Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign It Will Burn | TB Campaign of SJC held Dandoran, Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Kintan & Klantooine




Atmospheric theme

Location: Outskirts of Nar Kreeta City
Troops: 2 Ravager Brute, 3 Juggernaut Corps, consisting of 40 units each with various types of Juggernaut units, such as Captain, Major, Minor, Grenadier and Heavy, Drones within each company and a batch of 10 Drael Skags beast mounts.
Hostile tag: Cadere Cadere and Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion


Breaking through the clouds, like an asteroid, a massive pyramid style construct of what most would call something out of a nightmarish dream. Speeding through the air, the Bryn'adûl dropship headed for a rocky landscape merging with the deserts leading up to the outskirts of Nar Kreeta City. Standing tall inside of the dropship, Argaloth held on as the ship came under heavy fire from some of the long-distance defensive turrets in the outskirts.

Filled with Bryn'adûl warriors, the five The Bryn'adûl | Juggernaut companies along with three Ravager Brutes, all waiting for the inevitably landing. Filling his lungs with air, the Ravager Brute Argaloth exhaled with a low rumble, feeling a sense of impatient as the blood in his veins burned hot for destruction. He could feel his primal nature wanted to break out and take over. Many of the Juggernauts standing near Argaloth, while not showing their nervousness, felt a bit unnerving, knowing these Bryn, could go Berserk any moment.

Rumbling and shaking of the drop-ship only got worse, the closer it got to the ground, but while the Heldrak Dropship had no protection in terms of a shield, they were built insanely armoured. Hit after hit, the city's outskirts defensive cannons blasted the dropship, but no matter how many punches it took, it kept from falling apart or blow up.

With that said, it didn't exactly perform a smooth landing, crashing into the ground with glorious chaos to follow suit. The dropship disappeared behind some larger rocky formations, making it impossible to see what happened, with only a trail of smoke rising up into the sky.

Shaking off the initial crash landing, Argaloth exited the dropship along with the rest of the companies and the two other Ravagers. <"Get a move on you mongrels"> ordered Argaloth with a deep thundering voice, kicking the Juggernauts into a march for the designated location - Nar Kreeta City.

Having time to set up and place themselves in as good a cover as they could find, Mathieu along when the men waiting for the chaos to break out, would suddenly hear something on the other side of the river. At first, it sounded more like rumbling vehicles coming their way, but it soon merged into war chanting of hundred voices.

Still, no sign of the Bryn on the other side of the river as the war chant went quiet, the neighbouring chaos of the invasion could be heard as it broke the silence. Then the attack came, filling the area with war cries, a hailstorm of long thin molten spike bullets, shredded multiple soldiers, unfortunately enough to be caught by the Bryn's attack.

Then more and more Juggernauts started to show themselves as they started to advance for better cover, ending up having the river between the two forces both in defensive cover.
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All Things With Love
Location: Outskirts [Smol Village]
Equipment: Astrea Robes | Heart of Aceso | Heaven's Wish | Heaven's Embrace | Sol & Astra
Allies: SJC
Enemy: Bryn
Tag: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Objective: Peacefully convince a few stubborn groups to continue with the evacuation on the Outskirts before it's too late.

Visions of darkness, flame, and despair had kept her awake for the last fortnight. Every time her eyes closed. Every time exhaustion came full circle, every time she dared dream, she was pulled back to the same blood-soaked battlefield. She walked along the cracked earth that had turned a deep ruddy brown while the sky was alight with explosions and warfare in the distance. The Jedi Knight had always been sensitive to calamity. When the Galatic Alliance fell so many years ago?

She had felt the holes torn asunder in Coruscant as if someone had torn her apart. When Thyferra burned? Her skin felt as if to blister. As terrorists claimed Ryloth, she endured their hate. While tens of thousands of people were slaughtered and lost in the western reaches of the galaxy, wanton, and without end—She felt their loss like an all-encompassing wave. Such loss made it hard to breathe, yet, breathe she did. Wake, she did.

Naboo was almost hard to look at whilst recalling what would come to pass. The Bryn'adûl were a mass of thriving, aggressive creatures, that seemed to believe any other species had simply run out of time. That they were weak, a waste, and more importantly—Had been born to die. Not some far-flung day in the future. Now. Every creature, every being, required swift extermination whilst they descended like vultures to claim the remains. To terraform and convert what was left behind.

It was a difficult concept to wrap her mind around. It was against everything she believed, and yet, it was the only shred of truth she could piece together from her visions. The young woman found herself grasping at straws to make sense of what she saw, if only, to keep her mind intact.

This led her to Nar Kreeta.

This world and many others had been adapted by the Silver Jedi Concord to suit the needs of the battles to come. What had once been flourishing cities, full of trade, and industry were now shells that boasted an intense military presence. Breathing in stale air found a soft frown lingering on her face while she tried to reason with a few clans that had refused to leave their homes and possessions behind. An evacuation on such a grand scale, several planets worth, was never one-hundred percent accurate.

There was always someone or something that lingered.

<This is the last transport leaving this area. I beg you to reconsider…>, Gianna hissed quietly to an older Trandoshan female in her native tongue of Dosh. The almost reptilian humanoid was surprised to hear a human speak Dosh so well, especially, because most didn’t bother to learn it. Her people also spoke Basic and that was typically good enough for any soft-skin. <You will be safe. The skies are well protected by the Concord, but travel will soon become much more difficult. Dangerous.>

<Nar Kreeta is always dangerous, Jedi. Do you think this is new? Do you think that the threat of death changes things for us? Your people take interest in this world, only now, because your enemy has arrived to knock on your door. My home has been gutted. This battle is of no concern to me. I was born here. I will die here.>, the Trandoshan, Ooma Tivvas, grunted back. Her expression was hard with wizened lines running around large orange eyes. Her skin was still a glossy, bright shade of green. There was something about the young human that made her want to bend. She seemed to genuinely value her life—Though, she did not comprehend her pride. <You needn’t look at me with such eyes, child. I am old, but I am still a mercenary and I know my way around any weapon. Your worry is misplaced.>

<I apologize, I meant no offense. I am afraid that it is not. The rest of the village has already departed…Will you not go with them?>

Ooma shook her head slowly and leaned back in a chair that was threadbare and worn. Her clawed foot settled back along the dusty wood and she adjusted the particle gun that sat across her lap. Gianna slowly rose to her feet, feeling torn, but incapable of insisting further. She had managed to encourage the others to leave on the transports provided by the Concord, but, Ooma had refused. Over and over.

<If you stay…Beware Kreeta City. If you change your mind…>, Gianna paused and placed a small communicator that would link to emergency services within the Defense Force on the table. <If you change your mind—Please use it.>

<Thank you, Jedi Aegis, but I will not.>

Gianna exited the small, weathered hovel, with a heavy heart. She wanted to believe that this village would be spared the wrath of what was to come but it was too close to Kreeta City. It was laced with mines and traps designed to ensnare the Bryn’adûl. Only, there was no way to differentiate. It would be dangerous for anyone who didn’t know what to find or expect. Raising her comm to her wrist she slowly transmitted the all-clear. “Everyone who is coming is on board. Fly safe—Force be with you.”

