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It's a Jolly Holiday | First Order Life Day Event

skin, bone, and arrogance
The Grand Hotel & Ski Resort rose from the mountainous region around the equator of Hoth, where the climate was cold but not deadly like much of the rest of the planet this time of year, nestled at the base of a mountain and at the end of a beautiful, snow-dusted village. The village was decked in holiday lights, twinkling reds and greens, blues and whites, with vivid crimson and black banners announcing their enthusiastic loyalty to the First Order. News had gone around that the First Order government had rented out the entirety of the hotel rooms, as well as the associated surrounding chalets and cabins, for Life Day festivities. The hotel had stood ready to check guests in for hours, but now that the sun was setting, the whole place was lit up in warm tones, and the kitchens and bars were buzzing with activity as the opening cocktail reception went into full swing in the lobby and adjacent bar.
As the space filled up, Natasi took one last turn around the area, greeting members and checking that everything was quite perfect. She was clad in a raspberry colored evening gown, covered in a thin layer of sheer shimmersilk that went to her throat for a hint of modesty. She was out of widows' black in public for the first time, signaling a return to normalcy following the death of her husband. In her chestnut hair, she wore a set of silver combs in the shape of scalloped shells, and she finished the look with some minimal gold jewelry and a pair of nude opera gloves. All in all, she was presenting a more relaxed and approachable face than she normally did, because she knew that with the strict security and almost abject secrecy, she would be among friends.

Natasi went to the upper gallery and took a glass of champagne from the waiter who was standing there, and the butter knife that was resting on the tray. She used the knife to tap the side of her glass, which gave a clear, ringing sound throughout the lobby and, thanks to the microphone set up in that spot and the speakers in the bars and lounges adjacent to this room, her voice carried throughout the proceedings when she spoke.

"Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Grand Hotel on Hoth. For those of you who don't know me, I am Natasi Fortan, and you all work for me. I hope you all had a safe and pleasant journey, and that you have had a chance to check into your rooms and made yourself comfortable. I wanted to quickly cover some housekeeping items before we proceed. As part of your mandatory holiday cheer, the First Order and yours truly have provided for the food, drink, rooms, equipment rental and lift tickets for the entire weekend, so please don't feel the need to go out of pocket. This event is meant as a relaxing getaway and gift for your hard work and dedication to the empire. Your room key will also serve to get you access to spa services and can be used at shops and cafes in the village, as well as the ice bar at the base of the slopes. Please use discretion and the discipline and good sense I know each of you possesses to determine when you've had enough to drink, and for heaven's sake try not to break your necks on the slopes."

Natasi joined in the chuckles that greeted this remark. She inclined her head and smiled at the crowd. "In all seriousness, this has been a difficult few years for all of us. We are good at war, but that doesn't make war pleasant. It requires sacrifice from all levels of society. But as the year draws to a close, I want to encourage each of you to reflect upon the year. Remember those we have lost and what we have gone without. Give thanks for our many successes and the continued safety, security, and prosperity of our empire. Most of all, my friends, I know you will join me in giving thanks for the continued leadership of our dear Supreme Leader, on whose behalf I bid you all welcome and wish you a very happy Life Day. Cheers!"

She lifted her glass in a salute to her gathered compatriots, then took a sip of the champagne and retreated from the railing to make her way back down to the main floor. It was time to mix and mingle.
Life day cheers.

A festive feel around the resort and as his Grand Moff concluded her speech, Seto eyed his room key suspiciously. His smile of course grew, this was yet another party filled with luxuries and pleasantries. While he no doubt believed there were those who simply detest any social gathering, Seto wondered if he should perhaps encourage those less social to find at least a tiny bit of a happiness today. Perhaps I should just be glad that such people would even show up to this festival, one step at a time.

Seto's hands quickly straightened out his vest and shirt, a quick pat down of his tie, the young Du Couteau shifted his attention towards the lobby and rose to his feet. Smiles and laughter, both forced or genuine from people Seto felt certain he had seen before but even so as a few greeted him, Seto greeted them back and wished them a happy evening. Words of average happenings filled the air, bemused that talk related to work felt absent Seto smile's only grew genuine. No doubt for most people attending the common sentiment was that the rest of the galaxy could simply disappear, today was about their celebration.

Quick movements, and swift steps Seto grabbed a drink from a wandering tray and expertly dodged a question of his dress as he pressed against a small crowd. With a laugh and a nod, Seto squeezed himself past the group and finally approached one of the many balconies. The air turned cold quickly, and even with the heaters nearby to keep those who ventured outside warm enough, Seto figured as the day turned night the outside area would certainly give a very friendly Hoth welcome.

