Aspiring Jedi
Conference Room
Others in Proximity: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ilais Nytrau"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Chevu Visz"]
The trip between Voss and the legendary Yavin IV had been an exhausting one - but Teynara often found herself tiring easily these days. Consequence of not being able to walk around and exercise as much as I used to, she reflected wearily. Her mind was active as ever, and the Force was always useful to pushing aside encroaching fatigue, but it bothered her nonetheless. The summons for Conclave wasn't one easily ignored, though, she she'd ignored the inclination to simply stay home and rest, and boarded a transport headed for that ancient Academy world. Can't abrogate your duties just because you can't walk around, right?
The moon that had once hosted the Jedi Praxeum of the so-called 'New' Jedi Order was different to how she'd imagined it: green, lush, foreboding in a way she couldn't quite put her finger on. The ancient stones of the vast ziggurat in which the Convocation was to take place hid something that felt elusive to her. It was so very different to the ancient Temple on Tython, and certainly so when compared to the gentle stone structure of the Academy back on Voss: both tranquil, calm places where it was a simple thing to feel at ease. This place gave her the chills, though she couldn't say why. That was a source of frustration above and beyond any other at the moment - the fly in the ointment, so to speak.
The others were already gathering, though this event was more than just a simple meeting: it was a gathering of traditions, of groups that so very rarely came together. There would probably be lively arguments, exchanging of techniques and ideas, possibly the odd fight (at least if the Guardians had anything to do with it!), and she was looking forward to all of it. Weird to think that having Jedi gather from all corners of the Galaxy might feel like a holiday. And yet it did, putting aside that gnawing feeling that was buried deep in her gut.
She'd enjoy the rest of it later. For now, she'd chosen to direct her hoverchair to the main conference room where the meat of the discussions would be held: that was the part she felt would likely weary her the most, but it was important nonetheless. All voices are heard at a Conclave, and all must be represented here. That much made sense, if little else around here did.
Her former student and his wife had already made their entrance, mingling with the others in this vast hall with an ease which surprised her. Thurion hadn't always been the confident man that she knew him to be now, but it was always a bittersweet thing for her to see. There were so many people here, was hard to imagine that they wouldn't all get lost in a sea of sentient beings. This is gonna get chaotic. Will we all be able to stay silent enough to let one person speak when a hundred people have opinions they want to share? It was going to be a long day...
Her hand gently pushing against the control yoke of her hoverchair, she directed the repulsor-driven vehicle over towards where some of the senior Jedi of her own faction were gathering, Thurion and Coci at their head, standing facing an older Jedi that had a familiar sense to him. The one who summoned us all here. Yes, that much was unmistakeable: there was a touch of purpose to him, something in his presence that spoke to more than simply being another Jedi here. Interesting.
"Greetings, Masters," she said to them as her hoverchair approached, bowing her head in a short facsimile of the traditional acknowledgement of one Jedi to another. "Nice to see that we're all on time. Have to set an example to the students, huh?"
Others in Proximity: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ilais Nytrau"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Chevu Visz"]
The trip between Voss and the legendary Yavin IV had been an exhausting one - but Teynara often found herself tiring easily these days. Consequence of not being able to walk around and exercise as much as I used to, she reflected wearily. Her mind was active as ever, and the Force was always useful to pushing aside encroaching fatigue, but it bothered her nonetheless. The summons for Conclave wasn't one easily ignored, though, she she'd ignored the inclination to simply stay home and rest, and boarded a transport headed for that ancient Academy world. Can't abrogate your duties just because you can't walk around, right?
The moon that had once hosted the Jedi Praxeum of the so-called 'New' Jedi Order was different to how she'd imagined it: green, lush, foreboding in a way she couldn't quite put her finger on. The ancient stones of the vast ziggurat in which the Convocation was to take place hid something that felt elusive to her. It was so very different to the ancient Temple on Tython, and certainly so when compared to the gentle stone structure of the Academy back on Voss: both tranquil, calm places where it was a simple thing to feel at ease. This place gave her the chills, though she couldn't say why. That was a source of frustration above and beyond any other at the moment - the fly in the ointment, so to speak.
The others were already gathering, though this event was more than just a simple meeting: it was a gathering of traditions, of groups that so very rarely came together. There would probably be lively arguments, exchanging of techniques and ideas, possibly the odd fight (at least if the Guardians had anything to do with it!), and she was looking forward to all of it. Weird to think that having Jedi gather from all corners of the Galaxy might feel like a holiday. And yet it did, putting aside that gnawing feeling that was buried deep in her gut.
She'd enjoy the rest of it later. For now, she'd chosen to direct her hoverchair to the main conference room where the meat of the discussions would be held: that was the part she felt would likely weary her the most, but it was important nonetheless. All voices are heard at a Conclave, and all must be represented here. That much made sense, if little else around here did.
Her former student and his wife had already made their entrance, mingling with the others in this vast hall with an ease which surprised her. Thurion hadn't always been the confident man that she knew him to be now, but it was always a bittersweet thing for her to see. There were so many people here, was hard to imagine that they wouldn't all get lost in a sea of sentient beings. This is gonna get chaotic. Will we all be able to stay silent enough to let one person speak when a hundred people have opinions they want to share? It was going to be a long day...
Her hand gently pushing against the control yoke of her hoverchair, she directed the repulsor-driven vehicle over towards where some of the senior Jedi of her own faction were gathering, Thurion and Coci at their head, standing facing an older Jedi that had a familiar sense to him. The one who summoned us all here. Yes, that much was unmistakeable: there was a touch of purpose to him, something in his presence that spoke to more than simply being another Jedi here. Interesting.
"Greetings, Masters," she said to them as her hoverchair approached, bowing her head in a short facsimile of the traditional acknowledgement of one Jedi to another. "Nice to see that we're all on time. Have to set an example to the students, huh?"