The sentiments were echoed back to her by the pilot.

She wished him luck and speed with all her might. The moment the transport took off there was a deafening sound, an explosion, and something flaming and bright fell from the sky. From a distance, it looked like a star. Then there were more. Gianna shielded her eyes for a moment while several other flashes blinded and more stars fell. She was left with the very same sensation that her dreams had left her with. Dread. Sadness—Fear. She could feel life ending in the distance.

People were dying in droves.

Gianna swallowed hard as she fought to breathe through the growing dark that was building on the horizon. Through the breath of pain, the cries of the dying, so that she could continue on. She had to focus. She had to be here. She had work to do on the ground. She could not help in the skies and she had to trust that the Concord knew what they were doing. That they were operating in the only way they could. Responding, in the end, with this final full measure. The Light had gone to war. There was nothing else to be done against such giants. Fight. Fight—Or die.

There was no other way.

The flame-haired Knight choked on that thought while she forcibly pressed the darkness out of her heart. She would never give up. She would never succumb to fear, not here, or in any other scenario. This world deserved better.

Even if she wound up standing alone.

Gia has been having prophetic visions of the Bryn threat for weeks. Joined the efforts, sweeping for stragglers, and trying to convince them to leave. The battle has begun so they're basically out of time. Questioning her role as she typically subscribes to the "do no harm" philosophy. Saw the Bryn ships going down...Stops there.
Life Weaver of Ashaka




Location: Quadrant 1, School Courtyard
Objective: Endure, Discover, Unleash. Win the City!
Forces: Army of Ashaka Ik'Straktors | Scattered Drones | x5 Personally Assigned Juggernauts
Model A - Verikast Drone Armor | Barricas Oil | Superior Restoration Mutagen | Barad Kukri | x4 Barad Impact Grenades |
Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Galak Galak | Sethrak Sethrak | Keldothera Keldothera | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Osam Osam | Krarolk T'manu | Kar'dak Kar'dak |

Enemies: Rhea | Caedyn Arenais


"You are not sick.." - Seer Kalanthir

The words sank deep into his mind, the visions of intertwining threads of the force knotting into a congealed mess of confusion. The galaxy didn't care what powers it had bestowed upon anything or anyone. It was true, the force lived, but never chose who or what had the right to harness it. It was a new concept for the Life Weaver to wrap his head around. In fact, he was naive to think that being an Aeravalin had afforded him the gift of healing, but they were taught out their own pride and traditions. The same traditions and choices that led them to the losses on Yurb. At times of uncertainty, things always seemed suffocating. While many other races would have lied down in defeat, gasping for the lost breath that was taken from them, the Draelvasier had to found themselves. They rose through the ashes of war, scarred with the taste of mortality. They were no longer titans among men, they were exposed, vulnerable creatures. It was this that lead them to their answer, endure the pain and scars...or die.

Sylok'Vanari stood on a hill of stone and dirt, the raging fires of war a clear indication of what remained below him. He reflected on the words of the Seer, they spiraled through him with conviction. What he once thought was a plague of illness, had turned him into a being of ruthless sorcery. While he questioned the living force that flowed in him, he already knew it would bend to his will. The evidence was already staring back at him, his gaze adjusting to the massive assault on the city walls of Kreeta. Shock waves of energy exploded as the hellish roars of war coalesced into one harmonizing tone, death. Threads of raw force began to slowly rise, like hundreds of rivers flowing towards the red exploding skies above. Sylok knew the fate of those fearlessly charging into the fray, the streams of vibrant life sources spoke to him with alarming veracity. Sylok once thought these flowing indications of the force were an illusion, intangible sources sent by someone to trick him. Instead, it made him a weaver. Those raw flows of energy were a source for him to utilize, to replenish his pool of unorthodox and unpredictable manifestations of power. Here, it would be no different.

Patience, it had earned him more victories than losses. So, he waited, the floods of Drones rushing past him as they continued forth with mindless savagery. He envied them, not for their expendable nature, but their unwavering loyalty to the cause. They couldn't be affected by the politics that came with the aftermath of war. Drones remained as they ever were, expendable and loyal. Sylok watched intently, the flames rising through the heaps of shrapnel and explosive armaments the Jedi had clung to. The vibrations trickled out from the epicenter of the city, sending a massive blast upward as the defenses strategically impeded their progress. The razor sharp teeth of Sylok's maw lightly shifted, each tip rolling over the bottom before interlocking. Agitation was the only thing that resided on his face as the first of his subordinates stepped closer from behind him, an army of motionless Ik'straktors blanketed with red clothed robes. Finally, as the smoke rose in the distance, Juggernaut Mavtrek relayed the message.

"The skies weaver. They are taking our reinforcements out!" Mavtrek grunted, furious with Sylok's misguided hesitation.

The lengthy fingers of Sylok rose, sharp nails like talons curling inward before they split apart into a wide palm. Mavtrek grinned, a rage of impatience fueling his premeditated words, until the cloud black smoke cleared and a rushing scout charged toward them. One of their own, a Juggernaut recruited by Mavtrek himself. Sylok shifted his glance to the side, he would ignore Mavtrek's insubordination and fear, the two didn't belong on a battlefield. The scout was close, screaming the warning as he approached.

"They're all dead! The school courtyard! We hit a..." The young Juggernaut was swept away violently, a large heap of cascading metal crushing him as his blood trailed for miles from the impact. No doubt a product of the orbital destruction that continued to reign hell from above. Fifty-feet closer and Sylok would have been mutilated along with him.

Sylok picked up on the brave scout's wording, something waited for them there. They had played to Sylok's strengths and waited out the first and second wave. It was time, time to remind them that Draelvasier were still titans and not a distant memory. Sylok rose his hand higher, a fuel of power surging through him as thread after thread soaked into his open palm, like a vacuum scrounging for every last bit of life source from the Ik'straktors behind him. Like dominoes the scarlet robes fell and in one powerful roar, Sylok tightened his raised hand into a fist, closing off the vortex in the blink of an eye.

"For the Bryn'adûl!!!! Feast on them!!!"

They charged, collapsing into the city like a swarm of rabid dogs. The Juggernauts and Sylok running in tow. The weaver smiled, he still knew the force didn't care who won or lost...

it never would.

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Location: Marketplace

: B

: Verikast Armor / Assault Carbine / Glaive

Allies: Keldothera Keldothera / Osam Osam / Sethrak Sethrak

Damn. Gordrak huffed in annoyance as a stray bolt took out a comrade beside him. The Marketplace had turned out to be nothing more than an absolute pain. His unit, among others, were meant to be the muscle. They were the ones bleeding and suffering for what little scraps of ground they could acquire. Others may have resented this but Gordrak didn't care in the slightest. He reveled in the carnage and chaos of it all. There was more to it however than just a base desire for bloodletting. The Chieftain had given the order to his hordes. Gordrak would fight tooth and nail to see his orders fulfilled. Gordrak grabbed his fallen comrade as his body raced toward the floor, propping him back up despite his death. Gordrak was in need of cover and seeing as how his comrade no longer lived, he probably wouldn't mind if Gordrak used him as such.

