Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Its simplicity is strength…

The following day Corvus showed Kaia the inner Circle. This was the hardest to master and Corvus made it clear it was generally a last resort and would take the longest time to perfect.

“Try not to let them get too close is my best advice!” she laughed as she shared her wisdom.

Then Corvus ran through a few moves because as she put it, "Opponents rarely stand in front of you waiting to be hit for too long."

“Right.” Corvus demonstrated the disarming slash. “Sun djem, you learned that before.”

Corvus spun 180-degrees. “That’s Jung and you’d use it if your opponent jumped over you, or if facing multiple attackers of course. You can use the Force to enhance your jumps if you feel comfortable, but mastery of acrobatics comes from Force valor, which I can teach you when you become a Knight.”

Corvus then jumped in a 360-degree spin, with both hands on the saber. “Jung ma. Useful to build momentum for an attack.”

Corvus repeated it with just one-hand on the saber. “Shun. Riskier because you might lose your saber.”

Corvus jumped over an imaginary sweep. “Sai. If you can’t block, it’s an alternative. Some actually prefer it to blocking.”

Corvus simulated defending and then following in on an imaginary opponent. “Flowing Water. You use the space created when the opponent withdraws their lightsaber to your own advantage. You follow them back with your blade. Sometimes this shocks them into pulling their own blade into themselves. It’s worked for me before.”

“And the last one today, Falling Leaf.” Corvus spun and made a fast slash at an imaginary opponent standing behind her and then returned to face the way she was before the manoeuvre.

“OK, let’s spar…and start with the velocity I showed you before. You attack first and see if you can throw in any of those moves.”

[member="Kaia Vullen"]
Peace begins with a smile.
The inner ring was indeed the most difficult, while the idea was simple, the exact execution demanded much practice.

"Alright, I'll keep them at a distance." While they laughed at it now, it was likely advice that would save her life.''

Kaia couldn't argue against the logic of opponents wanting to move, she had already experienced Zylah jumping over one of her leg sweeps in a spar. Needless to say, it had confused her thoroughly. Next time, she might get use of Jung. It was a useful move, considering Kaia's shortness.

she nodded and mentally noted each move and the advice that came with it. She felt giddy at the concept of ever becoming a Knigh. It was like an affirmation of her dream for the future. To be like Corvus, a light in the dark to protect the Galaxy against the dark, against Bogan.

She nodded and reactivated her lightsabre, got into a stance and attacked according to the velocity. She seemed a little extra spirited today. bounding with energy. She let the Force guide her through the known patter, and tried to implement the moves Corvus had showed her where she could or found them useful.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
"OK, you're doing well, so I think you deserve a challenge."

Corvus went to the rack of equipment and pulled off a remote. It was about 15 cm in diameter. "Armed with a light blaster. Don't worry, it's non-lethal."

She activated it and it moved quickly and in unpredictable directions. "Once you activate the saber it will target you. Use your blade to block the blasts. Simple really."

Corvus had a smile on her lips. Not sadistic by any stretch, but she knew this was not what Kaia would have been expecting and that was good. "Remember, opponents never do exactly what you want them to. This simulates that to a degree."

[member="Kaia Vullen"]
Peace begins with a smile.
She was simultaneously surprised, ecstatically excited, and a little bit nervous when Corvus explained the challenge. She had been looking forward to this kind of exercise, whenever it would show up. She nodded again, very quickly. She was shifting her weight a little back and fourth between her legs, but settled down with a deep inhale and exhale. She focused her energy and let the Force flow through her body like an stream.

"I'm ready!"

She grinned wide, lifting her practice sabre into a vertical hold, her body slipped into the defensive neutral position quite naturally and she ran her thumb up the grip to the activation mechanism. Another inhale and exhale, before she activated her sabre to start the remote's attack.

Her quick, sure hands and good reflexes helped in the task, but if she had not had the Force with her, she wouldn't have been able to block a single one. Then again, without the Force she would be literally blind.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
"Remember, success is incremental. Had I suggested that you could block a blaster from a remote, with a lightsaber, a few days ago, you wouldn't have believed me. Now you are starting to believe. Once you believe wholeheartedly, you will block every blast."

Corvus deactivated the remote. Non-lethal blasts were still painful and not conducive to learning. They were not the Sith after all!

"There's precious else I can show you. You know the Form, can defend yourself and you're developing your ability to allow the Force to guide you. All that's needed is practice."

"That's not to say I won't spar with you going forward - just ask. But I'd advise you to spar with others. See different Forms and different people applying the same Form."

"So, what's next?"

[member="Kaia Vullen"]
Peace begins with a smile.
Believe. That was the key, trust in the Force and believe.

Seeing different forms would not be hard, there was a mass of Jedi, Masters, Padawans and Knights out there, many of whom were willing to spar, practice, and give advice from their perspective and experience to one who asks.

"Practice with others, gain experience. Got it."

She thought for a few seconds, considering what she wanted, or needed, to learn. As Corvus herself had mentioned: You can't win if you're dead. Staying alive was paramount to all she wanted to accomplish, and so she had decided and smiled at Corvus.

"I need to learn the Force Barrier."

[member="Corvus Raaf"].

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