Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Its Elementary my dear Jedi (NJO)

Ryana mina


Culprit/companion: pip
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Tag: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Tandi Preegasa Tandi Preegasa | Toby Russen Toby Russen

Ryana listened to what people where saying and so did pip he was behaving extremely well as he sat on her shoulders. His head sitting on hers for right now as she walked and felt drawn to the fire station and she looked at the wood. She picked up pip and sat him down "don't move" she said as she patted the racyon on the head pip looked around after seeing ko ryana knew better than to believe pip would stand still she felt his mischievousness start to kick in. Bringing him here may have been a bad idea "no grapes if you do anything disruptive" she said as pip began to leave he quickly sat down beside her his tongue out.

Maybe it was the heat of her homeworld speaking to her she wasn't sure but the fire spoke to her for some reason she awaited further instructions before attempting to play with fire and getting herself or pip burned.

Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Tags: Vulpesen Vulpesen | Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Toby Russen Toby Russen | Ryana mina

Dreidi giggled slightly, "if you think I believe that is your first dam you exploded and that there hasn't been others you exploded that were more legal, then you must think I am some pup." Her eyes teased as she then turned her attention to the different elements and watched as people explored which ones they felt most drawn to.

Fire seemed too obvious for Dreidi. She was skilled with fire through Magick so it would be easy to assume that would be the same with this. However, something teased the back of her mind that it would not be the case here. Then she noticed that Gwen had approached water and was curious if that would be where she would go. The opposite of fire, but no, once again it didn't feel the right connection. The lightning held her gaze for a moment and she thought about the skills it could help with and the fighting she could do with it. However, the only things she could think of it being use for were war and that wasn't something she wanted to focus her abilities on.

The stone it was.

Once she stepped closer to it, the more correct in her feelings that she was. Stone was practical in defence, offence and just in doing general tasks, it was the more versatile in her mind. That appealed to her more than anything. So she stood there looking at the stone and wondering what was the next step she needed to take. The stone that Gwen imbued with the Force came in mind, was she needing to do something like that?

Instead, she just touched the stone and let her hand feel the cool rock.

Pavond’s apology was simply waved off with a good natured smile. Titles were a tricky thing in his business and he had learned quickly not to let them get between a good dialogue. Then, as the jedi split to their assignments, he realized what might have been a major miscalculation. I should have brought backup, he thought. Of the five elements he had brought, four had been selected. And he was but one man. At least jedi taught patience, or so they had when he had been a member.

“As I go around, meditate on your elements. Think of what properties they embody and how people might embody those same principals . Of course, I’ll tell you what the wilders have taught in this regard, but like people, we rarely see nature act in complete uniformity."

His first stop was with Ryana, offering a smile and a nod to the Raycon as he approached. As far as creatures went, it was certainly an adorable one and there was something about the mischief in its eyes that beckoned him. And of course he wasn’t unfamiliar to such companions as within one of his own pockets, Ace was curled up and resting. “Fire. An interesting choice for a jedi. It’s the element of passion.” His hand reached out to the wood and slowly it began to crackle and heat as his presence in the force swelled. In his own heart, Vulpesen brought forth the imagery of that which drove him. His children. The instinct to protect. The desire to make a change in the world. There was some difficulty as on his own world, he might have added the fuel of hatred, the desire to see the sith wiped from the galaxy. But no doubt that would have tinged his ability with something that the jedi would reject, perhaps rightfully so.

Eventually, the spark would take and the wood would burst into flames. “It’s something most jedi reject. I’ll not tell you to defy your masters, but think of what the jedi hold dear. Perhaps it’s your own code, the fervor with which you follow it, or that which made you join the order. For me it's the desire to protect. The instinct to defend life in the galaxy. Find what lights that fire to burn up your soul then unleash it. And if you wish, as the jedi often teach, learn to temper that desire. Subdue it to bring about cool heads and a cold brazier.” His hand lowered and as he mentioned the tempering of such passions, the fire started to die out, snuffed as just as Vulpesen’s flared presence now seemed to shrink away. After waiting a moment to answer any immediate questions, the wilder issue his final instruction before moving on, “Now try to ignite your own flame, and feel free to call me back if there's anything else.”