Utilizing his fallen ally as a meat-shield, Gordrak maneuvered himself across the street and into cover behind some debris. Seeing as how Gordrak was rather large
and armored, he had to take a knee to receive any benefit. Gordrak quickly tossed his meat-shield away and blind fired from the safety of cover. It was ineffective fire and it served only to possibly suppress the enemy. Somewhere out there, in all this chaos, were his comrades from Ylesia. They had the misfortune of being assigned elsewhere and though it annoyed Gordrak, he took solace in the fact they were too stubborn to die. Gordrak chuckled as he reloaded his weapon. They were a bit mouthy but they were strong. He had seen as much. After the enemy was destroyed, the three brutes would regale one another with stories of their prowess. That or devolve into argument based on who performed the best.

Around the time Gordrak slid a new magazine into his weapon, he heard the order to stand his ground and hold for reinforcements. Before he could confirm, a cluster of explosions occurred several meters in front of him. He kept to his cover as they happened but noted they had eaten away his cover somewhat. It was still effective but it wouldn't be for much longer.
Not under repeat punishment like that. The fact there didn't appear to be much cover in the immediate vicinity elicited an annoyed growl from Gordrak. Like it or not, it seemed he was going to have to stay here for the time being.
Wearing: The Morpheus Chitin

Armed with Vorpal Saber

Crime Hunter's Pistol

Psychic Katana (Incendiary Variant)

Objective: Fighting in Kreeta City

The Scarred Jedi in the silvery Power armor had managed to catch a transport full of Jedi to the Battle Zone. Her weapons had been fully inspected before departing.

Syd's dance lingered in the back of her head. She forced herself to stop thinking on how she had sat in that cheap denim blue dress she wore when pretending she was ordinary, watching the red head dance for her. Had she bought that slave leia outfit specifically for that or had she coincidentally owned it.

She tried not to think how that flute music had played on her sound system, watching Syd's Torso move like liquid during the dance. Laertia had remained completely silent the whole time. Silent in a way she had not been before.

Laertia forced herself to stop thinking how she had nearly been kissed would only get her killed.

But she could feel Syd, even now, albeit distantly, filled with worry for her student.

Her bond to the creature had grown intense. Despite Syd's nature, Laertia had started to feel things for the person that nature surrounded. It was different from what had happened with Westenra, who was a product of technology. Syd's hands were as stained with blood as Laertia's. It was all they knew.

As this fact had begun to really, truly sink in beyond an academic level for Io, she had found herself drawn to the creature. When sharing that last battle had linked them, Laertia had taken it as a sign from the Force and stepped WAY the hell out of her comfort zone to kiss Syd that first time.

All of this stress, this uncertainty, this giddyness at seeing someone for the first time, at being desired, all of it was forcibly pushed out and locked away by Laertia. When the Transport stopped, only the Black Knight of Nar Shaddaa was on the battlefield, and the only thing the somber helmed Force Adept had in mind when on the job was asskickery and the ways to inflict it upon others.

It was this mindset that led her to help set up defenses and proper chokepoints for the streets it was believed the Bryn would attack from. Not that they hadn't already done this, but she wanted to make certain the troops got the drop on as many Bryn motherfethers as possible.

The tension before the battle was always the worst.

She stood with a line of Jedi Knights, behind mounds of barriers, heavy repeaters and snipers. The Palace must not fall. Everything depended on it.

The savage warriors soon emerged, firing rockets and other deadly weapons, many of the larger ones started to charge and that is where She and the Jedi came in.

The Ash Gray Dark Saber she owned ignited as she charged forward with a battle cry, the blade the length of an odachi as she swung it viciously into their tough hides, slashing and slashing, spilling alien blood and guts as the troops around her unloaded on the advancing hoard. She picked up one of the smaller ones and began using him as a living club to hit the larger ones in the face before hacking into them, her screaming victim slowly becoming a pulpy bag of bone and muscle until it burst open, but she continued from victim to victim in a liquid series of motions, some quick draws from an incendiary infused Katana ended lives in a spray of blood and eruption of flames, light glinting off it as throats were sliced open, spraying ludicrous amounts of blood everywhere and terrifying the warriors of the Bryn closest to her with her brutality and swiftness as either her katana or saber dashed through the wicked...
Objective: Reach the Surface
The Liberty's Revenge
Tag: Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull


He smiled.

It had been years since he had actively served with the Silver Jedi, with Concordia. He was fourteen when he had last actively served, now he was seventeen. He was older, he had been trained by K Kaine Australis and he was much more mature than he had been since he had left.

The young man had been a child when the Bryn had first entered the galaxy, when they had struck at Yurb. He hadn't been allowed to fight on Yurb. Instead he had been confined to Kattada, confined to the hospitals with the task of treating the wounded.

As much as he had wanted to, he hadn't returned to The Silver Jedi since returning to Concordia, he wasn't sure how many of his former friends knew he back, never mind that he was serving in the defense force. Returning to the temples was something he needed to do in his own time.

Feet against metal, the Jedi walked onto the bridge of the cruiser. He hadn't expected to be assigned to such a ship but he was happy he had been. He felt like he was actually taking part in the battle this time, the last stand against the creatures that made up the Bryn.

Carefully he slid his comlink in to his ear, he needed to be alert.

As he walked, the ship's commanding officer turned to look at the young Jedi. They had struck up an unlikely friendship, the gruff military commander and the young, reckless Jedi. Obviously the commanding officer outranked the Jedi, but the commanding officer didn't see it that way. In his eyes, they were a partnership.

Caden took his place besides the man, closing his hands behind his back. His eyes were surveying space, looking towards Nar Kreeta. It was his target to land some ships on the planet, provide Concordia some assistance in the fight against the beasts.

"The entire planet was evacuated. It's a war zone, being used as a military trench. This time we were ready for the Bryn onslaught and could plan. We'll burn the entire planet to ash if it means we can take the Bryn with us, this ends on Nar Kreeta"

He had changed, no longer the soft spoken Jedi he once was. He was speaking like a true soldier, willing to sacrifice an entire planet to stop the threat of the genocidal beasts that was approaching them, planning to lay waste to the galaxy.

"And when you land, what then?"

Slowly, Caden looked up to the commanding officer. The young man had never really called the officer anything other than Commander, though he was vaguely aware of the mans name. He was vaguely aware that off duty the man went by the name of Maxwell.

"We take as many of these genocidal creatures with us as we can"

It was quite blunt really. His only task was to burn the Bryn, take as many of them to hell with him as possible. He had no other goal, he just wanted to slaughter the creatures that had taken so many lives on Yurb. It was slightly a goal fueled by revenge.

"Try and see if we can lock a fighter squadron down for support. I doubt the dropships will get through this Bryn fleet otherwise. Commander, if I don't make it back, it's been an absolute honor and privilege to serve on your ship. Stay safe"

The young man turned and smiled. He was excited.