His eyes sought for the path that led towards the small village, assorted shops and cafes waited for him to explore and spend the pretty credit should the need ever arise. It usually does for me. Seto chuckled to himself as he leaned against the railing and peered back inside the Resort. If he hadn't input the coordinates himself to get here, Seto would have forgiven himself for not knowing this planet was indeed Hoth. Even the deadliest planets can be tamed over time. Perhaps he would find out that his own dangerous tendencies would be tamed with time, or perhaps not.

Dreaming of a white snowy Life Day today.

Daan Sarnova
Hoth Surface, Equatorial Area, Grand Hotel & Ski Resort, Lobby
Nearby: [member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Seto Du Couteau"]

"The climate here on the equator is far more pleasant when you contrast it to the rest of Hoth. Not that I am familiar with the rest of the planet beyond the stories soldiers and scientists post on the holonet." Daan's red-covered crown dips in agreement with the new acquaintances she'd made across the evening. Dressed in a teal-coloured cloque draped over her shoulders with elegant pleated features, it hugged around Daan's sinewy abdomen tightly with the Physiologically-enhanced supersoldier opting to be bold with the porcelain skin of her thorax visible in a cleave that stopped not high above the mid-sternum. One of the men dressed sharply passed off a comment, mentioning his surprise that Daan is neither a Scientist or Soldier given her presence at the resort upon their Grand Moff's invitation. Truly, she often felt a little out of place at these dinners, lounges and parties given her humble beginnings in the impoverished suburbs north of Victoria.

Shooting a friendly smile towards the tall middle-aged and greying man gently clutching a glass of Champagne in her right hand she replied with a tactful assertiveness. "My service to the realm comes in diplomatic advice, I'm a Xenoarcheologist and Anthropologist." While not the present truth it wasn't entirely a lie, although her present service to the realm was far more exciting, militant and lethal than her previous occupation as a Diplomat with the First Imperial Government. A clear ringing sounded throughout the lobby, no doubt their host attempting to seize Daan's attention the latter pivoting carefully on her concealed heels towards the sound's origin, her face pulls into a visibly pained wince for but a moment caused that ding's painful reception. The room fell into a peaceful silence while most looked to the Grand Moff dressed to shame all those in attendance and while Daan reflected upon this she concluded it was Natasi's ministerial prerogative.

That simple statement 'You work for me' delivered in the characteristic sardonic dry wit that is Natasi forces Daan to stifle a small giggle under a grunt to ostensibly clear her throat. Dee kept her composure the second time that a dry jest is offered to the lobby, although her peach lips curl into a smile with dimples pressing down like staples into mouth's edges. Visibly the Lieutenant Colonel and former diplomatic aid dips her head in deep firm agreement with Natasi's statement on sacrifice, that it was required from all levels of their proud society for success. But now it was time to celebrate their victories, that longing for Dosuun and home never absconded from Daan's mind, however, and when Natasi lifted her glass in toast Daan replied in kind toasting noiselessly to the Sarnova family and the First Order. "Cheers!" Taking a sip of her Champagne. Daan with a smile on her face confidently makes her towards the Grand Moff weaving between the suits and dresses with a deft agility and grace.

"Your excellence, I humbly beg your Pardon. But I wanted to thank you." Daan spoke in a practiced subservient tone, she'd grown and known most of life speaking upto those who were her economic and social superiors with the propriety demanded of Imperial Society. Daan had served Natasi previously, at the very least indirectly years ago when preparing briefs for the Grand Moff's office regarding foreign governments and cultures as a member of a research and diplomatic advisory board. "For your meritorious service and the humanitarian touch you bring to First Imperial diplomacy." Daan's hands sat above knees which bent in a custy towards Natasi upon completing her sentence.
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Luther glanced over the wine list, his brow slowly furrowing. He didn’t recognize any of these wines, which probably meant they were of a better quality than he was used to. “Excuse me” Luther said to a nearby waiter. “What do you recommend?” The waiter gave a practiced smile, pivoting around to face the agent properly. “We have a lovely Chateau d-” the waiter started. “Sounds perfect, I'll have that” Luther interrupted, snapping the booklet closed. The waiter nodded, taking the list off Luther and leaving with a small bow.

Luther detested events such as these, but as he rose higher and higher in the ranks of the Bureau, it became increasingly important that he showed his face. His role in intelligence often had him working hand-in-hand with many different parts of the Order, and it was important that he didn’t alienate those who he worked with and those he worked under.

His wine arrived, and he took a deep sip of the golden liquid. It was nice, sure, but he still couldn’t distinguish it from the swill he drunk as a soldier. He blamed his poor taste buds and his general lack of refinement. He had cleaned up fairly well at least, shaved and dressed in a blue suit.

