Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's been much too long, Master. (Phylis Alince)

~Coruscant, Jedi Temple~

Using the repulserlifts, Jedi Knight Cambria Zadira brought her Jedi Starfighter down with well-practiced onto the Temple's landing pad. After finishing the post-flight check list with her astromech droid, R2-G9, the Rutian Twi'lek released her crash webbing and popped the canopy of her ship, relishing in the fresh air, well as fresh as Coruscant air could be as compared to the stale recycled air she'd been breathing during the long hyperspace journey back home.

Yes, home. Having come to the Jedi Temple as just a very small child to train, Cambria had known no other place, and the closest thing she had to family was her former Master, Phylis Alince. After Master Alince knighted her, the blue-skinned Twi'lek had chosen the path of a Jedi Guardian as Cam's strengths were that of the physical side of the Force, which sent her on a different journey altogether than that of the Jedi Archaeologist's.

Walking the halls of the great temple again, Cambria could feel the comforting peace and serenity it brought to her. The Twi'lek Guardian's recent missions had been hard and troubling at times, but mostly rewarding, having helped to take down a major slave organization. The plight of slaves had always been a concern for her, and one Cam endeavored to make better for as many as she could within her means.

Arriving at her destination, Cambria smoothed over her modified Jedi robes and adjusted her Twi'lek head gear, then rang the door chime to the quarters of Jedi Master @[member="Phylis Alince"] . A calming breath was taken as she awaited to see her old friend and mentor from days gone past. It had been much too long.
"Hmmph, no, that won't do at all. That didn't happen until 526BBY," Phylis was saying to herself, riffling through pages. Holding out her hand, a datapad flew into her grip and she carefully compared it with the book.
"Hmm...well they got it wrong, this symbol isn't translated as 'Life', it means 'Destiny'. No wonder she got it wrong. Hmmph."

The doorbell rung. "Enter!" she called, gesturing. The door opened. Sometimes the Force was quite useful. There was something...familiar....

She spun around to see @[member="Cambria Zadira"] standing there. How did one greet someone who had been gone for so long? How did one greet someone who this incarnation of this character had never met? Across time and space Phylis and Cambria were Master and Padawan. It was something which crossed boundaries of reality and causality. They were Jedi. That was the important thing.

Phylis got to her feet in shock. "Cam!" she exclaimed. "It's so good to see you again!" she said, moving swiftly over to her f riend and student's side. "I didn't know you were coming back." She looked guiltily around her room, which was just a tad messy with ancient artefacts and datapads.
@[member="Phylis Alince"]

"Hello, Master Alince. It has been much too long. My duties as a Jedi Guardian have made it so, unfortunately," Cambria replied in her smooth Twi'lek accent with a bow of her head and a respectful twitch of her lekku, then the blue-skinned Knight's golden gaze followed the keen eyes of the Jedi Master's as she looked guiltily around at the 'organized clutter' the archaeologist was famous for. It was good to know some things never change. It brought a smile to Cam's naturally colored berry lips.

"Yes, I just arrived back to the Temple, and you were the first I wanted to see. How have you been, Master? Have you gone on any exhilarating quests lately?"
@[member="Cambria Zadira"]
"Ah yes, charging around and saving the galaxy, that's what you've been doing, isn't it? I'm almost positive I've done nothing quite so exhilarating as you!" She patted Cambria on the shoulder fondly and gestured to a seat. It was mostly clear of things.
"Take a seat? Do you want a drink? Hmm, I have water. Water and...what's this? Smells like cold tea...hmm, maybe not that. Aha!" She liberated a bottle of something from a cupboard. "Naboo wine, apparently still fresh. Here, have a glass!"
She poured too glasses of the red wine and offered one to Cambria.

"So, have you taken a Padawan of your own yet? Done anything exciting yet yourself?"
The Guardian just nodded humbly, then sat down in the chair that Phylis had motioned to after moving an unusual artifact to the table nearby. It still amazed Cam how the Jedi Master could find anything in this chaotic affair. The Twi'lek Knight liked to have things in a more orderly fashion as she preferred to be meticulous in her work.

"Oh, um, thank you, Master," Cambria said politely, taking the offered glass of red wine. She took a sniff of the bouquet and decided to let the quite bold liquid air a bit before taking a sip.

"I do not have a padawan learner presently. I have been on back to back missions, my latest helping the Republic in breaking a slave trade ring. So I really have not had the time to take one properly, though now that I am back at the Temple I may consider it. How about you?"

@[member="Phylis Alince"]
@[member="Cambria Zadira"]

"Well, no. Not had time for a Padawan. Never really been the most patient person with them. You were alright because you knew what you were doing and didn't fuddle around. Children, hmmph, not my thing."

Almost as an afterthought she added, "Also, I'm not on the Jedi Council. Not a big surprise, been on it before I think. One council blends into another. Worst thing is that I don't even know who half of them are, it's like they're not even real!"

"Well, congratulations on that. Slave trading is just downright wrong. Hmm, who was that Hutt I rescued you from? Zardok? No, he was a priest. Whoever it was...."

She trailed off, then looked up. "Ah, Cambria! Did you have time while you're here to help me with something? I've been looking into some new items and I'd value your input."
"Zoora was his name… The Hutt Crime Lord has fallen on bad times it seems and has lost his grand palace on Tatooine to one of his competitors," Cambria answered, then finally ventured a sip of the red wine. It made her pucker.

The Twi'lek Knight noticed her former master was more quirky than ever. Cam wondered if Phylis was feeling okay, or if this was just how she presented now.

"I would be happy to assist you in any way I can, Master, though remember I am not that well-versed when it comes to artifacts."

@[member="Phylis Alince"]
“Hmm, yes, you’re much more of the stern defender of the peace type. Guardians are like that, protecting us consular types so we can continue to poke the galaxy and learn the dirty secrets!”

Phylis produced a box and opened it. Inside were a series of small, very well preserved silver spheres. Each was engraved with intricate, bisecting designs which might be writing, or might just be decoration.

“On my last expedition I found these in an Old Republic enclave on Tython. These were discovered in the Jedi Archives there. They have considerable Force presence about them, but I haven’t ascertained what they are for. What do you think?”
Now dedicated to a task in her expertise, Phylis seemed more focussed.
@[member="Cambria Zadira"]

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