Location: Outskirts
Troops: 5 Mechanised Kastolar Platoons, numerous soldiers carrying LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenades and LPD-37 Coldstream Cryoban Rifles
Equipment: Ashlas wristguard | Espresso Revolver | 10 L'Escargots with Cryoban charges | Stun baton | Two Lightsabres | Brion Substance Regulator | Electromagnetic pulse emitter | Covert Jedi Robes on top of Gundark II-class Power Armor | 5 LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenade | LPD-40 Icejet Miniaturized Cryoban Projector | Commlink
Allied tag: Cadere Cadere
Hostile tag: Argaloth


The Bryn dropped down from above, and for some time, the Kastolar troopers couldn't see them. "Deploy a Pimento" Dansk spoke with a low voice as she contacted one of the squads at the flank. Soon, the very small drone floated off, utilising its advanced sensor system to scout for the Bryn troops. It was not long before data started to flood in to the command vehicle only to be passed on to the troops on the ground.

Mathieu looked to the Major, he had been an important part in the development of many of the weapons in use and let out a quiet "What goes up comes down" She looked at him with a knowing smirk. "Use the targeting system on the MEAT Launchers. Fire high." Many of the Kastolar troops followed her command and used the launchers similar to how a mortar would be used. Instead of aiming at the rocks, they pointed their weapons up to the skies and fired off after the aim-aider had helped them calibrate the exact angle. Soon, a large number of Sundae shells would come raining down on the Bryn from above.

The destructive power of the Sundae shells were considerable as they contained cryoban and other chemicals to create extreme cold where they landed. The small amount of liquid they contained helped too, seeing as it would make the ground very slippery. But all was not well - the Bryn fired off a salvo at the Concord troop. Even from within the Frittata, terrible pained screams could be heard - not from the ones who got killed , they died immediately, but from the unlucky ones who got pierced and stuck to a tree or lost a limb. The medics would have plenty to do and some troops were already being carried off to the Frittata that was geared with medical facilities. Some of the soldiers who were hit misfired their launchers. It was not all for naught, however. A few Sundae Shells hit the river and the slope leading up to the hilltop they were on, causing the body of water to freeze over and also become slippery as well as several spots leading up to their positions.

The situation brought the Padawan down. Many of the soldiers in the platoons were people whom he had made bonds with during their travels. And now they were dying while he stood inside the safety of a Frittata with, probably, the heaviest personal armour on the field. It was wrong and unreasonable for him to stay. But just as he was about to turn and leave, the Major flew up to him and put a hand on top of his head with a firm "No. Not yet." The woman certainly knew how to carry a great deal of authority - especially for someone who was so small. It worked, for now, Mathieu would stay.

"Pimentos. Deploy the Pimentos." Major Dansk spoke with a clear voice, and as she did, tens if not hundreds of small drones floated up in the air, ready to help defend against the next salvo from the Bryn. "Let'em have it." And with that command, a hail of bolts rained down toward the Bryn from the hilltop. The blasters were not expected to be their most effective weapons but blasters always carried a certain danger to their foes. But then, some carried Cryoban Rifles which packed much more of a punch against their cold sensitive foes. Many of the troops reloaded their MEAT Launchers for a second salvo - some fired them off as soon as they were done reloading, others waited for a command from Dansk.

Looking at the holomap with information from the Pimento sensors, Mathieu pointed at the Skags "We should do something about them. L'Escargots and Sundae Shells could be effective. Target their legs." Dansk nodded, deciding to trust he Jedi ally and passed the command on to the troops, letting the ones who could target the large mounts' legs do it. So far, things seemed to go according to plan, but Dansk still looked as bitter as ever. She expected something to go wrong, and for some reason, the Padawan thought that she was right.
Objective: Marketplace

Verikast Drone Armor
Assault Carbine
Pulverizer Sidearm
Keldothera Keldothera (Dialogue)
Gordrak Gordrak (Within View)
Yula Perl Yula Perl (Watched doing acrobatics)
AMCO AMCO (Barely Within View)

The sudden destruction somewhere near was enough to wrench both the Major and his squad's heads to the side. A cataclysmic sounding explosion had clearly occurred in one of the nearby courtyards, though there seemed to be little communication clarifying what had occurred there. Could it be that the enemy was barraging them with some manner of artillery? He scanned some of the more distant structures of the city, eyes flicking from this target and that one until he felt satisfied that there were no heavy guns baring down on their forces -- at least not from atop the roofs.

He took notice of Keldothera Keldothera as she gave her rallying cry. Was it true that reinforcements would be joining them soon, or could it be that they'd already been picked out of the air? The Risen Major gave another look at the battleground before him with its many weaving and shifting roadways and shops and constructions. He couldn't even see the enemy from here, and yet there was an undeniable presence to them. At any moment a stray sniper bolt could take his head off from a thousand yards away... even if there was no reasonable vantage point.

There was a brief nudging at his side to draw him back to more important and immediate matters, and he granted a nod to his subordinate. "We'll climb up onto these structures. Some of them seem to be almost connected by fire escapes and the like -- it won't be hard to traverse." He pointed upwards at one of the structures, and immediately the Risen began their ascent, their large bodies surprisingly deft when it came to such vertical movement. Before the First of the Risen joined them, however, he approached Keldothera.

"We are climbing. I will relay the battlefield to you, General. Our vantage point will provide more than this one." His message delivered, he began to scale up one of the structures, listening as another few detonations hither and thither drew his attention to different points of the terrain. Even mid-climb he felt that he could see far more than he had previously been able. He took notice of an enemy soldier or two moving from structure to structure an instant before they were cut down by a Juggernaut.

Movement caught his attention, and he observed as a being leaped from a structure down into a mostly hidden alleyway. He could only make out one or two figures, but clearly it was a point of hostile concentration. He'd make a note of its position to inform Keldothera when he'd reached the rooftop. Elsewhere, he watched as a mighty Juggernaut held the fallen body of his comrade, utilizing its remaining armament and flesh to deflect firepower until they'd found an advantageous location... though they did appear to be somewhat trapped now.

Had they gotten to the point of the struggle where they were utilizing the corpses of their kin only to be caught in traps?

Location: Outskirts
Troops: Personal squad consisting of 15 Kastolar soldiers, 5 Mechanised Kastolar Platoons, numerous soldiers carrying, LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenades, and LPD-37 Coldstream Cryoban Rifles
Equipment: 1x Lightsaber | Personal Light Armor | FF-CAR1 | 3x Stimpacks | Comlink | Holoprojector
Allied tag: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Hostile tag: Argaloth

Cas' attention was focused on the, literal, Bryn dropship that fell to the surface behind the land across the river with a line of smoke emerging from where it landed. The Kastolar troops were dead silent as he felt their fear and anxiety echo through the Force. Unclipping his lightsaber hilt, its snap hiss was the only sound heard as Cas ignited it - lightly bouncing in place as he psyched himself up, ready for what was about to come.

The Kiffar's ears perked when he began to hear something in the distance - at first he thought it was the oncoming sound of vehicles, but quickly learned they were chanting. Following Dansk's orders, the Kastolar troopers followed suit and with an affirmative nod from the Jedi Knight, Cas' personal squad opened fire into the sky as well. The Jedi watched with a smile as he saw the Sundae shells blast off into the azure before gravity returned it to the surface in the distance.

