • [Comrade] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]: It was by pure happenstance that Calico wandered into Isley's office one day, and since then the two have shared a relationship of respect and loyalty to one another; and the entirety of the Dread Guard. They are, simply put, brothers in arms; and have been in more than a few tight scrapes together.
  • [Apprentice] @[member="Marek Starchaser"]: Developing
  • [Apprentice] @[member="Ruza Deveel"]: Developing
  • [Apprentice] @[member="Jason Sisk"]: Developing
  • [Apprentice] @[member="Nima Ven"]: Developing
  • [Apprentice] @[member="Cassus"]: Developing
  • [Apprentice] @[member="Siqa"]: Developing
Kära Vi'dreya said:
You know waaay too much, Mister o___o
You mean I can't list knowing more Force powers than threads I've participated in? And I don't master(or better) a power for 85% of the threads I complete?
@[member="Hayato"], @[member="CC-114 Una"], @[member="Curupira Hawk"] - *bio accepts all the attention and loves!*

@[member="Gerion Ardik"] - #UmbaransRepresent

@[member="Kära Vi'dreya"], @[member="Nyarl"] - Big difference between knowing a power, having mastered a power, and specializing in it. Everything labeled "Adept" means that Isley has the ability to use the power without killing himself or unintentionally causing more harm than good. "Novice" means he's just learned the darn thing. "Learning" means planning to learn it. "Mastered" means he can use the power quite effectively. "Apex" means specialization. I list what he knows, by common sense and natural progression. He's only had Sorcery materials in his possession for, what, years? He's gonna pick up a trick or two. >_>

@[member="Darth Vornskr"] - Do eeeeet.

@[member="CC-935 Bluejay"] - Papa Was a Rolling Stone...

@[member="Djonas Vile"] - MY ZABARAKIN' HOMIE!!!!! WHAT IT DO?! WHAT IT DO MAH ZABARAKA?! :D

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