"Not bad for a Corellian, eh?" He asked, laughing. "If that lightsaber weilding fether comes back, I assume you'll take care of 'em?" He asked quickly heading back down the street. Although this time, he took a right, speeding down the street. A woman went to cross the street, obviously not paying any attention to the traffic. "GET OUTTA THE ROAD, LADY!" He shouted, not even considering to slam on the breaks. The woman flew up onto the hood before rolling back onto the road and under the van, probably dead.
"That'll slow any reinforcments down, they gotta stop for wounded civies", He said, taking another left. He pulled into the crowded street, sighing loudly once he saw that around fifteen other speeders in the same lane, going very well under the speed limit. However, in the other lane, speeders were racing down the street at dangerous speeds. "Hold on, Imma pass these motherfethers!", He said, quickly pulling into the other lane, cars flying his way. He quickly slammed on the gas, speeding forward, another speeder only meters away.
He had to get in front of the first car in the right lane or he was going to be hit by this other speeder. He pushed the speeder to it's maximum speed, quickly pulling into the right lane once again, almost being struck by the speeder. He chuckled loudly, continuing to speed, listening to the police sirens.
He looked into the rear-view mirrow and saw a police speeder heading their way. The police speeder went to turn into the left lane but was quickly hit by a speeding vehicle. The police speeder was damaged badly and crashed into the sidewalk, accidently running down two civilians in the process. All he could do now was hope that the sith or whatever he was, follow them.