The room was bordering on being crowded but was becoming less claustrophobic as more and more guests left for other activities. He saw many associates from the Bureau and received smiles and scowls alike in response. [member="Seto Du Couteau"] walked past him, dressed impeccably as always, moving towards the balcony. A tall red headed woman was talking to [member="Natasi Fortan"].

It struck him that he’d never actually seen the Grand Moff before, at least not in person. She was younger than he expected, and shorter. She was surprisingly...normal. For a woman who carried the weight of an empire on her shoulders, she seemed in good health. Her shoulders were not hunched over but were pushed back and square; her chin was held high.

He wasn’t sure he completely trusted her, but it was hard to trust the person who held so much power over him. He realized that he hadn’t actually thought of her as a living human being until now. He had treated her more as an ideal, much like he treated Sieger Ren. To see that she was indeed mortal was surprisingly unsettling.

He would pay his respects, of course, but perhaps when she was surrounded by less sycophants. But even that might prove difficult, as she was constantly harassed by the creatures. The waiter returned with another glass, just as Luther finished his first. Muttering a small thanks, he swapped the empty for the full. He took another sip, already starting to feel a low, pleasant buzz. Leaning back on the wall, he relaxed and soaked up the atmosphere.

| [member="Daan DT-130"] |


It was not often that a stormtrooper got a leave.
But it was Life Day, and even FN-999's superiors were getting in the spirit. For the day, his entire squad was on a leave to enjoy the spirit, free to do whatever they liked within the Order's boundaries for the day. They had all been delivered to the Life Day village, where they met up with more of their comrades and took alternating shifts of getting drunk and guarding the interior.

As of currently, FN-999 was doing the latter. His typical stormtrooper armor had been switched out for snowtrooper gear, providing much-needed insulation against Hoth's frigid cold. He moved silently toward the hotel, his snowtrooper gear almost completely hiding him among the continuously falling snowflakes. On his back was his trusty riot baton, but he doubted he would need it today. Unless someone got carried away in their drunkness, but it would likely be him of all people. FN-999 loved alcohol as a Hutt loved his credits, and would be getting a drink as soon as possible.

The trooper entered the reception room, shaking off the snow that had accumulated on his shoulder plates and red sergeant's pauldron as to not smother the place. He didn't bother to register, as his superiors had supposedly already covered the entries for the stormtroopers stationed here.

Passing the room silently, he opened the main doors to the lobby and was greeted by a blast of noise. It would have overwhelmed a typical human, but part of FN-999's training had been to handle riots, and he remained relatively unaffected. He slowly walked into the massive room, warmth suddenly flooding him and melting the last of the snow off his armor. As the heat spread further, FN-999 instinctively took off his helmet before he realized what he had done. But then the trooper remembered that it was Life Day, and that such slips could likely be gotten away with.

Taking his mind off orders and protocols, he walked toward a nearby bar, his helmet under his right armpit, his bald head visible above his snowtrooper armor.

"One beer, whatever has the most alcohol in it." said FN-999 to the waiter.

"Yes, sir." replied the waiter. He ran behind the bar and came back with a clear bottle of dark, thick beer. "Thirty credits, please."

FN-999 took the credits off his paycheck and then cracked the lid open and took a swig of the intoxicating beverage.
Of course Zanthier had asked Doctors Brayaa and Launderslaug if they wished to attend the festivities in her place. The answer from both men had been a resounding 'no,' with the former explaining simply that he was too far behind on appointments and the latter similarly citing that he had too much paperwork.

Both had to be lying, for after pulling back into the heart of First Order Space from Sullust, the FIV Pelleaon had to be the healthiest ship that the trio had ever served on. This new isolationist doctrine made a doctor's job relatively easy, though a virologist like the new medical adjunct didn't get to enjoy such benefit.

Even if the others were trying to avoid the Order's cheer, Zanthier actually had a daunting task in front of her yet. The men were still mourning, she was sure that had everything to do with their behavior, and, honestly, so was she, but someone had to travel to Hoth. It was mandatory after all. And so the young doctor had dressed in her best and boarded a transport to the icy planet.

Zanthier forced a smile and clapped politely after the Grand Moff concluded her speech. The comment about remembering those who had been lost pulled at her still raw heartstrings. She managed to push it aside as she began to wander aimlessly around, dispersing through the resort with the crowd. Indeed she knew her limits. Right now, they were not to drink at all.