Ryana mina

Gweneth would be next to find the master’s instruction and he smiled as he took in the one who had taken to the tank of water. “A fine choice. Though perhaps a bit more complex than most think. Water is a fluid thing. It ebbs and flows, often taking the easiest path. It adapts well and is generally tranquil.” He outstretched his hand then pulled it back, bringing a stream of liquid back to encircle him. “Most masters of water I’ve met are among the calmest people you’ll ever know. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a fury hidden within. Afterall, the worst storms are found in the seas.” The water swirled faster then lashed out, cracking like a whip and leaving a spray of water towards the center of the circle. “Meditation might help you learn its ways, and remember that fury isn’t always the way of the dark side. Afterall, our lightsabers have been raised against the sith for millenia.” His hand outstretched and as though it were a riverbed, the water flowed alongside it and back into the tank. “Focus on the nature of peaceful adaptation and coax the water into a flow. See what waves you can make and call if you need assistance.” Once more, he waited to answer any posed questions, and then he moved on.

Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari

Lightning. Vulpesen couldn’t help but smile as he saw those that went against the grain. It was the element of their enemies. But it didn’t need to be, something he had known even with his own time among the jedi. Indeed, such a fallacy was the reason that he taught now for the first time in fifty years. The Republic had been filled with fools. Now, Vulpesen saw the proof that the New Jedi Order truly believed that Knowledge was preferable to ignorance. “Lightning can appear erratic. It lashes out quickly and often without warning. It strikes with loud thunder and it’s rightfully feared by many of our kind who fight the sith.” He approached the device and took a deep breath as he reached out his hand. “But look closely and you’ll see that lightning, while many things, is not random. It is direct.” Vulpesen’s eyes flashed as lightning surged forth, crackling as it caught his hand and crackled over his body. It covered him with blue and golden arcs of plasma, though there was no pain in the wilder’s eyes as he focused on keeping it at bay. “Perhaps that's why it falls so easily to the sith. Simple, direct, expedited pain.” His other hand outstretched to the pillar and the crackling storm returned to its source with a roar. “Conviction will be your friend. Lightning can be dangerous, but it is easy to guide. Like a current through a wire, or lightning to a rod, it will follow the path you set. I’d suggest drawing your lightsabers to catch it. See how focused you can get the beam and call if you need assistance.” The machine had been designed with dampeners to lower the amperage. No doubt a failing to control the element would lead to pain, or even a bout of neuromuscular incapacitation, but it wouldn’t quite be enough to leave any lasting damage. Still, Vulpesen remained for questions before moving on to his final stop.

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Elias Edo Elias Edo

“Earth. Steady, stable, and stubborn. Much like the order you’ve joined. Steadfast and slow to change throughout the ages.” He grinned as he made the comparison, approaching the kel dor and his niece. “Not such a bad thing, mind you. The galaxy needs its paragons and true believers. Those that can’t be shaken from the course.” He placed his hand on one of the stones as he looked between the pair. “But rest assured, we are not here to sling rocks around. Any jedi worth half a credit ought to be able to do that. No, here I want to see your conviction. Stone is slow to change. It possesses a strong will. Yours must be stronger.” His hand started to draw back, and with it, came a handle. Then a crossguard. Then a blade. Then, with a flick of his wrist, Vulpesen produced a stone dagger, leaving a noticeable hole in the stone. “I want you to mold the stone. Think of an image or object. Then either imprint it to the boulder or take it out from it. Either way, it will require a strength of will. Be resolute.”

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Finished with his initial rounds, Vulpesen moved to the center of the circle, content to let his eyes wander over his students as they came to grips with the tasks he had set them too. Of course, he would also be quick to respond to any questions or requests that they might have had for him.

Ryana mina


Culprit/companion: pip
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Tag: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari

Ryana listened to vulpesen speak as he attempted to teach her about fire she had never really felt passion given her past. But she heard what he said and watched what he did he ignited the wood and made fire she looked into the fire something about the fire spoke to her. Internally primally she wasn't sure what it was she felt pips hand touch her leg as she looked down at him petting his head.