Finally, the Bryn would retaliate and at the sight of molten bullets Cas quickly yelled out "TAKE COVER!!!" to all who had the chance while he stayed back and positioned his arms forward in an attempt to slow down the bullet's trajectory with telekinesis by way of the Force, thankfully due to its size and already slowed momentum Cas was able to stop the bullets that came his way, protecting himself and anyone that was near or behind him. Unfortunately, the pained screams of the soldiers he wasn't able to save made him internally shudder, turning to address his own troops Cas ordered "Jenkins, Starlighter and Kuuff - go and help the wounded, the rest of you stick with me." before returning his attention to the front.

The Bryn were closer, he could sense it and before too long he finally saw them - large, grotesque and powerful. "Imagine looking like that." he snarkily remarked. There was one thing standing between the two groups now, a frozen river... at least for now. Turning his attention back to the treeline at the edge of the hilltop, they stretched far both in length and numbers, Cas pointed towards the row of trees with his lightsaber before ordering his squad on what to do "Fell that treeline. Should make crossing over particularly annoying for the brutes." Cas ordered calmly but smirking. After a few 'Yes sirs' his squad aimed at the tree trunks before opening fire, hitting very specific points where the trees would collapse onto the side where the Bryn were currently taking cover. When they'd eventually cross over, it would leave them open as navigating the logs wouldn't be exactly be a walk in the park.

Cas' head tilted upward as he glanced at the Pimentos stationed above. He was feeling confident, but the Knight knew the scales of battle was always in motion.
Post: 2
Objective: Marketplace
Location: A large building, several floors up.
Friends: Osam Osam Keldothera Keldothera Gordrak Gordrak
Foes: Yula Perl Yula Perl AMCO AMCO

Sethrak was looking for a better window when the explosion rocked the building. He snapped his eyes to the nearest window where he saw smoke, dirt, and whatever else was produced by the explosion. The Jedi seemed to be on the offensive, though the combat was mostly static. Some Bryn used bodies of their fallen brothers as shields while others took cover behind anything solid. If one side got close to the other, they were quickly cut down.

What he needed to know was what caused the explosion. It was obviously not The Bryn'Adûl. Was it a heavily armed trooper, or some artillery? Perhaps a mine of some sort, though that was unlikely. Shattering the window, the Warlock looked down the sights of the rifle, letting it rest on the window frame. First he looked for the obvious things, large vehicles or cannons that could produce a blast like the previous one. He saw nothing. Next, he searched for any troops with larger weapons such as grenade and rocket launchers. There were too many troops for Sethrak to see each one, but so far...nothing.

Enough of the endless searching. It was obvious that he wouldn't see the source quick enough. Instead, he began to take shots at every soldier he saw. The gun had a large amount of recoil, but the blasts were devastating. Unfortunately, Sethrak didn't have much ammunition and the clips weren't large. He needed to conserve his shots for the more important targets....and for any wondering Jedi that come his way.

He used the time it took to reload to look around. The other Drael had taken up positions, but none had shot down on the enemy.

"Drael! Take shots at the foe, let our presence be known! Take priorities shots....high priority targets include heavy troopers and the ones they call jedi."

The Drael didn't take long to unleash a wave of fire, taking some foes by surprise and opening a second front for them. At the very least, it would slow their offensive and give the Bryn on the ground more time to act. On the other hand, Sethraks forces had just revealed themselves. The enemy may very well assault the building, and Sethraks small group would have to endure the onslaught.



Location: Outskirts of Nar Kreeta City
Troops: 2 Ravager Brute, 3 Juggernaut Corps, consisting of 40 units each with various types of Juggernaut units, such as Captain, Major, Minor, Grenadier and Heavy, Drones within each company and a batch of 10 Drael Skags beast mounts.
Hostile tag: Cadere Cadere and Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion


The bombardment from the MEAT Launchers sent a ripple effect through the air as everything blew up around the Bryn soldiers taking out a couple of the more unlucky Bryn while wounding more. Following that, the small drones attacking above was quickly taken out by the Juggernaut Heavy units, which quickly directed their focus on providing heavy cover fire for drones of their own. However, these were a bit different type of drones compare to what you normally would think a drone was. A large group of Bryn'adûl Drones troops straight up rushed out of their defensive position around the rock and hill formations.

The drone warriors dashed forward, charging with a dangerous determination, firing while running. Even as they would get cut down by the Mechanised Kastolar Platoons, the Drones did not retreat. Expecting the fire to be focused on the charging Drones, orders were given, soon the rest of the Bryn forces joined in on the suppressive fire to really put the enemy forces in a dilemma.

With the fallen trees, the drones that made it, dropped behind them, until the half made it. With a combined war cry, the Drones, without a sense of self-preservation vaulted over the fallen trees and halted out on the frozen river while firing at the Kastolar soldiers. It was a complete blood bath, even with their basic combat gear, at least for Bryn armour, the Drones was slaughter out on the frozen river, quickly covering up patches where the water had frozen from the Cryoban shells.

Meanwhile, the Kastolar were under heavy fire from the Bryn suppressive fire and suicidal rush from Bryn drones, acting as meat shields, Five large, strong and insanely fast, Drael Skags, dashed into the open. The Drael Skags did not relent as they made a beeline for the small islands of Drone bodies to cross. Following that, the last 5 Drael Skags launched themselves from cover, running with just as impressive speed as they released deep predatorial roars.

Another war cry was released in unison <"YOU ARE BRYN'ADÛL, EXTERMINATE THESE WEAKLINGS IN THE EYES OF OUR CHIEFTAIN!"> as more and more of the Juggernaut Minor troopers began to rush out from cover, under heavy cover fire from Grenadiers and Heavy infantries. Following that, one of the Ravager brutes joined in on the fray loping between on running on all six limps or two.
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WIELDING: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons -(One is outfitted with Glitter Bullets), 1 Phase X-E CryoSonic Heavy Pistol, (1) K914 SMG, (4) Elemental Grenades, (2) Impact Grenades (In The Termite - Winter Rose Rifle, R12 LMG, Phase XI Anti-Material Rifle, 1 Phase X-E CryoSonic Heavy Pistol)
WEARING: Phase II Haywire Armor without force mask UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit
FLYING: The Termite
COMPANY: (8) Droid Bois
TAGS: Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

The small starfighter lingered over the planet. Hardly noticeable given the influx of vessels that had come to show their wrath at being pushed back by the Silver Space Wizards. Sasmay shook her head, trying to tear the association of space wizard and jedi apart. For all her life she had seen the jedi as some greater, and all powerful sorcerer of sorts bent on tricking the mind of the foolish and exerting their will over others. An idea that her owner had never failed to remedy before his demise.

Now though, an unfortunate mishap involving medical frigates along with freeing some captive wookies and droids had changed her opinion. Had thrown the former slave child's idea of what the jedi were to the winds.

They were just like her in some ways. A person in their own little world trying to get by. Just as fallible, if not more so than even she was.

