Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public It Could be Bunnies | Agents of Chaos & Open


The summer months in the sphere of Eve were slowly coming to an end. The evenings were cooler than they had been of late, and a lovely breeze decorated the faces of those who left their homes in the early morning hours. The sky above was painted a lovely blue, and even the clouds offered specs of color when one only had to look up to see them.

But the sunsets… The sunsets were absolutely breathtaking, sending strokes of pinks, purples, oranges, and blues into the skyline, giving off a soft light that added that hue of romance and content into every street of the capital city of the Scintilla.

The past few weeks had been nothing short of bliss. Life continued on in the gigantic space construct, and the rhythm of normalcy had seeped back in after several rounds of wars and more dead than they had been able to count. But since then… Things were never quite without conflict of course, yet this was the sort of conflict that arose in daily life and was part of simply having living and breathing people all around.

So of course, as the very nature of existence would have it, it was time for that peace to be disturbed.

None could tell where it had come from. The surveillance at the Tower had simply ceased to work, and while various teams were dispatched to look into the matter, cameras in the buildings and streets around it suffered the same.

But what surveillance could not pick up, the people in the street, slowly, did. It had begun with a slow murmuring, the sounds of voices slowly picking up and multiplying. Soon they were joined by bodies as well, standing in a crescent moon formation around the steps that led to the Tower. Whispering, gossiping, pointing, not quite understanding…

And then the first scream was heard.

For on the steps that led to the Tower, lay a severed head. Empty eyes looked up at the beautiful skies, but their colors and light did not reflect in it. Blood had seeped from the neck to the ground, yet those who would take a close look would realize that the blood was not wet, but dry - dry enough to have been there for days.

The lovely breeze sweeps the hairs of the head away. Long hair, raven black, that had covered a pale face that only a scarce few had seen before, and many had hoped to see from up close in the future. For on the steps that led to the Tower, lay the decapitated head that looked exactly like the one that belonged to Discordia.

And surveillance is back on.

Whether you're an official combatant, an intelligence person, or just someone who's around - you can investigate to try to find leads about the severed head. Paragon of Virtue Paragon of Virtue will be DM'ing as you explore and look for whodunit, and how it was done.

News is going to spread if this isn't contained. Cameras and other forms of surveillance are back online. Can you contain the potential chaos? Can you try to keep it in-house until the murder mystery is solved? Official channels, cantina rumors, and park talks - the entire Scintilla can be your danger zone here.

You know the drill. Do whatever you want!