[ open to interaction ]​
Hoth, Grand Hotel and Ski Resort, Lobby

Primat didn't know what this 'Life Day' event was. He had never heard of such events beforehand, not even on his home-world of Tamora had he heard about Life Day. He hadn't been interested in going to such events such as these, though he assumed it was his requirement as a member of the Order of Ren. Truth be told, the man didn't particularly favor going to such social events such as these. He often viewed these 'things,' as a waste of time that could easily be better spent on such things as military campaigns or training or planning their next move in the great galactic game of war. Truth be told, Primat wasn't as particularly fond of doing anything else other than training to try and better himself. He didn't want to die on the battlefield, least of all die alone...though he had no choice as to that now. The breaking of his romantic relationship between Varas had left a form of an emotional wound on his mind, a wound that he himself didn't think would ever go away. He had felt happy and contempt with his life when he was with her and in her presence. Now, however, when the two once young lovers no longer loved one another, Primat felt as though he didn't know his place in all of this. He felt as though he wasn't sure of his place in the Galaxy, or even what legacy he would leave behind in the grand scheme of things.

Why had he gone to this Life Day Event in the first place? It was Marrisckal, it was always Marrisckal. The two had a deep familial bond as though they were blood-related siblings, they had always looked out for each other since that day in the Throne Room where brother turned against brother, and sister against sister. Marr was good at sensing if somebody wasn't acting normally, and she had somehow known, that her brother wasn't acting himself recently. So she had encouraged...well...she had dragged him along to the Life Day Event. At times, he hated her though it was hard to stay mad at the same sister who had always grabbed his hand and dragged him around everywhere.

Primat stood in the lobby, the blue marbles of his eyes wandering around the room to try and find something to occupy his time. He adjusted the cuffs of his black suit as he approached a waiter. He needed something to try and quench his thirst, something to try and distract himself from his own problems. "Excuse me...," Primat began, the waiter turned to face the Ren. "...whatever your strongest drink is, it will be what I have." The waiter nodded in confirmation to Primat and then quickly ran off, returning a little while later with the man's drink. He muttered a polite 'Thank You' to the waite before taking a few sips of the drink. The Ren didn't know what it was, though whatever the drink was, it left a pleasant and intoxicating taste in the Ren's mouth.

Primat had not been in the room when the Grand Moff had been giving her speech and he didn't even know she would be at the event in the first place. He had seen them earlier when he had walked in but he hadn't thought anything of them at the moment. It was a security detail, a distinguished-looking one...all of whom were flanked within earshot of a woman, the Grand Moff. It was easy to tell who she was, after all, she was a very prominent public figure and had even been on a holo late-night talk show once called 'Ceaser.' He had never met the Grand Moff beforehand and he eagerly wanted to. Though, the young Ren quelled those thoughts. He would try and meet her later during the event when less...fancy and important people were speaking with her. The Ren didn't want to make a fool of himself in the presence of the Grand Moff.
[Open to Interaction]​

[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="FN-999"] | [member="Luther Ando"] | [member="Daan DT-130"] | [member="Seto Du Couteau"]​
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi smiled when [member="Daan DT-130"] approached. She recognized the Colonel by face as well as by name, since the redhead had served in Natasi's diplomatic intelligence unit some years ago. Natasi remembered the woman, now ranked Lieutenant Colonel, as a competent anthropologist and xenoarchaeologist. She had leveraged these impressive credentials to provide a unique perspective on diplomatic affairs. The Grand Moff inclined her head and smiled broadly as the woman came within range, and offered a handshake.

"Lieutenant Colonel," she said pleasantly, flushing slightly and allowing her features to arrange into a look of mixed humility and pleasure at the compliment. "I don't know if I'd go so far," she went on. "We all just give what we can. What about you? It's been a long time. You've moved on to new adventures. Tell me all about it."

Daan Sarnova
Hoth Surface, Equatorial Area, Grand Hotel & Ski Resort, Lobby
Nearby: [member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Seto Du Couteau"], [member="Luther Ando"], [member="FN-999"], [member="Primat Ren"], [member="Tanomas Graf"]

Dwarfing the Grand Moff, Daan's emerald green eyes looking upon the smaller woman fondly and listened to Natasi in respectful silence sporting a pursed-lip smile upon her face. Natasi accepted Daan's compliment and praise with the humility that the latter wordlessly expected from the former. The Grand Moff's pallor turned a distinct scarlet which surprised Dee causing her expression to soften for a moment before making a kind supportive gesture towards Natasi with left-hand, extending her fingers displaying normal transparent nails which reflected the necessary pragmatism demanded by Daan's new position within the First Imperial Military she did not have time to focus and scrub paint from fingers.