The sensors picked up the impending clash of titans. The Silvers against the Bryn once more from what she had understood. They had pushed the creatures from Yurb once before this. They were attempting to do so again, but in another place. They had given the world as a buffer, an entrenched position against the invading force. Homes had been abandoned. Lives uprooted. Happy memories and places removed from people's everyday life.

What would replace it would not be kind. It would be ugly, broken, charred, and hollow. Devoid of the things she has been told of in regards to the planet. Fighting would strangle this place and destroy the landscape.

Solemn thoughts flickered through her mind as she watched the sensor readouts. A subtle shift in thinking happened as she did so. Blinking behind the helmet, she wondered silently about how strong those uprooted would be to take back their lives if given the chance. How some would dream of seeing their home once more, even broken and burning with hope about them if restoring it. Dreaming of the time when it was beautiful again.

She smiled at the now positive thoughts, remembering her title as Aspect of Dreams within the Wild Hunt.

Those dreams of people returning home drove her now that she was here, but had not brought her here. Her presence was a small and maybe even unnoticed thank you for forgiving past transgressions. Having come offering help from an unlikely group from the far corner of the galaxy. Whether her own admonished or lauded the effort, she was here regardless.

The trip had not been easy given her cargo of weapons and war droids. Some lucky breaks along with palmed credits had made for a more stressful adventure than she had hoped for. Domino might not be terrifically pleased with her coming here, or flying here for that matter. But it was for a good cause.


A small ping on her hud informed her of the impatient droids in the hold, all of them in deployment mode, curled into rolling forms of steel and doom. They were kind of adorable to her, something many had seen fit to grimace at. They were stuffed in side to side, requiring a mass deployment to properly get their numbers out. Something the double doors would aid in once she touched down.

She connected the starfighters systems with her own integrated hud, linking the fire control settings and warming up the shields as she watched from the back for trouble coming her way. Her vessel wasn't designed for space combat even with its upgraded engines and auxiliary thrusters.

Something she kept in mind as she waited for her sign to drop in. She would link up with additional ground forces, adding herself and her droid friends to the group. At least, that was her plan anyway. Her vessel was good for ground support, and with the droid cargo, she could at least add something to the fight that was relatively expendable.

She sat back in her seat, comfortable for the moment as she rubbed her arms as best she could. A nervous habit she had begun to develop in the preamble to a fight. Nerves about her safety and the imminent chewing of her backside fresh in her mind should she come back needing a new arm or leg.

She had a reason to get back safely. A reason to fight harder, a reason to fight smarter. The dream weaver sat back silently, watching the clock display tick in silence, wishing quietly for some form of noise to distract her mind.

Nothing came except the sight of ships silently moving into position out in the void.

Jyoti Nooran


Objective: Buying Time
Allies: Silver Jedi
Opposition: Bryn'adûl
With: Vaeri
Directly Engaging: No one, currently (Open to interaction)
Gear: Armorweave Undersuit, Black Jedi Robes, Festive Breathing Mask, Echani Accuracy Gloves Avalanche Greatsword, Sitara (Lightsaber), Garrote Wire, Poisoned Shivs (6)
Units: Jedi Knights (3), Silver Raiders (12), Beserkers (24), Gnat Runners (2), Limited Air Support


With air thick with enemy fighters and gunships, it was normally suicide for infantry to cross over any open street within the city. However, Jyoti and her Knights proved exception to the rule, flitting across no-man's land with inhuman agility. Few could keep pace with Jedi at full tilt, but amazingly the Silver Raiders were able to keep pace, the diminutive avians built for speed.

From Jyoti's perspective, the crossing seemed to streatch on forever, but in fact the sprint only lasted a a few seconds before they disappeared into a thick haze of nagnol gas unleashed by their Beserker counterparts ahead of the flanking maneuver. Back in cover, tension only grew, as the threat of an airstrike was replaced by something more terrestrial.

A wall of Drones.

The Bryn's numbers were much greater, easily outnumbering the small strike team, but the Jedi and Raiders were in their element as they came into melee range, obscured by the nagnol. With a flick of her thumb, Sitara came alive in her hand, but the normal silver column it spewed was replaced a blade blue and tranluscent in appearance.

She could barely see a meter ahead of herself, so she trusted in the Force to guide her hand as she pounced upon a Drone fireteam, lashing out with a flurry of slashes just as she landed. Each connection was rewarded with a screech and jerking body before each Drone collapsed to the ground unconcious.

Using Sitara in stun mode was hardly a mercy, just the most effecient method she had discovered to take down Bryn, especially the more heavily armored variants. Soon her nose filled with the acrid stench of ozone and burnt flesh as the blades of her fellow Jedi found their marks.

As was the norm for the Shadow, the flashy bladework of the Jedi served as yet another distraction within a distraction. With lightsabers in their face, the Drones hardly noticed the tiny birds at their feet, until they felt the knick of a beak held vibro-shiv at the back of their knee or heel. By then, it was too late, the Drone soon dropping their weapons to clutch their skulls with shrieks as their brains literally fried to death from potent neurotoxins.

The dead continued to pile up as Jyoti and her team darted from one enemy to another, the dark clouds their allies in slaughter. To their credit, each Drone fought with savage intensity to the end, never faltering where other soldiers would have fled in terror.

The zealots knew no other way.

This was a problem, the Echani thought as she finally deactivated her saber. Corpses were strewn all over the ground, but this only a drop in the bucket. The Bryn were Legion, every single one fighting like men possessed. The resolve of the Jedi and Rangers was strong, but in time even these veterans would wear down from attrition, especially while fighting the Sith on multiple fronts. Drastic action was needed to finally break the Bryn once and for all.

Nar Kreeta would be the final grave for their xenocidal campaign. She would make sure of it.

Keep entangling yourselves in our web...

Her headset squawked with a new sitrep from scouts. The Bryn were now moving to seize the Market District. That was bad. That area served as a major artery to the rest of the city, alowing them to simply bypass and isolate defenders.

"Raven, checking in. Redeploying to Sector G. 15 mikes. Out."

Before they moved, she turned her attention to Vaeri as the entire unit reformed. This would be Vaeri's first major operation since her rehabilitation. She seemed alright starting out, but the Jyoti could never be so sure. The woman had been through a lot.

"How are you holding up?"

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Objective A: Kreeta City

Allies; Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Keldothera Keldothera | Kelmor Kelmor |
Enemies: Gir Quee Gir Quee | Jyoti Nooran | Vaeri |
Gear: Triad Chaingun | Verikast Armour | Cleaver Axe | Crusher Mace
Accompanying: Drones [Using Carbines], half a dozen Juggernauts

Up in the sky, their hope was suddenly so quickly ripped away. The battle in the sky was not going in their favour, nearly half of reinforcement deployment crashing down in smithereens around the city. He felt the fear, he saw the fear in his kin's eyes. But they needed their courage, courage to endure what was to come. Courage to endure what was to come. That was all they had to do, endure the battle.