TK-1104 TK-1104
5U-K5 5U-K5
A'Runda A'Runda
A'Sura Den A'Sura Den
Al'Taylor Quarnz Al'Taylor Quarnz
Adaraa Undulee Adaraa Undulee
Alyva Terrix Alyva Terrix
Anesia Jy'Vun Anesia Jy'Vun
Angelo Cavataio Angelo Cavataio
Annasari Annasari
Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol
Aoife Ironborne Aoife Ironborne
Ashla Vella Ashla Vella
Aster Jen'allé Aster Jen'allé
Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
Bacu Topol
Bandit Six
Bazette Royalblaze Bazette Royalblaze
BB-610 BB-610
Bedrovelse Hevn Bedrovelse Hevn
Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
Romund Sro Romund Sro
Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
Bundori Bundori
Cadan Keggle Cadan Keggle
Calruss Shiman
Celestine deWinter Celestine deWinter
Conn Dagorian
Cypher Cypher
Darth Anarchis Darth Anarchis
Dexter Zytros Dexter Zytros
Dr. Droideka Dr. Droideka
Dyre Redwave Dyre Redwave
Prax Elvros Prax Elvros
Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat
Eli-Mae Forrest Eli-Mae Forrest
Erden Tarkhan deWinter Erden Tarkhan deWinter
Eryn Eryn
EW-031 EW-031
Evyln Weaver Evyln Weaver
Finette Frai Finette Frai
Freya Drage
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor
Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp
Hanna Hanna
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
I Irina Esta Klaus
Izwi Kutaurira Izwi Kutaurira
Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Jaranamo Sal Jaranamo Sal
Jin Jin
Judas of Vahl Judas of Vahl
Kamyrin Gyvolis Kamyrin Gyvolis
Karlie Lynn Destat Karlie Lynn Destat
Karma Jayne Karma Jayne
Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld
Keshar'atar Keshar'atar
Kimava Solai Kimava Solai
Kyrinov Kyrinov
Larentia Larentia
Lash Lash
Lieutenant Walsh Lieutenant Walsh
Luna Vega Luna Vega
Bast'rom'arosti Bast'rom'arosti
Madalena Antares Madalena Antares
Madame Cognito Madame Cognito
Maximus Kreel Maximus Kreel
Middenface McNulty Middenface McNulty
Ladybug Ladybug
Moe Moe
Myrium Okar Myrium Okar
Nashiro Tsuia Nashiro Tsuia
Nerium Nerium
Neyana Neyana
Nighthaunter Nighthaunter
Niki Priddy Niki Priddy
Nix Scamandros
Nyree Justice Nyree Justice
Octavius Bellator Octavius Bellator
Petra Cavataio Petra Cavataio
Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé
PrincessNatalie PrincessNatalie
Qaheesh the Scorned Qaheesh the Scorned
@Qrgyl Ud
RadioWhisper RadioWhisper
Rashae Rashae
Raymond Mosses Raymond Mosses
Razelle Breuner Razelle Breuner
Be'iqaronn Be'iqaronn
R Reyn Australis
Ruby Sky Ruby Sky
@Ryna C. Casey
Salem Norongachi Salem Norongachi
Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter
scifipoinsettia scifipoinsettia
Sentiri Sentiri
Seraph Sin Seraph Sin
Sir Orionus Sir Orionus
Solomon Kaid Solomon Kaid
Strider Garon Strider Garon
Sussh Sussh
Tae-Rai Tae-Rai
Tanno Rand Tanno Rand
Taric Syn
The Third The Third
Tek Kkak Tek Kkak
Thalliesin Bard Thalliesin Bard
The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid
The Maverick
Tobias Dib Tobias Dib
Ursula Vizla Ursula Vizla
Vale Vynar Vale Vynar
Valkur Valkur
Vant Dehringer
Vaulkhar Vaulkhar
Verdun Veroza
Wegli Jinrang Wegli Jinrang
Wonderworker Wonderworker
Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick
Xenro Xenro
Y Yeetus Deletus
Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood
Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte
Zel Nar Zel Nar
Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa
Ziggard Blackstar

Location: Top of the Tower
Objective: To be determined
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Tags: Open!


It had been a long day for the Blood Hound. Her morning was filled with various business meetings, too many shmoes who thought they had the most brilliant ideas for new weapon and toys that Whimsy would supposedly make. She'd lost count of how many times she'd had to explain that ideas were a dime a dozen, and not a single one brought forth that day was even somewhat plausible. The offers had no chaos, no glitter, no passion. The galaxy had more than enough firearms and things that went boom. There was no point in making yet another carbon copy of those things with the only difference being a Dathomiri feather stuck into the armor's butt.

The afternoon had been full of… Training. Not herself. Not experienced people. But complete newbies to the entire concept of using something more complicated than a knife to spread butter on toast. Their physical coordination amongst themselves had been subpar. Many of them were new people who'd shown up at the Scintilla's doorstep, asking to join the now infamous (or famous? Depends who's doing the PR) Agents of Chaos. Most of them, she already knew, would either become civilians or go back to their backwater planets.

Suffice to say, when it was almost sundown, the Sithling was sufficiently mentally drained, and had wanted a break. Within moments, she'd taken the elevator all the way to the top of the Tower - the real top, not the highest floor that most of the employees could reach, and then slide out through a window to climb the rest of the way to the roof. There wasn't an actual need for that; there were doors and stairways. After all, technicians sometimes had to get there. But being so high up without safety equipment, feeling the winds of high altitude whip her face as she climbed, there was something in it all that was extremely invigorating to the young woman.

And there she sat, the minutes ticking by, her hair blowing around her face as she just stared into the distance. She knew it was technology that made the inside of the space station look so real, but even that knowledge didn't undo the realiness of the feeling, even when she looked as far away into the sky as she could.

It was only when a scream managed to travel high enough that she blinked, looking down. Nothing.

Frowning, Scherezade walked to the other side of the roof, and noticed the crowds gathering. From the distance, she couldn't see the severed head at all.