Waiting for Natasi to finish Daan wasted no time in dismissing the thought that she didn't deserve such acclaim. "Oh nonsense Ma'am, working for your office was a pleasure and I miss many of my colleagues. Their health has kept them, yes?" Pausing for a moment to ponder, how did she answer such a question in the presence of those who may not share a classified security clearance? "During the war it just didn't feel right that so many young men and women were being drafted for the war effort. I thought that if I volunteered maybe I'd take a conscript's place?" Daan's smile faded and a faint sad scowl tugged her eyebrows together with the corners of mouth dropping down in the shape of an arc. Composing herself after that brief vulnerability the Colonel steeled herself, her family were proud but knew Daan's soft heart and being a soldier and Death Trooper no less had been challenging. "So I got into shape and went through the recruitment process, Central Command got in contact with me regarding my genetic profile and encouraged me to volunteer for Special Forces direct entry."

Daan gave pause to observe whether or not by Natasi's reaction she might begin to be reaching a conclusion not too far off "Death Trooper", she couldn't know how much the Grand Moff knew of Project: AFTERLIFE and Project: REVENANT's particulars. Daan was more than half a whole foot taller than when Natasi might have last seen her, not an inconsequential or difference that could possibly escape notice or that Daan's hair is now a Sanguine Red as opposed to the more strawberry blonde it had previously been. All tell-tale signs of the Death Trooper's Bio-Chemical augmentation procedure. "They sent me to Officer School and then I went straight into Special Forces selection, scraped just barely passed the physical side of things." Sparing an embarrassed chuckle her gaze broke from Natasi and glanced over the floor. "Used to be really chubby and now I can out-run a Vornskr and hit as hard as a Gundark." Raising her shimmering green almond-shaped Orbs back to meet the Grand Moff's gaze Daan beamed warmly. "It's dangerous but exciting, I was recently on Dorvalla as part of our ongoing operations there." Pausing for a moment, it had been a vicious amphibious operation and no doubt had the Grand Moff heard of Dorvalla given its' recent annexation into the realm. "Don't worry Misis Fortan, they've given me several-hundred kilograms worth of armour for protection. "

That final statement was ambigious although definitive, there was only one kind of special forces soldier in the First Imperial Military that wore several hundred kilograms worth of armour. The rather feared and dreaded Death Troopers although one could wonder that with a woman like Daan leading them this dread might yet turn into admiration and respect, for unlike her many subordinates Daan before becoming a Supersoldier was an overweight university-educated woman of deep conviction and compassion who had traded her pen reluctantly for the sword and wielded it with no less proficiency in defence of the Realm.

Tanomas Graf

Oh, he had always hated parties, especially ones where they were supposed to mingle and people would come up to him and converse.

Graf unbuttoned the jacket of his suit and sat himself down in one of the less conspicuous alcoves of the large room the festivities were taking place in, his knees aching slightly from his lack of activity over the past week. He had held a special disdain for the events that were hosted during the time of the Empire, where he knew that he had to be amicable, he had an image to maintain after all. But this was different in most aspects, he was an outlier in the pecking order of this government, someone who held a miscellaneous form of authority but had no rank or office to back it up. He pulled a metal box from the confines of his jacket, opening it to reveal four brown cigars, one of which he retrieved before closing and setting the box back into his pocket.

Imperator was what she had called him, the woman that had been present when he was released from his carbonite prison, the Empire already long dead. The old man had to admit, though, that this was the best possible scenario for everyone, not just him. He looked out among the many faces present, noting that the former Imperials that he had recognized were enjoying themselves and seemed to fit right in among their First Order brethren. A quick glance to one of the open balconies near him affixed his eyes to the form of one [member="Seto Du Couteau"], prompting the aged dictator to consider making his way over there before resigning himself to speak with the young man at a later hour.

He warmed the cigar near his lighter for a few seconds before positioning it in his mouth and lighting the foot, drawing in a light puff of smoke and tasting it for a few seconds until he exhaled it outwards, closing his eyes to savour the nicotine-fueled euphoria. He would need to get a glass of wine or, better yet, whiskey in order to truly enjoy himself tonight, but that could wait for a few minutes.

For now, he could just relax, and let somebody else worry about politics from now on.

[member="Daan DT-130"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Primat Ren"] | [member="Zanthier Madine"] | [member="FN-999"] | [member="Luther Ando"]
She touched the rim of her chilled glass of champagne to her lips, pausing briefly to consider the day, and sipped the effervescent drink with seeming indifference. The Tetan was here to socialize and mingle, as she often did when such functions were available to her, but, despite her gravitation towards the more entertaining side of life, becoming a mother had, for at least a little while, calmed her more impulsive nature. The child was, of course, being taken care of by trusted caretakers - monitored, even now, by something of a sixth sense that the redhead possessed in regards to her infant son. It wasn't that the event was dull or anything, far from it, nearly round-the-clock parenting - with this as her only evening to herself since before she had given birth - had simply wore down her appreciation for the festivities, just as it had conditioned her to constantly keep her son on her mind. "Another memorable year." Lily said to no one in particular, humoring herself with a subtle tilt of her glass away from herself before bringing it back to her lips to drink more.