She loved pip and wanted to protect him and she felt that love reciprocated through their bond she had yet to find her focus as a Jedi what being a Jedi truly meant for her. But she knew that she wanted to protect people to end suffering like what she whent through if she could. As she reached her hand out towards the brazier she focused her want to protect people even pip who was a pain in her butt as embers began to appear then almost as if pip sensed it he grabbed onto her leg putting her leg between himself and the brazier as the brazier lit up brightly and strong as she calmed herself and her emotions the flame died and sputtered out as vulpisien instructed. She stood there pip spoke up happily still holding her leg.



Elias offered Shan Pavond Shan Pavond an encouraging smile. He was excited to learn alongside the Padawan, and looked forward to what fresh perspective Shan might offer. It wasn't every day that a Jedi Master was given the opportunity to humbly train a new skill like this, after all.

“Conviction will be your friend. Lightning can be dangerous, but it is easy to guide. Like a current through a wire, or lightning to a rod, it will follow the path you set."

Genetia's monsoon seasons had exposed Elias to terrible thunderstorms all throughout his childhood; Where most avoided or even feared lightning, he revered it as one of nature's rawest forms of energy. Powerful, chaotic, yet - as Vulpesen Vulpesen said - conductive. Elias looked from the Arch Wilder to Shan, grinning eagerly. He slipped his lightsaber into his hand, igniting it away from the pylon.

"Are you ready?" he asked. It was time to tame electricity.



Location: Jedi Temple, Courtyard
Tags: Vulpesen Vulpesen | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari | Ryana mina | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Soon enough Ko found himself sharing space with Dreidi. A woman he was only mildly familiar with from a brief interaction on Ukatis. She also seemed to share an interest in the stones, and he still wondered what unseen significance the element might hold. Perhaps the pointy eared Jedi Knight also felt the same way about the stones.

The class’s instructor began making their way around to the different students. Explaining some of the symbolic significance of the different elements. Lately he spoke to Dreidi and Ko about the rocks. The Master’s words resonated pretty deeply within Ko. Not just about being a Jedi, but being a Kel Dor as well. A stable culture but uncompromising in its near-absolutist morality. Even though he departed from his home world, Ko still kept that with him. Just another thing that made him feel different from his friends.

The Master spoke about how what they would be doing was different from rather rudimentary telekinesis. Ko imagined that would be the case since it allowed the remote manipulation of just about any kind of physical matter. Instead it sounded more like he wanted us to mold to the stone. Which seemed to go along with their statement about their will needing to be stronger than that of the stone. The casual display of pulling a stone dagger from the boulder got the point across as well.

Ko didn’t really say anything back to the instructor, just looking back at the rock. Like Dreidi he too placed a hand on it. Feeling its course and bumpy texture against his leathery clawed hand. He recalled an old holocron he got to study once early into his time within the Agricultural Corps. It was from a Jedi Master of old and a Kel Dor like himself. Offering wisdom on harnessing and changing the environment one might find themselves within. Mentioning something that has continued to aid Ko to this day. The knowledge that there was latent Force energies within all things, and that could be manipulated. Using the power already present rather than needing to rely solely on one's own energy.

Ko closed his eyes for a moment and focused on trying to connect, and harmonize with whatever laten power resided in the large rock. With his hand pressed against it he felt a strange sensation along with a rather ‘crumbly’ noise. Opening his eyes he looked down and saw that his hand had left a small imprint on the solid rock. Almost as though he’d pushed against soft clay or wet sand. Perhaps he was already getting somewhere in this lesson…
Shan glanced from the pylon and then over towards Elias Edo Elias Edo before looking back towards the source of electricity. He had to remind himself that just because it's used as a weapon doesn't mean it has to be. Electricity was a vital tool in the Galaxy and being able to manipulate it and guide it would help to reduce the chance of having it harm him. Though first he'd actually have to learn how to do it.

