Corvus Raaf
He relaxed quickly which was good. Unlike the Sith who saw the Force as an instrument of their will, the Jedi saw it entirely the other way around. So she was pleased that he didn’t grab at the Force but rather allowed it to flow to him. Of course, she could sense it before he could – it would take time before his senses were finely attuned enough to be aware of these things.
But as he searched for the Force, his mind was wandering – which was entirely natural. She was aware that a datapad on the table next to her was rising. She took it gently, not wishing it to fall and break his concentration.
“Patience is the key. Continue to feel the Force, how it flows through you and surrounds you. Get used to the sensation for every time you wish to use an ability, you’ll need to access it. Tell me what you feel.”
[member="Vilair Revakin"]
But as he searched for the Force, his mind was wandering – which was entirely natural. She was aware that a datapad on the table next to her was rising. She took it gently, not wishing it to fall and break his concentration.
“Patience is the key. Continue to feel the Force, how it flows through you and surrounds you. Get used to the sensation for every time you wish to use an ability, you’ll need to access it. Tell me what you feel.”
[member="Vilair Revakin"]