Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private It's Not What You Think


When was the last time Iris actually sparred with Briana?

A while. A long, long while. Iris had learned so much since they last actually crossed blades. So, why not show off a bit? Was it showing off? Maybe. A little. She was proud of where she'd gotten in all this time. Even with all the terribleness that had gone on. And.. The last time they'd seen each other before Briana came back, Iris was in a hospital bed. So, not just showing off. Showing that she wasn't as weak as she had been. Not anymore. She stretched, briefly glancing to the door of the training room.

Now she just had to wait for Bri to show up.

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Rooms
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Briana had been back among the Jedi for a couple of weeks now, hoping that sometime within that timeframe, Iris would choose to open up about what had occurred while she was away.

Instead, Iris felt cloistered off through the Force, barely interacting beyond the brief times when their paths would cross in the mornings and evenings which continued to remain more cordial than anything else.

Briana rubbed her brows between her thumb and forefinger in contemplation, making her way to the training dojo where she was to meet Iris, now.

The last time they properly sparred seemed eons ago, with much of that strong competitive streak that initially carried her, subdued.

Once she reached the training room, Briana halted at the farthest edge of the training mat, kicking off her combat boots without ceremony before joining her.

Her hand flexed slightly as she unclipped the blade from her belt, igniting it with a soft 'snap-hisss' and thumbing over the switch until it flipped on to the training setting, squaring her shoulders as she moved into the forward position of Djem-So.

A sculpted brow arched, a slight smirk tugging at the dimple in her cheek. "Ready?"




Iris let out a sigh of relief as Briana did show up. She smiled ever so faintly as she nodded to her friend. Pulled out her pair of sabers before igniting the blue blade first. Then the other. Domxite's old casing, but with a new crystal within. One made by the very same who once inhabited it. The pink blade brightened into existence. Both made no sound. Both held no heat.

Neither could harm.

She held them both up, one pointed for Briana, the other lifted over head. Jar'kai.


Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Training Dojo, Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Briana’s eyes widened marginally before a slight smirk crossed over her features as she studied Iris’ positioning. “I see you’ve picked up some new tricks," she told her, "let’s see how well they work for you." She quickly moved to the left and sprung forward with the Force in a firey dash towards Iris, her cerulean blade coming down in decisive, powerful strikes that somehow managed to remain graceful. The Force was indeed a powerful ally, flowing freely around and through her body like liquid steel.

"You've grown a lot since we last's admirable." Briana complemented freely after having been engaged in their back and forth dance for some time, their blades continuing to clash in a vibrant flurry of strikes and counter-strikes. Iris' skill with a blade seemed to have become more precise, focused, with an increased level of control that aided her abilities, making it clear she wouldn't be as easily pushed aside as the first time they'd dueled when they were both still burgeoning young Jedi.

Jumping back to disengage, Briana reset her feet in the aggressive stance of Djem-So and heaved a breath, her brows furrowed as she contemplated how to segue into the topic of Iris' other activities, which had been the main purpose behind her coming today. "But you're still not fully present. You haven't been for weeks now. It gives you away. I know something is wrong, something is different, but you won't talk about it." she huffed, shaking her head slightly as she came in for the next strike.


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Iris kept a calm expression, letting her blades dance through and around. Catching Briana's own in swift parries as the other cut out. Alternating between the blades, but never falling into a true pattern. At least at first. Her brow furrowed at Briana's questions. Her strikes became unfocused. Unwanted thoughts filled her mind. Thoughts she didn't plan on burdening Briana with now that she was finally back home.

"I'm handling it."

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren
As blades would swing and Force would roar...

Something would be amiss amongst the scene of sweat and intrusion....

A charred bear was visible in the corner of the training room, somehow unnoticed from before, but now becoming apparent with the revelation of intrusion and aggression.

The bear was disfigured, charred and seared black - half of it literally scorched...

While the remaining half was perfect, and free of dirt and soot...

It's blackened eyes stared into the abyss, a Naboo lily burnt in the same manner lay in the lap of the bear.

Upon inspection, the bloodied words "Abandoned" scrawled into the backside of the bear and upon forensic investigation - it would reveal nothing of the origins except the planet manufactured.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Training Dojo, Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Really?" she asked, her response a bit more snappy than intended. "So, the bounty I saw is part of your definition of 'handling it'?" Briana further pushed, their blades clashing, noticing the slip in Iris' concentration. She'd tried in vain on a few different occasions to get Iris to talk, yet had learned nothing beyond what Val told her.

When she saw the posted bounty, the puzzle put itself together. "Is that why you haven't been present? Why you attacked Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest when he came to our apartment that day? Is that all that happened on Denon, just some tagging?" Her attention turned to parry the swipe that came straight for her ribs, the weapon barely glancing her own, "Or are there more secrets you're not telling me?"




Iris's brow furrowed visibly at the mention of the bounty. It wasn't like she was exactly hiding that she had one. Just a couple close friends were told the details of it. Briana too, maybe. At some point. When she was more sure her friend wasn't going to leave again. But it seemed even that couldn't be hidden. Frustration gripped at her heart as she caught the next strike on her blades. Pushed them up.

Launched a kick for Bri's gut.

"I'm handling it! Focus on yourself so you don't leave again!"

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Training Dojo, Coruscant Jedi Temple
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

The words that Iris threw made Briana's eyes widen, unexpected guilt crashing into her. For the briefest of seconds, she faltered, leaving herself exposed to take the full force of that kick to her gut, sailing backwards. The breath went out of her body as she hit the mat, the movement jarring enough that it sent her saber sailing across the room. For several moments she laid there, before trying to heave herself from her back and roll to her side, taking in a rasping gasp of air as she raised her hands to yield.

"Is that why you didn't tell me?" she frowned, saying nothing for several heartbeats, "Because you think I'm going to abandon everything, or something?"




"Have you even met Silas? Cailen? I get they're not your real family, but to me they're my brothers. Who's older sister ran off to do.. Whatever it was you ran away to do. While we fought wars. Valery can't take care of us all alone. I can't help, not as much as I wish I could. They need help. Not me."

Iris breathed. Heavy, emotional breaths. Once, twice. then exhaled as she closed her eyes. Let her blades shut down as she straightened her posture.

"Help them, Bri. I'm fine."

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Training Dojo, Coruscant
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Aielyn Veralas Aielyn Veralas

"Have you even met Silas? Cailen?"
"Iris..." Briana whispered beneath her breath, her blue eyes falling away from the other to hide her guilt and shame.
"I get they're not your real family, but to me they're my brothers. Who's older sister ran off to do.."
Her eyes began to sting, "Listen, I never meant..." she started to say, but was cut off by the woman in front of her.
"Whatever it is you ran away to do. While we fought wars."
"If you would just let me..." It was the one time she was not louder, feeling like her throat was closing in on itself, her lungs constricting.
"Valery can't take care of us all alone. I can't help, not as much as I wish I could. They need help. Not me."

Briana finally stood to her feet, her jaw clenching as her eyes reddened, staying silent, letting Iris continue on unchallenged. "Help them, Bri. I'm fine."

At this, she finally looked up, her voice unusually calm as she tried to take back the frailness that'd been evident up to that moment. "Until you're not." she wiped her eyes, "Everyone needs help sometimes Iris, especially those who think they don't, but if that's what you wish... then I'll respect that."

Feeling there was nothing else to say, Briana turned to leave, only pausing momentarily at the door where she scooped up the disfigured bear and the Naboo lily. Her spine stiffened upon reading the words, causing her pace to hasten as she left the dojo, the strange object clenched in her fist.


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