"Are you ready?"

"I believe so."

He watched as Elias took out his lightsaber to use, and Shan followed. Whilst the Padawan wanted to try to use his bare hands to try and direct the lightning, using a lightsaber would be much for him. His goal was clear in his mind, to try and manipulate the electricity and tame it. Redirect it, as opposed to controlling it. The Padawan held his saber out towards the pylon and it's electricity, keeping that goal in the centre of his mind, before hissing in pain as the electricity caught onto his saber and travelled straight up his arm. Shan hadn't though of a direction to redirect the electricity however, so the results were a very uncomfortable shock for him as his hand and arm spasmed, keeping a tight grip on his saber until he physically moved himself back away from the pylon.

"...Spoke too soon."

Vulpesen Vulpesen Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Elias Edo Elias Edo Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Ryana mina



Elias grinned, but only after he knew Shan Pavond Shan Pavond was okay. It was a nasty shock, but nothing too bad from the looks of hit. Although he wouldn’t be surprised if the Padawan wanted to trade lightning for a less unpredictable element.

“Are you alright, Shan?” the Master asked. He didn’t want to speak with authority on the matter - that was for Vulpesen Vulpesen to handle - but he thought he knew the reason for the shock.

“You took the electricity to your lightsaber perfectly, but you didn’t give it somewhere to go after it got there. Electricity craves balance, and it’ll shoot straight through you to the ground unless you redirect it.”

It sounded simple enough, but Elias had yet to perform the same technique himself. He stepped closer to the pylon, holding his blade firmly. Arcs of energy began to whip around the green blade, and he flicked his wrist to shoot it back to the source. It moved much faster than he anticipated, nipping his knuckles with a jolt before arcing to the pylon.

Elias looked to Shan with a boyish grin that revealed his surprise in the half-success.

“It got me, but I got it back!” he said encouragingly.

“Go on, try again. We’re making good progress!”

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Shan just hissed to himself, waiting for the pain to die down. He had worse than this. He could power on through the pain to try and properly get this done. He understood his mistake, but thankfully Elias did also point it out as well as he lowered his head towards the man who was currently a fellow student alongside Shan. It was always one thing Shan liked about learning new things. Everyone had to start off as a student.

"I'm well. pride is slightly damaged and I'm a bit embarrassed." He let out a small awkward chuckle at that, rubbing the back of his neck as he turned his attention towards Elias' performance, getting ready to see what he could learn from his performance, before breaking out into a grin as Elias managed to sent a zap straight back to the Pylon.

"Beginner's Luck." The Padawan just broke out into a small grin at that, looking up towards Elias and preparing to take another turn himself. He had to focus on making sure the electricity flowed through him, instead of grounding it with his body as he held his lightsaber blade towards the pylon again. Trying to focus on having the electricity flow through the saber, then through his arm, the core of his body and then towards his other arm, focusing on his opposite hand as he prepared to release the electricity back towards the pylon.

Though if it was fast for Elias, it was blitzing for Shan as he was far too late to release the electricity and instead it just discharged from his hand, shooting straight down to the floor instead as the Padawan hissed out in pain again. He was getting there slowly but surely, but this training was a lot more painful than if he tried to go with something like Earth or Water. But Electricity was something the Padawan wanted to work on, so he could guide it and make sure that he could rely on it if it came to having Force Lightning used on him in battle.
"...Almost...there. But still...super sore."

Elias Edo Elias Edo



“No shame in learning,” Elias said with a wink. Electricity may be intimidating in its own right, but learning to channel it was like any other skill. Determination would see him through to mastery.

And besides, even Elias got a bit of a shock himself. He wasn’t immune to scrapes while riding without the training wheels.

He watched as Shan Pavond Shan Pavond gave it another go, but the surge of energy moved faster than he could return it to the pylon. Perhaps he was drawing too much at a time, or maybe he wasn’t focused on the destination so much as the pain from the overload.

“Focus all your attention on the pylon. Don’t fear the electricity, just let it flow. Focus only on where you want it to be, not where it is.”

Tags: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

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