/We've lost a large portion of our forces in the outskirts, Concord battle groups are delaying entry into the City. Reports of explosives under foot./

A message came across the mental link of the battlenet, one they all heard. Explosives, though there hadn't been any in this area yet. They would have to be cautious. Fantastic, the danger doubled. Not only were they having to watch every corner as the defenders pushed against them, but they would have to keep an eye out for explosives underfoot. Though, they had no scanning equipment. But it was his responsibility to find a solution. But for now, their cover was quickly deterioating around them. He turned to Pavium;

"Get ready to move. On me in two - Ra'mak overhead, concentrate fire west of our position. Blaze the streets!" The group of Juggernauts rose on his command, running from cover; fire and explosions dancing around them as two Ra'maks locked their tri-beams overhead, unleashing a singular powerful beam that comboed through the enemy defences like plasma through paper. They opened fire as the Silver Jedi's soldiers were forced from their fortifications. The juggernauts at his side fired with their Carbines, Galak fired with the chaingun, a massive blast of molten rounds shredding a handful of enemy forces in seconds as he shifted to a wider piece of cover.

Galak raised his gauntlet.

"Primarch, deploy Syphons and get a handle on that damn Servitor! We need it! Now! Our forces use the Syphons to scan the area so we can figure out what we're dealing with here." A few metres back another cryoban explosive hit, tearing a Juggernaut in half.

The question crawled back inside his head, where was the Titan.

Voridus Kerwa

Location: Outside of Kreeta City
Objective: Get Bryn reinforcements to the battle
Tags: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma

Near the outskirts of the city smoke rose from the crashed drop pods of the Bryn reinforcements. Voridus crawled out of his smoking pod and grabbed his weapons. He looked around to see other Bryn soilders.
Let's move. We need to get to the city. The soilders quickly readied their gear and brand to move towards the city that can be seen in the distance. The Bryn grew hungry for the blood of the people in the city, they wished to kill.

The reinforcements looked at other pods that fell even closer to the city for survivors. Many of the troops were injured or dazed, but this was not the time for Weakness. The Bryn marched on. They will survive, nothing can stop them.
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Location: On his way to the Marketplace to get a sandwich and new shoes
Gear: Starlin Rand's lightsaber | Mt. Muspelheim Shoto | FENELAR ARMOR
Allies: Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | SJC and allies | Yula Perl Yula Perl
Enemies: The Bryn’adul and allies
Record scratch noise


Aaaaaaaand Syd was right there waiting for him as soon as the transport landed. Welp.

Starlin automatically deflated as soon as he saw her standing outside with her arms crossed over her chest. She did not look happy, but she also didn't look as mad as he expected her to be. Stepping out, he braced himself for a lecture, one eye open and the other closed as he bit his lip in chagrin. This moment felt a lot like coming home to his mother way after curfew. At least back then he didn't have a rattail he was half-embarrassed of.

"They are Rage... Brutal. Without Mercy..."

"So I've heard," Starlin said. "That's why I came here in the first place. No questioning which side is right or wrong. A purely defensive, absolutely justified war against an enemy whose only goal is the destruction of all life."

Syd moved away from him to look at the enemy ships landing in the distance.

"We... we will be worse. We 'must' be... Rip and Tear... until it is Done... I swear, you and your side quests..."

Wait... She wasn't going to stuff him in a metaphysical bag and shoot him in a rocket straight back to Coruscant? They were actually going to fight? Oh chit.

"...YEAH!" he whooped, leaping into the air as he pumped his fist. "Let's go get our crab on, baby! Woo!"

He promptly took off after his fellow Jedi, heading toward the sounds of battle, taking his weapons in hand as he moved. A little ways away, he heard some dame scream “Holy chit, you're Adrian Motherkarking Vandiir!” as if the dude was some sort of celebrity. Fortunately for everyone involved in the operatic scene that was no doubt about to unfold, Starlin Rand, despite his connections to certain individuals who shall not be named, had no clue who AMCO AMCO was and paid it no heed. He had crustaceans to cook. And afterwards season and bathe in garlic butter. Or possibly shred and combine with breading and spices into a crab cake. Or maybe put in a nice soup with cream and a dash of sherry... His writer must be hungry, because he already ate before the mission started.

Thus it was that he ran right past the alleyway where the Sith scientist and his D&D larping group were waiting, waving his lightsaber and shoto around and screaming like Tarzan. He assumed that Syd was right behind him as he charged into a group of Keldothera Keldothera 's Risen. Well, more like skidded to a halt upon catching sight of them around the corner, made a face highly reminiscent of Han Solo encountering those Stormtroopers on the Death Star over eight centuries earlier, waved his glowsticks around enough to hit a few of them (though he wasn't sure if the blows were fatal or not), and then promptly backed away behind the corner again to take cover as they returned the favor.
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Location/Objective: Marketplace
Allies: Gordrak Gordrak | Sethrak Sethrak | Osam Osam
Enemies: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr |
Equipped: Kukri | Glaive | Kraker | Splitter |

The Silver Jedi were on to them it seemed and understood the importance of the marketplace. All the same, they hald to take it no matter what. It was vital to the success of their campaign that they took the marketplace, and so that would be her focus. Kelda took the Splitter from her back, setting the barrel of the gun against her duracrete roadblock, or what remained of it. It had been a while since she'd used a long range rifle. But when they introduced this beauty, an anti-material rifle capable of cutting through shields? She couldn't resist. When she fired, the soldier her shot hit exploded into four little pieces and a lot of mulched meat. Humans, always so weak and pathetic.

The brutality of the Juggernauts they had sent ahead was interesting, using their own kind for shielding. That was new, but no doubt everyone felt a little less hesitant to kill their own after having to put down so many rebellions after Yurb. They had endured their losses, they had turned against each other. Tenabrak against loyalist, ships and mating partners put knives to each others throats. Her dear Fertesa, taken by her own weakness into the dark.

But so was the way of the Draelvasier. She was loyal to the way of the Draelvasier, she looked to the Risen-Srael. Even if the damned progressives were less so. That was when she received a message from the Risen leader. She didn't like them, but she couldn't pretend that wasn't a good idea.

"Acknowledged Risen-leader." She spoke, taking off another head with her Splitter.

She chuckled, watching the body splatter violently. They could hear the battle overhead, incredibly loud. They needed to win here. But they also needed those reinforcements. Reports came in of Risen engaging with Jedi forces, in such a small area it wouldn't take long before they encountered them.

"All market forces be wary, Jedi are on site and fighting in the combat."

Ostak Cl'mana

LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Outskirts
ALLIES: The Bryn'adul | Argaloth | Krarolk T'manu
EQUIPMENT: Shaman robes,
Cleaver Battle Axe, Spitter Utility Bow (1x grappling hook)
UNITS: 2x Shaman Beast Masters, 6x
Obalisc Destroyers, 1x Brumak (in reserve), 3x Quilxyn Protectors, 3x Drael Skags (personal mounts) 40x Draeyde Bats (in reserve)

dropship plummeted to the ground at an incredible speed, absorbing bolt after bolt of cannon fire as it slammed into the ground with enough force to raise a dust cloud around it nearly twice its height.

