Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Items (Ships NPCs, Etc.)

For items like ships and stuff, if it's cannon do you have to request it or is their something special your supposed to do. I probably should have made this ship earlier but the question really hasn't been answered for me and I would like to see the answer before posting any more NPCs or Ship requests.
If it's canon, you really don't have to do anything for it, especially if it's a ship or normal equipment. Stuff with restricted materials, I'm not entirely sure about, but I think those are usually okay, unless it's superweapon level.
[member="John Shepherd"]
Canon droid and ship models do not need to go to the factory unless they are unique ships like the Falcon.

If you wish to change the specs of those canon models you will want to submit them to the factory.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Okay, thank you for the clear up it was unclear at first what exactly I was supposed to do with stuff like that.

[member="Aeshi Tillian"]

Thank you for... the help? I guess. :p No but really, thank you too.
[member="John Shepherd"]

For most things, there isn't really a reason to bother with the factory unless you are really wanting to either A- add special features, or B- create a consolidated history, biography, or specify various capabilities.


News They Don't Want Heard
[member="John Shepherd"]
Codex is always optional. Most people just use it so they can give the people they're RPing with something to reference as to what said NPC can do, when it comes to NPC's. Planets and species have lots of reasons for being created, but a lot of times it's for campaigns or stories people want to tell. Locations are usually made for the same reason as NPC's: to give people something to reference when RPing there.

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