Ah, Alchemy.
It was the fabled "art" that had intersected the lives of Rave Merrill and Isley Verd in the first place. In fact, this ancient way of creation was directly responsible for the man that the Dar'manda had grown into. When he set foot upon Aza'Zoth all those years ago, he was but a curious man. In particular, he was a warrior who had been crowned a Sith Knight by the sovereign Emperor Ardik. T'was in light of this accomplishment that he piqued the interest of the then-young Rave Merrill. It was in light of his servitude to the Sith Empire that the invitation was extended.
And from then on, Isley was never the same.
The man of the present almost winced at the request, as the word Alchemy made him think all the more about who he had lost. However...he had asked for a distraction and rambling on about what he knew most was the best way to go about it. Lilith...his Lilith...how sweet she was. A kiss. A squeeze. She, the pinnacle of "bearing", was being all that he needed in that moment. The Dar'manda took a moment to return the embrace, giving her waist a squeeze before guiding them down to the couch. Once there, he exhaled solidly...
And began.
"Alchemy...usually refers to Sith Alchemy."
"But the word, in of itself, refers to an overarching theme. Creation through the Force. Modification through the Force. The Sith refer to it as Alchemy. Modern Jedi refer to it as Alkahest. Some see it as specifically-applied Art of the Small. The Dathomiri Clans simply call it creation. On and on the list goes...but the common ground is that the Force is used to modify an object. At the risk of sounding cliche', the possibilities are endless with Alchemy. You see, the only limits are the creativity of the Alchemist and the Force itself."
"Most of the time, at least in the context of Sith, Alchemy is used to create artifacts of power. Weapons. Armor. Means of putting one's self ahead of the competition. This was how I used Alchemy for the longest time. I used it to plug the holes in my defenses, you see. If I faltered in battle or encountered something that posed a serious threat, I would turn to Alchemy to rectify that. Against a telekinetic god, I created a bodyglove that laughed at telekinesis. Against Shatterpoint, I created a Taozin Amulet."
"My Master, Rave, used to be of a similar mind. But then she took a different path...and I followed. First, she made creations simply to test the extent of her abilities. And then, she changed. She began to make things for the sake of doing good. Light things...such as Ankarres Wood. Erm. Wood that heals Sithspawn and whatnot. Now, I haven't made that leap, but I did make things to test my abilities. Frankly, tampering with the Dark Side to that extent isn't good for one's health. Mental health especially."
He broke off.
"I'm rambling. Is there anything specific you want to know about Alchemy?"
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