Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private It's been too long, let's fight!

Location: Jakku
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Wooden sword
Tag: Colette Colette

Lily smirked and let out a slight giggle, "glad to know you like it." She teased.

It was good seeing her friend adapting, changing her body's posture to make it harder to trip and force Lily to move, but she found this was perfect, she was guiding the movements of Colette and forcing the body into positions that were more solid for certain attacks. It just needed Lily to figure out what would be the ideal new way to unsteady Colette. This was triggering her Echani training and sending her thoughts to focus more on the fight, reading the movements of Colette. She was analysing everything and seeing what was going to be the next strike.

An ideal came to her mind, since this was using wooden swords. Lily decided to purposefully overcommit with her powerful kick towards Colette's knee, attempting to buckle the joint and weaken Colette's stance. However, she knew her friend would strike it, leaving Colette vulnerable to a swift jab to the chest. It was a bold move and one that she would only ever make in sparring but it was revealing her competitive nature and showing the joy as well as the positive emotions she was feeling.

This was a spar that Lily needed for a long time.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Wait, was Lily… No. No? Right? Colette felt a shot of confusion in her chest for a moment while she continued along with the spar.

The leg overextended and this time the kid played it differently. The strike-at-the-leg plan was clearly not working and had been seen through a long time ago. Lily was most likely playing to this just as much as Colette was.

So instead of striking the extending leg, Colette took a step to the side, did an unusually acrobatic spin down on her knee and attempted to strike at Lily's other leg and hip as she thrusted her sword towards where Colette's stomach had just been.
Location: Jakku
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Wooden sword
Tag: Colette Colette

Lily didn't try to convince Colette that she was indeed flirting or interested. The ball was in Colette's side if she wanted to explore that, keep joking or teasing with one another or set a boundary to not cross that line.

For now, Lily decided it would be best to focus on the duel. Best to not push that too much with her friend while they are sparring. "I thought you didn't want some acrobatic nonsense?" Lily chuckled as she blocked the attack to her core.

She could feel sweat forming on her body, this exchanging of attacks and countering was intense and she was loving it. With the sword blocking the strike, Lily used her off-hand to start striking and mixing the Jedi training and Echani martial arts.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

"That was before I was starting to lose." Colette smirked and stood back up just in time to counter the Echani strike. It lacked some of the cadences and the cultural weight of such a move but there was no mistaking that Colette was aware of the martial arts.

She would try to wrestle her arm around Lily's and sweep at her leg to throw her to the ground on her stomach and then get on top of her to demand that she conceded this round to her.
Location: Jakku
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Wooden sword
Tag: Colette Colette

It was good to see that Colette had some understanding of the Echani fighting style. It was a useful skill to have and it made sense since Lily knew that Valery had been trained by an Echani master long ago. Lily watched as the other woman wrestled with her arm and attempted to sweep her leg in the same motion. Instead of falling on her stomach, Lily ensured that she was on her back when she landed. The wooden sword still in her hand.

"Like being on top then, huh?" Lily teased with a smirk on her lips, offering a not so innocent tone to the question. However, there was no concern in the position. This was wrestling and hand to hand combat. This was fighting that Lily have been doing for nearly two decades before she joined the Jedi. This was fighting she could win in her sleep.

Planting her feet firmly on the ground, Lily lifted her hips up and gripped Colette, twisting them together and attempting to pin her friend to the ground. She also aimed to have the wooden sword pressed against the side of Colette as well.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

"Well, yeah." Colette smirked back at Lily, but she clearly had not understood what it was that Lily was trying to hint at. Instead she rolled on out of the grip, got back onto her feet and eyed her opponent.

If she was about to…

And if Colette…

Lily sprung to action and Colette did too, but at the end of it all they would both find that their attacks were past the other's guard. Another stalemate, another satisfied grin from the girl who was clearly down a number on the technically non-existent scoring board.

"That was the fourth round, right?" Colette exhaled as she eased out of stance and took a sip of water from her canteen with a happy smile. "What if we made the last one a bit more interesting?"

"Force abilities allowed?"
Location: Jakku
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Wooden sword
Tag: Colette Colette

It had come to another stalemate but Lily's attitude was still positive and she was clearly enjoying the chance to spar more and be challenged. It was far more interesting having someone who was equally skilled than fighting someone she could just walk over.

"Sounds right," Lily hadn't really be counting but it did seem to be right, she tilted her head at the offer. It was a shame to be stepping away from the classic Echani style of sparring, something she was a lot more used to and enjoyed a lot since it was a way to communicate and interact. But there was something appealing about going all out and using everything they had in their arsenal. "Sure, let's go all out and use everything that we have."

"Hopefully you can handle me at my most." Lily poked her tongue out teasingly.

Taking a sip of her drink, she hydrated herself once again and then grabbed a towel to wipe away the sweat, thinking over the duels previously and what she could use in this fight. She used the Force and pulled the sword in her hand once again. Breathing in deeply, Lily connected with the Force around her, feeling the flow and allowing the sensation to move through her muscles. Adopting Ataru stance, she decided to go acrobatic from the jump since Colette had initiated allowing it from the previous match.

Leaping forward, it was clear that her body was moving faster than normal with the Force speeding up her reflexes and movements.

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