Within the dropship were nearly two dozen Shamen and hundreds of beasts under their control. They emerged from the dust cloud in groups, mostly unhindered as the defenders focused on the wave before them. By the time the Shamen were fired upon, they had erected their Protectors, and they remained largely unharmed as they began to position their beasts. One of these groups was a trio of Shaman Beast Masters lead by Ostak Cl'mana.

"Spread the Obaliscs out onto nearby points of elevation, preferably within a hundred meters of each other." ordered Ostak to the Shamen behind him. "Keep a Protector with each three."

"Understood." replied another Beast Master. "What about your personal Brumak and the Bats?"

"I'm keeping the Bats in reserve, should any enemy agents flank us." called Ostak. "The Brumak shall stay nearby until the Obaliscs have cleared a hole in the enemy fortifications."

Ostak gestured to his right, where the hulking tank-beast stood at the outer edge of the protective screen offered by the Protector placed in the center of the Shaman group.

"We're seriously leaving such a powerful beast in the rear?" exclaimed the third Beast Master. "What about the first wave? Are we going to let more of our kin die due to our selfishness?"

"We must not let our emotions cloud our strategy." replied Ostak calmly. "As long as you two continue to properly control the Obaliscs and the Protectors attached to them, we should be able to achieve a victory without much difficulty."

Ostak's retort silenced the group, and they drew their focus back to their beasts.

Their Skags paced anxiously behind them, eager to be mounted and rode into combat. The Draeyde Bats roosted on the ground, pinned in place as the mighty Brumak was by the invisible will of Ostak. The six Obaliscs had been guided by the spiritual energies of the Beast Masters, and they were now lined up on a series of low hills about a kilometer and a half away from the city's walls and covered by the dual barriers of the Protectors. On the psychic urging of the Beast Masters, the Obaliscs stepped out in front of the Protectors and stretched out their three massive tentacles.

Each tentacle began to brightly glow as power flowed out of their bulky bodies and into the appendages. Outside the protection of the Quilxyn, gunfire began to pepper the forms of the Obaliscs. However, their thick skin absorbed most shots with wounds that were barely even visible, and the beasts remained undeterred. Still, the Obaliscs were far from impenetrable. If they wanted to remain at full strength, then they would have to destroy the enemy defensive formation within about twenty minutes.

Their barrage began now.

Each of the six Obaliscs released the energy from their three tendrils in one large beam of energy, with each of the six beams rocketing over the heads of the Draelvasier vanguard and towards the wall of Kreeta City.

The artillery beasts lumbered backwards into the barriers of the Protectors as they loaded a second barrage.
Harbinger of Your Destruction

Objective: A
Location: Kreeta City
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Galak Galak | Keldothera Keldothera |The Bryn’adul
Enemies: SJC
Equipment: Two Crusher War Maces
Post: 1

Kelmor watched from the ground as dozens upon dozens of his brothers and sisters died before they even made ground fall. Debris rained down on top of his position as he charged into the fray, his two maces already stained with blood. He was out to prove himself, and this great battle was the perfect time for him to do that.

Beside him, other Bryn’adul attacked the invaders, swinging massive weapons and firing deadly weapons with fearsome intent. They were fighting for their lives. From across the battlefield, he heard the report of explosives. A cowardly tactic in his eyes. Breaking into a sprint, Kelmor leaped into an unsuspecting squad of SJC soldiers, flaying his maces wildly. A savage roar escaped his jaws as he tore through the men before him.

"Weaklings!" He cried as armour cracked and flesh split. He was in the thick of it, and loving every single moment.
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Location: Outskirts
Troops: 5 Mechanised Kastolar Platoons, numerous soldiers carrying LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenades and LPD-37 Coldstream Cryoban Rifles
Equipment: Ashlas wristguard | Espresso Revolver | 10 L'Escargots with Cryoban charges | Stun baton | Two Lightsabres | Brion Substance Regulator | Electromagnetic pulse emitter | Covert Jedi Robes on top of Gundark II-class Power Armor | 5 LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenade | LPD-40 Icejet Miniaturized Cryoban Projector | Commlink
Allied tag: Cadere Cadere
Hostile tag: Argaloth


And then came the second salvo - this time, the Bryn directed their fire on the Pimentos. The small drones did not have much armour and would easily be destroyed by a Bryn slug if hit. But it was a big if, for actually hitting them required some careful aiming and barrages weren't usually characterised by careful aiming. What made it even harder was the fact that these point defence drones could target the rather enormous ammunition which the large foes used. What ensued was a colourful display of Pimentos shooting and destroying or redirecting the incoming Bryn barrage while the Kastolar troops could keep up their fire undisturbed.

But undisturbed was misleading. Even when redirected, the molten bullets carried explosive properties. While most of these exploded in places where the Kroket combat outfits would be capable of letting the troopers shrug off the damage, some hit truly devastating spots. Felling a tree to fall on top of the soldiers taking cover behind it, exploding on a rock behind the front lines to disrupt those who were trying to evacuate others to the medical Frittata - while the intended effect of the barrage was not quite fulfilled, it still wreaked havoc among the Concord lines. Nobody doubted that the Bryn were coming.

A mixture of fearful and calm voices started flooding in to the communications stations as the reports of the Bryn charge started coming in. Dansk remained calm - she saw the drones for what they were and let out a nonchalant-sounding order "Keep firing at 'em. They're right where we want 'em." Precisely that ensued as the Kastolar troopers kept firing their rifles and MEAT Launchers with Sundae Shells at their foes.

"Major, it looks like they're creating a bridge" Mathieu spoke as soon as he saw the drone bodies piling up and the Toydarian nodded and let out a brief "Disgusting" before continuing the troops to use their grenades when fit. Sure enough, the soldiers soon started lobbing LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenades down toward the river when the more powerful foes emerged, relying on the cryoban to deal with the Bryn - in particular the stronger ones.

The command to target the Skags had already been made earlier, and now that five of them appeared out in the open, they recieved extremely heavy attacks from both the Cryoban Rifles and from Sundae loaded MEAT Launchers. Mathieu brought up his personal commlink and contacted his friend "Cassie, you might have to help deal with these Skags. Freeze them." he said, thinking that a Jedi would be well suited to move and deal with the largest and most immediate threat.

Nobody had forgot about the Ravager Brute. And it too, would receive some fire - it was a rather large target, after all. But for the moment, the Skags were the ones that received the heaviest fire - they could come up the hill the fastest. To prevent that, Mathieu contacted two teams to tell them to start coating the hill with ice. It was a large hill, but they got to work and targeted the ground between the Kastolar troops and the Bryn with Sundae Shells, causing more icy and importantly slippery surfaces to appear between them.

For now, the battle raged on. The Bryn were constantly directing more fire power at the intercepting Concord force. At times, Mathieu wondered who had really intercepted who, for despite their smaller numbers, the Bryn sure seemed to know their stuff and were even sacrificing troops to make way for others. But he was calm for now - they had good defences and while some of the Bryn firepower slipped through, the losses were far smaller than they would've been without the defensive precautions. Still, it was hard not to worry, for the Bryn kept coming and it was only a matter of time until they would arrive.

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