Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It Belongs In A Museum

[member="Connor Harrison"]

The padawan came back at him, this time for another strike across his chest. Janus wasn't ready to press an assault of any kind for the most part. The uneven stairs of the temple made him far too nervous. He found himself more concerned with making sure he didn't misstep and fall than trying to probe Harrison for openings. The Sithling instinctively leaned back as the blue blade screamed towards him, intercepting it in the middle with his own. He took the opportunity for some Dun Möch. Or, as more accurately described by outside observers, "being a jerk."

"Oh, is that a bit of a temper I sense?" Janus chided. "Whatever would your master think of that?"

He shoved forward, attempting to force the earnest Silver Jedi down another few steps. Perhaps if he could get them all the way down, back to a more level ground, he'd be able to end this a little faster. Or perhaps he could lure him into the pyramid itself. Whatever the case, the sooner he was off these steps, the better.

Connor Harrison

Hobbling back two more steps, Connor knew no battle was in favour against one higher up and on unstable ground such as stairs. Snarling slightly at the sheer force that this Sith used in his counter-measures on Connor's swipes, the Jedi turned and vaulted off the stairwell to the firm and flat ground below, using the Force to help absorb the landing on bended knee.

Turning to see the Sith above, Connor opened his arms, blue blade still held tight.

"Master? I have no Master - I act, at this time, alone. All my actions are my own, and that makes me even more dangerous for someone like you."

He twisted sideways with his blade angled up, waiting for his fellow combatant to join him or make the move.

[member="Darth Janus"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

"No master? Good. For a moment, I'd worried someone more powerful would come to avenge your death."

Janus laughed (artificial, mocking, villainous laughter, mind you) at the very thought, leisurely making his way down the stairway. It could have almost passed for a genuinely carefree stroll to the bottom if it weren't for the fact he was holding an activated lightsaber. He eventually got there, though it took several minutes. He enjoyed making Harrison wait, possibly in more ways than one. Once he reached the flatter ground below, he brought his lightsaber back up into a ready position. A ready position, if it could be called that. All of the Umbaran's actions screamed that he was not at all taking this seriously.

"You might want to explain to me how that makes you dangerous." He taunted. "Because all I see is a half-wit with no back up to call."

Connor Harrison

Connor felt the irritation bubbling away inside him, and right now he was operating without a Master, with a mission and without a conscious. He was out to face the darkness and question the path inside him, and if that meant taking out a Sith along with himself, then so be it.

This time he was all alone, and if he was going to die facing Matsu Xiangu, what would it matter if he could take one more with him and rid the galaxy of one more link in the Sith chain.

Gritting his teeth, he resisted that hatred that the Dark Side amplified, but instead saw a blind rage that focussed on the Sith, making him the target of the recent troubles and doubt Connor had.

"I don't care for back-up!"

He quickly paced towards the masked warrior, gripped his blade with two hands and brought it around from the right with a slow speed but with all the strength and anger he could muster.

[member="Darth Janus"]

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