She wondered what was going on. It didn't seem like anyone was fighting.
Location: Tower
Gear: Jai'galaar's Beskar'gam (no helmet), 2x Trayc'kal
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter

Jai walked up to the tower, surprisingly not wear his usual helmet. He still had his hood up though. A Strill followed behind him, growling a little as it looked around. He motioned his hand a little, getting the creature to calm down before walking up. He'd been out for some exercise, just trying to clear his head from a lot of things. His nightmares, and freezing up. Some... recent events. Either way, he was at least getting out and doing something. Or at least he was before he heard a scream, and went to investigate.

It... it was a sight. He technically wasn't required to do anything, but to say it was a little too similar to the old days on Concord Dawn would be an understatement. No, they never displayed a head, but avoiding surveillance was key to not going to the Manda or Nether too soon. He wasn't sure if something hadn't been picked up, but considering he wasn't seeing this on holonews this morning and someone just screamed bloody murder, it was safe to say the Mando had some ideas. He took a breath, looking around and picking out the surveillance. He trying to think of how he would do this, but he assumed one of two things. Either someone was payed a lot of credits recently, or there was a weakness they didn't know about before. There didn't seem to be anyone else there, at least that he could see, so he was quick to activate his wrist comm.

"Please tell me someone's close to the Tower. We have.... Ugh.... It's... it's a head." He looked over at the Strill, Ortala, then looked back at the head. "I' just hope...." Jai winced as a memory flashed into his mind, but he gritted through it. "I hope it isn't who it looks like." He pointed, calling out. "Ortala. Scent. No touch." Like usually, he didn't give the command in Basic, but the creature still responded and began to sniff the head and the air. It wasn't sure what it was looking for, but if it was interesting the Strill would quickly perk up. He took another breath, looking at everyone before trying to get them to move some.

Location: Arriving at the Tower
Wearing: Armor (tinted deep red)
Wielding: Meymad
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas + Open!


Madalena was not pleased. Like pretty much everybody else, she wasn't around when the severed head somehow magically popped into existence at the entrance to what was their HQ. That, within its own, she could have handled. But the lack of quick, swift, and effective response on their end, was more alarming than the severed head itself.

Where were the speakers? Where were the forces personnel needed to make the crowds go away? Why wasn't there a ring to hold the civvies off? The death of their leader could not be allowed to translate itself into… Into… Into that display of uselessness and disregard for training and protocol!

"Where the krak is everyone?!" she almost yelled into her commlink as she moved through the crowds, closing over the ever shrinking gap between them and the severed had, ready to push away any unauthorized people that would attempt to come closer.

"I need forensics, I need crowd control, I need…" she sighed. "Get our intelligence, assassins, speakers, everyone we can. Discordia's head has been left on the stps to the Tower. Keep it in house!"

Glowing green eyes looked to the crowd. It was… It was going to be almost impossible to keep it in house. Word would soon spread if they didn't grasp control over the situation, and short of massacring everyone, she was not equipped with the right tools for that job. Trying… Would probably do more harm than good.

Conn Dagorian


Weapons: Tazi Vibrosword, Whimsy Knife, Merr-Sonn Type CC Blaster Pistol
Armor: Phase I Haywire Armor
Additional Gear: Coin Comm Badge
Tag: Madalena Antares Madalena Antares Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas

Conn wasn't far from the Tower. When stationed in Scintilla, he never was. You kept your fiercest hounds chained closest to your house and the Wild Hunt kept forces close to the center of power. So even before his comm badge crackled with Mad's clearly aggravated voice, Conn had fastened up his armor and grabbed the basics before rushing out towards the Tower. He could see a crowd gathering already, and when he heard Madalena speak those words, his brain couldn't quite process them. Discordia's head has been left on the stps to the Tower. No that couldn't be.

While the meaning of the revelation was hard to comprehend, the dangerous woman's other commands were clear. Conn hastily placed the small receiver in his ear to keep the commlink's audio from prying ears. He shoved his way through the crowd, yelling for space to be cleared for the authorities. "Get back! Clear this area!" he bellowed. He would not be able to cordon off the entire area, but he would do his best to keep the most nosy civilian at bay.

Soon, he saw the head of the tall Madalena at the base of the tower, her crimson armor unmistakable. The broken landscape of her features looked particularly dark, while her eyes shone even more intense.

