Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's all about Control

Vaelokin made no moves to approach her this time. If she wanted to end this fight she was going to have to come after him, he decided and he stopped moving while he waited for her.


Darth Naomi

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Well, the guy seemed not to want to attack her this time and was rather giving the chance for her to start her own attack. Fine. Not really in a mood to overthink it Tiiona began it in a light stroll which transformed into a dash. She would however to slightly to the right, rather than directly at the Maelibus, her path would take her by his left side if not interrupted. And if allowed she would slash horizontally at his left leg.

When the girl walked to him, Vaelokin moved backwards away from her, moving only slightly faster than her so she would have more distance to cover. When she started to run at him, his powerful legs lunged, and lifted just a few inches off of the floor behind him, away from her. He wasn't going to let this be easy upon her, especially since she didn't have eyes. Physical handicaps were impediments in his mind.

So when she swung at him, he only took two more powerful steps backwards and flew out of the range of the swing, and since she was on his powerful side, his main-hand, he lunged straight into her meant to be open abdomen. With a quick powerful thrust with the crimson beam, he was certain she was done for. Mainly because she shouldn't be capable of blocking the whole of the attack without having to shear her arm off at the elbow, because it was basically heading towards her chest (because of his height he obviously wouldn't get a good strike on her abdomen) and so the only other way would be to reverse grip, which wasn't easy without practice, and to parry it with a quick unbalanced flick.

But surely the girl who had the physical handicap, who didn't focus upon the physical aspect of the Force as much as him obviously, and since you wouldn't be a Master of Force Sense simply for being a Miralukan. Not to mention the girl wasn't completely Miralukan.


Darth Naomi

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This was truly disappointing. Not only would he not attack himself, now he would step back to keep his distance from her. Tiiona would not even bother starting her dash if this was the case, of course meaning the attack that was supposed to follow the dash did not happen either. The Maelibus was clearly in a stronger position here, he had not taken any damage so far, where as she already has, his racial traits made him stronger than her in terms of physical combat, and yet he was keeping his distance from her. If you can take your enemy head on, you back away from them only for one reason - to lure them. This the Miraluka understood quite well, as she had been victim of such play times before. But the fact that her opponent employed such tactics made the fight quite boring. She was in an uncomfortable position here. If this was a spar, then she would just leave, but this was a duel, with lightsabers and force apparently. Now as a duel it could be more like a training one, just like a spar, but their pride on the line or it could be a deathmatch with one of them probably dying. Yet if it was the latter, Tiiona would just pull a gun and not play nicely at all.

For now she saw no apparent attempts to kill her and her opponent did not emit any killing intent either. So far this was an opportunity to learn. Getting rather bored with the sabers the girl made a thrust with her hands forward and sent out a force push at her opponent, trying to knock him on his steel-hard arse.


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