Being someone of more noble origins, and of good taste, the Tetan had afforded herself a slender, burgundy, evening dress that kept true to her figure but refrained from venturing into the realm of risque. She kept mostly to herself, although she gave the polite routine of smile and introduction when prompted, as she moved through the party. Though the atmosphere was mostly cheery, she was somber and distracted - with the child, primarily, of course, but her mind wandered to other thoughts, though not entirely unrelated. Golden eyes searched the faces of people walking to and fro, her eyes listening for that something she would recognize when she heard it. She didn't. Her eyes shut momentarily, sighing in exaggerated fashion, and then all was normal again. Perhaps it was simply for the best to put on her best face and play the part of token nobility, foreign as she was.
Equipment | Dress & Hairsticks
Location | Grand Hotel & Ski Resort, Hoth Equator

[SIZE=11pt]As someone who was sensitive to the ubiquitous flow of the Force, the warm curl of contentment and the wisps of merriment that danced through the air was intoxicating. Though the joyous sentiments, kind words, and bright smiles that she was graced with were rather overwhelming, it was also something Marriskcal thought she could learn to like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Dressed in a silk dress of deep verdant with an intricately embroidered bodice and her hair held up in artful twists by a pair of bejewelled hairsticks, the blonde moved seamlessly amongst the sea of familiar strangers. Even as she listened to her ladyship when she addressed the room, Marriskcal was carefully making her way along the edges of the vast hall, her blue eyes paying close attention to the open balconies that lined the side of the walls. It was only because the Force continued to remain calm and its whispers gentle that the young woman allowed herself to be affected by the festive cheer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Giving the waitstaff a small smile as she took a tall glass of mulled wine from the tray, Marriskcal gave some thought as to the itinerary that has been arranged for them. The offers of access to a ‘spar service’ was delightfully amusing to the blonde, if only because while she remained ignorant as to what it actually entailed, she doubted that it was anything close to the lines of her original thought. As someone who has discovered a fondness for trinkets and local desserts, the village sounded much more like something she would like. But what truly intrigued her was the mention of an ice bar. Without any frame of reference, she could only imagine it was some sort of a sightseeing spot for tourists. It must be a truly impressive block of ice if people purposely made their way to the base of the slopes just to take a look at it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But deciding what she wanted to do was something best left to tomorrow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]For now, it was time for her to wear her most charming smile and mingle.[/SIZE]
Careful attention kept Seto rather interested in the growing attendance of the party, ripples along the Force showed him familiarity as he recognized two of his siblings. A soft smile appeared as a phantom on his lips, Marr he could guess felt out of place but never afraid of a crowd or party. She has plenty of practice Seto mused to himself, he stepped back inside and peered below to his younger sister enjoy herself. As if a proud parent watching their child take their first steps, Seto swelled up with pride as Marr chose to smile and begin to mingle without either him or another Ren sibling. Making a mental note to grab a nice gift for his sister Ren later, Seto than turned and his eyes fell upon the Imperator Tanomas Graf.

Seto maneuvered himself close to one of the waiters and with swift hands he captured two glasses filled with a beautiful clear liquid, quick feet pushed the young Du Couteau heir over to the Imperator. Graceful steps allowed the clear liquid to remain almost still, and as he approached the Imperator Seto offered a slow but small bow to the older man. "My Imperator." Seto greeted.

Legends do not die, perhaps no easily so but they do grow old and one must figure it's better to fade slowly over time than shine brightly momentarily. Seto offered a genuine smile as he gestured towards one of the drinks and set the glass on the table next to the Imperator.

"Are these festivities to your liking?" Seto asked, attention given to his decent to one of the chairs next to Imperator Graf and careful handling of Seto's own glass. While neither had met in any real capacity before the First Order, Seto had felt some level of kinship to the image the Imperator had projected back in the Empire.

[member="Daan DT-130"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Primat Ren"] | [member="Zanthier Madine"] | [member="FN-999"] | [member="Luther Ando"] | [member="Marriskcal Lati"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"]
As much as he enjoyed an event on another person’s credit, the crowd of well-dressed people spread out in the room was not his idea of a relaxing evening. Dressed to the nines in a formal suit and tie and his hair swept back, it almost felt like he was running a con of some sorts. But those days were long past and these days, he did most things by the books. Well, when it came to functions hosted by the First Order, that is.