Conn bounded up to Madalena's side, glancing down for a moment at what indeed appeared to be a head. He had only a faint idea of what Discordia looked like, the notorious recluse a mystery to most, but it was clear Madalena knew. He turned to the gathering crowd, his voice lifting over the growing murmuring.

"I can do my best to keep them back. Is it really her?" He asked over his shoulder as he took a half step forward in reserved menace to keep an impetuous looking Gran for moving in for a closer look.

Location: Arriving at the Tower
Tags: Madalena Antares Madalena Antares Conn Dagorian

Ivixa was at home with her family when the severed head appeared at the front of the Tower, preparing to move them to a new apartment, one that was more spacious and luxurious thanks to her recent salary increase and fresh income from other sources. Up until now, it had been a delightful, yet extremely busy day due to the seemingly number of boxes, heavy furniture, and appliances she had to help pack and lift into the rented moving speeder. The mood had quickly turned sour when she heard the news via a classified Wild Hunt channel and was summoned to the Tower. Without telling her family any classified details beyond a vague statement of there being an emergency at work, Ivixa left them to finish the move, donned her armor at the base, then traveled to the Tower via military speeder transport.

The speeder transport landed the platoon of Wild Hunters in front of the crowd, meaning that Ivixa did not have to push through a dense mass of bodies that were typically twice her size in reaching the Tower, a process which would have undoubtedly taken her ages. The Aspect of Death quickly received the assistance that she had requested, in the form of fresh soldiers and security to control the crowd, and if necessary, to engage whatever had potentially killed Discordia. However, intelligence, forensics, and assassins seemed to have not yet arrived on the scene by the time Ivixa stepped off the transport. Regardless, with enough armed men and women to hold back the crowd for the time being, the situation slowly came under control. In addition, one of the Hunters had arrived with a high-powered signal jamming device, intended to jam civilian communication frequencies from leaving the area in the hope of preventing news of Discordia’s potential death from getting out, while leaving military ones active. The device was immediately effective, but Ivixa knew that it was only a temporary solution, as with time, many comlinks could cut through the jamming to find an open frequency.

Unfortunately, at her size, there wasn’t really much Ivixa could do security-wise, unless she took out a weapon and started massacring people. While she was a capable soldier, an excellent sniper, and to a more limited extent, a skilled martial artist, she was by no means intimidating unless she went out of her way to prove it, which ultimately, was counterintuitive to the point of having a security officer.

She could only hope that the severed head was not actually Discordia and that they could get to the bottom of the situation as soon as possible.

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Dasmi Lindervale


The call had gone out when what seemed to be their leader's head was lolled out on the tower steps. Dimtri and Rimes both moving and gathering what they could as those they could muster were marched out to the tower. Soldiers from the Armada followed the fleet Admiral, all of them in Phase II armor and prepared for the worst given the limited news they had. Some grumbled about being away from the ships, but those on shore leave were called back to replace those taken. The squad dispersed and paired up with the wild hunt soldiers, dividing out tasks as they received them.

The ear piece was securely pushed in to keep chatter over the line contained as soldiers began to move around and through the crowd. Wild hunt and Armada soldiers moving as they could to keep everyone present and accounted for.

"Everyone, if you would please, you will be separated into groups. We will be interviewing you all so please remain calm, quiet, and most importantly. Please cooperate for the time being." Dimitri hollered over the crowd that was around them. The soldiers were armed, but did not present fire arms to control the crowd, opting instead to coral the herd into several groups as gaurds were posted around them to keep an eye for anyone darting. The chiss woman kept an eye on the assembled civilians while Dimitri moved towards Madelena and his brow rose at the sight of the head.

"Well, chit. I thought she had gone into hiding." He sighed, keeping close enough to speak in low tones. "No one saw anything on the camera's? Or where are we at?"​


][ A B S O L U T I O N ][


Currently Fronting: Kyrinov
Objective: Crowd Control / / Grieve
Location: The Tower, Eve
Equipment: Dress of Salvation [ X ] | Anat | Silent Blades | Encrypted Comm Device

What do you do when a god dies?
There were moments such as these when you do not breathe because you cannot breathe. You cannot move, finding yourself immersed in sorrow, in an indescribable fear. Metallic eyes stared at the holoprojected screen in his office that flashed as BREAKING NEWS spread throughout Eve, cultivated by an already gathering news team. The screen showed the impossible seeping into reality for on the steps of the Tower, lay the head of their invisible leader. In plain sight. And already crowds gathered to witness the utter Chaos of the situation, questioning who the woman was.