At the mention by their Grand Moff of the free flow of food and alcohol, Dracrowar would have made a beeline for the bar when he felt the presence of the Ren he met back on Dorvalla. Snagging a tumbler of whiskey, the knight slowly made his way across the room to where Marr stood, giving a brief wave to another Ren on the higher floor when he caught sight of him. Perhaps he should approach the other later. He should get to know the other Ren better, if they are going to work together in the future.

Hey there Marr, you look nice,” Dracrowar grinned as he stopped in front of her. For someone who acted so seriously when she was in battle, Marr definitely did not look it currently. In fact, if he wasn’t using the Force to guide him to where she was, he wouldn’t be able to match her to the Ren he met back then.

[member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Seto Du Couteau"], [member="Daan DT-130"], [member="Luther Ando"], [member="FN-999"], [member="Zanthier Madine"], [member="Primat Ren"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Lily Kuhn"], [member="Marriskcal Lati"]

The snow whipped and licked the edges of the Major’s glasses, frosting the sides and silver stems with a cold that poked underneath the protection of a woolen scarf and thick hat. This, this kind of pristine landscape doused in so many feet of white and blue - this was Sybil’s natural element. Having never visited the supposed hellscape of Hoth before today proved exactly how much hyperbole can enshroud a place. This was pleasant compared to the myth.

Like anyone else, the Almanian immigrant had to protect herself from the elements while taking a casual walk about the premises, sliding as gracefully as only years of growing in such environments could bestow upon a human. Out here, the only thing that kept her company was the persistent howl of the northern winds swirling and carrying more snow to blanket the world under its weight -and the occasional guard fumbling in the drifts but required to make their rounds.

Eventually her quiet meandering wrapped her back around the front entrance. Resigned that this was in fact a social gathering, the usually haughty Director followed the proper security measures instead of making a game of sneaking onto the property. Then she blew in through the front door without making any qualms of being wet and white from all the snow. Peeling off the top of her protection: layers of coat, scarf, glove and belt revealed a smartly dressed woman in a fitted suit of slate gray in a houndstooth pattern. The thick leather boots which rose to her calf, however, these she kept on in their wet, snow melting glory -bouncing gleefully into the main floor.

She wondered briefly what kind of new way she would find to make an ass of herself at yet another ball.

[Open to Interaction]

[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="FN-999"] | [member="Luther Ando"] | [member="Daan DT-130"] | [member="Seto Du Couteau"] | [member="Primat Ren"]


FN-999 took another chug of the beverage, his worries fading away as alcohol began to course through his veins.
He began looking around for the members of his squad that had joined him, so that they could perhaps share his drink. After all, the only thing better than getting drunk was getting drunk with buddies. But his full scan of the room provided no luck, and it was likely that the other troopers would be stationed a fair distance apart from each other. He had no idea why such an inconvenient arrangement was made, but he was never one to question his superiors. So he accepted his current situation, and walked forward in search of those he knew.

Being a basic stormtrooper, FN-999 knew he was not fit to approach any of the Moffs or senior Ren in the party. But his own men and even his officers would likely be up for drinking and small talk. Walking away from where he knew the most important guests to be, FN-999 once again joined the crowd.

He didn't bother putting his helmet back on, keeping it under his armpit as he had when he ordered the beer. Perhaps it was because of the alcohol, or simply the pleasantries of the day. But for now, it seemed as if the taboo act of taking off one's helmet had been relaxed.

Suddenly, a woman he recognized as the Major entered the lobby. Her presence created an unpleasant feeling in FN-999's stomach, as if he could be scolded any second. Knowing that he couldn't afford any slip ups in front of the senior officer, he picked up his snowtrooper helmet and put it back on. As his breath echoed throughout his helmet, he realized that the scent of alcohol was beginning to creep in. He would likely have to clean out the helmet tomorrow, to ensure that he could fight without distraction.

At last within speaking range of the Major, he tried to act as submissive as possible, to avoid any suspicion of dirtiness.

"Ma'am, me and my squad have the hotel secured. Any further orders?" said FN-999, his mask's noise filters hopefully eliminating the slight drunkness of his voice.

[member="The Major"]
Location: Main Area
Morale: High
Interacting directly with: [member="FN-999"]


The bespectacled menace of the Security Bureau always managed to make a simple gesture like scanning a room look like an intimate love letter to the an occult perversion. And that small, self contented smirk she liked to paint on as a matter of annoyance, or rather, an “imperial sneer” as the she liked to refer to the veneer, made its outwardly contemptuous light shine upon the backs of heads she recognized, the higher ranking troopers assembled, and various movers and shakers of the First Order’s robust government. While enamored with the glorious glower of her gaze, the mizer of mystery was nigh ambushed by the stormtroper who stood to and delivered his report. Eyebrows raised in sardonic surprise, the Major replied.

“Yes. Relax.” To most troopers, hearing such a thing was an oxymoron. How does one commit to such in a room of superiors.

Luckily for them both, the auburn topped Director couldn’t care less about appearance or protocol -at least, she liked to pretend she didn’t and made use of it when it suited her. Somehow her marvelous smile seemed to grow still wider, and the woman reached out and placed a hand gently upon the trooper’s elbow.

“Can I get you a drink?”

[Open to Interaction]
[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="FN-999"] | [member="Luther Ando"] | [member="Daan DT-130"] | [member="Seto Du Couteau"] | [member="Primat Ren"]


FN-999's hand nearly jerked away from his superior's touch.
But he kept still, not wanting to offend her. It was already a miracle that the Major had even noticed him, but something great would have had to happen for her to be offering him a drink. Wanting to take advantage of the opportunity, he quickly replied to the woman's question.

"No thank you ma'am, I already bought a beer with my paycheck. And as for your order, yes ma'am." replied FN-999, his helmet barely masking his nerves.

Then, his hands moved on their own accord, taking his helmet off. He stared at them, shocked at what he had just done. Perhaps it was an instinctive reaction to his superior letting him relax, or merely his nerves growing even further. But for some reason, FN-999 decided to keep his helmet off and in his right hand, with his beer in his left hand. He almost said an apology, before remembering that these were supposed to be cheery days.

Then, a realization hit him. FN-999 did not know why these days were so bright and cheery among his superiors and some of his soldiers. Perhaps some sort of holiday, or a major victory on the front? FN-999 had never been bothered to be informed of such events. So, with his luck and spirits high, he asked the Major of this time of year.

"I've never understood, why do people celebrate during these few days? Is it a holiday or memory of a great victory?" asked the trooper, curiosity beginning to creep into his voice.

[member="The Major"]
Hoth, a planet that Kyrel had known before long in his past. Hoth was a freezing hell, not really the idlest place to spend his life day celebration. Nonetheless, being here on this holiday was only due to the Grand Moff's generosity in greeting most of the loyalists that had attended the ski resort. However, he had come here to visit an old battlefield of his. What was formerly Echo Base, now known as Firebase Veers after the Battle of Hoth when the Galactic Alliance launched it's first attempt at a counter-attack, by trying to invade one of the most heavily populated sectors in all the First Order?

Yet here he stood among perhaps one of the most well known holidays in the galaxy, upon the ruins of a battlefield, AT-ATs or at least the skeletons of them strewn about, pieces of armor buried under the thick snow. All it did for the Master of Ren was bring back memories that haunted him, he remembered being surrounded by the armor of Darth Vader, on how he swiftly engaged the enemy with no fear, no thoughts of his own death. In fact, he perhaps made the stupidest mistake he could think of and attack Siobhan Kerrigan. A Force User who seemed to possess more power almost akin to a god to which he could firmly believe that it was as if it was an illusion of sorts.

Using the Force, he decided just for the fun of it, sometimes which he sorely lacked and given that it was a holiday. He thought of perhaps either the silliest or maybe the most fun idea, lifting the skeletons of AT-ATs he decided to sort them around in a circle, piling them together as if to make a barrier of sorts. Using one of the hatches of the downed vehicles as if to make an opening inside. It was a crude fort, but thought he could spend the time to reflect on things, perhaps read through old logs or even enjoy a cup of caf in the cold weather. For all that he knew today was a good day.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi followed Daan's story with interest, her eyebrows furrowing as she listened. It was an inspiring story. "I really ought to put you on a propaganda poster," said Natasi. She lifted her free hand, making an L shape with her thumb and forefinger and holding it up as if to frame the woman's face for just such a purpose. "Self-sacrifice in the interests of the greater good. Self-improvement in service to the empire..." Natasi's voice trailed off and she reached over to adjust a strand of the woman's hair. "The poster almost paints itself," Natasi murmured, her gaze glossing as she listened to the rest of the woman's story.

That she was a Death Trooper struck Natasi as somewhat tragic; it was a lonely life, an irreversible choice.

A bit like being Grand Moff. The only way out of the job appeared to be to get out of the life.

Natasi forced herself to let go of the disturbing thoughts and smiled at Daan. "You've done well for yourself, Lieutenant Colonel. I couldn't be prouder."

[member="Daan DT-130"]​

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