He sent a quick message through the Silencer channel to report to the Tower and then he was off. He was out of time, there was no such thing as irrelevant as time to the Chaplain in the heat of the moment. He whistled and called Anat to his side as he ran through the Temple. He must have somehow gotten to the Tower, maybe by some kind of public transport, perhaps by private shuttle. He wasn’t sure, he couldn’t feel himself in his own body even as he parted the crowds with long strides and made his way to the familiar faces at the front of the masses.

He vaguely saw soldiers, Armada personnel, and even those of the Hunt present. There are people talking for every direction, steps being taken, news reporters still reporting with nothing to really give their audiences. He felt molten lava rise inside of him as anger bubbled. Grief and sorrow overtook him as he saw the dismembered head on the steps with his own eyes, rather he was watching himself stare at what evidence they had.

Kyrinov was met with a torrent of questions from a news anchor. “Chaplain, where are the Silencers? Do they not know of this incident? What will the Silencers do? Will they look into the matter? Is this woman tru-” The news reporter stopped as his head jerked to the side violently and he let the emotions rise and flow and build as he pulled at the Force.

He had questions of his own swirling through a fogged mind. How could they just stand there and wait around? What the hell were they waiting for? Why didn’t these people just spread out and leave the matter alone, there were professionals who could handle it. Why wasn’t anyone shutting up?

Those were his last conscious thoughts as he lost himself, only for another lurking figure to rise.


Currently Fronting: Svea
Objective: Crowd Control / / Subdue The Masses
Location: The Tower, Eve
Equipment: Dress of Salvation [ X ] | Anat | Silent Blades | Encrypted Comm Device

It’d been ages since she’d been aware. Far longer since she saw through the lenses of their body.

There was a barrage of noise around the body. And then there was anger and there was the Force. Instinct kicked in, even if she wasn’t sure what was going on. Svea looked about and immediately her chestnut eyes landed on the severed head. Long moments stretched out until the face was connected with a name.


The warrior looked about at the unruly crowds in front of them, even as soldiers moved to attempt to calm the people, it seemed like quite the… ineffective tactic. She had a better solution. She drew on the Dark, pulled it in and through her body, using it as a conduit with the face of Kyrinov standing as the face they saw.

Instead of her skin, her body, they saw him. They saw his eyes glow and warp into a burning ember, his hands wove patterns through the air, it was his voice they heard chanting in the Sith tongue and it was his voice they would soon hear again. But, it was she that was the drive behind their actions. He would look like the hero and none would know of her. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, given their current predicament.

Her eyes found the startled news reporter and softened slightly. Her hand made a gesture, targeting the civilians present and passively projected the ability through the lens of the camera, tugging at Anat as a conduit to sustain it long enough to get a message out. They reached out to the minds of those gathered and the minds of the citizens watching at home.

The voice that emanated from Kyrinov was not his own, but no one would know it other than those close to him. Even they would understand this, that’s what she told herself anyway.

“There is nothing to see. None were harmed today. Return home, go about your usual business. Trust that we will get to the bottom of any future mishaps.”
And then, to add that special Kyrinov flair to make it believable.

“May Discordia watch over you as you go about your day.”
An eternal moment longer to ensure that she’d reached all that she could for now and the control of hundreds of minds was dropped as they proceeded to dissipate, leaving the Tower’s courtyard and lower steps. The bustle of Eve was temporarily resumed.

As they withdrew, she felt herself slipping. The danger was gone now, things were temporarily safe. Rhea could help with the grief. She’d done her part, they were safe.

They were safe, she thought as she faded into the background, giving way to Kyrinov once more. Svea thought this even as their body crumpled, knees buckling and hitting the cement underfoot, at their limit and exhausted. She swore she felt that blasted wolf nudge them and then climb on top of them. Even the dog called him forward.

Perhaps the crowd would gather again soon but, for now, they were safe.

The gods are not dead.

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