
Iturizu Yuvie
Name: Iturizu YuvieAge: 20
Race: Mirialan
Sex: Female
Height; 173.6cm
Weight: 77kg
Force sensitive: Yes
Occupation: Rebel comander
Affiliation: The Galactic Empire (former), The rebel alliance (unofficially)
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Strengths, weakness and other performance factors
Duelist: Pursuing to refine her light saber combat has made her a challenging duelist to face by both Jedi and other Sith. Though she still lack Vaapad and other forms in her arsenal of fighting.
Sense of Honer: Though being a follower of Sith teaching she does not kill those unable to defend them self's and will fight fair, unless given a reason not to.
Tech Savy: Making sure to always have a backup plan of some sort she has studied vigorously to gain an expert understanding of most technology and mechanics, thus she is a good hacker and repairer if need be.
Odd Temper: Her temper flares fairly erratic or clams quickly depending on what other around her do, even if someone is an ally, if they do something she does not agree with she will make it known, through either yelling at them or pain.
Medium Amour: Good protection and lightness, but over all not good in any specific area.
Jedi Bias: She has a slight bias against certain sects of Jedi, though she does not technically hate those that follow the light side she feel that some Jedi are hypocrites and are not better than some Sith.
Intolerant: She does not tolerate certain people or actions and as such has little patience for those she does not agree with.
Blaster Inept: Being one to refine her skills in saber combat only she does not use blaster at all and thus handle them poorly.
Rouge: living in partial isolation means she will often take matters into her own hand not caring how it affect others around her as long as it suits her goals.
[Novice - Adept - Proficent - Expert - Master
Light saber Fighting Styles
Shii Cho: Proficient
Makashi: Proficient
Djem So: Adept
Force Power:
Push/Pull: Proficient
Jump: Proficient
Sense: Adept
Lightning: Adept
Coke: Proficient
Iturizu has the typical greenish yellow skin of her race with square tattoos on her face, under her eyes forming a V shape and on her head forming a square out of four small squares. Her eye colour is a light blue which will turn yellow upon her using the dark-side in full, accompanied with dark purple hair that reaches down to her hips. For clothing she mainly uses a variety of purple/black (with bits of white) robes with neck, shoulder and waist durasteel guards with dark grey gloves. For make up she wares purple lipstick and eye shadow. Though she may change with up with a more casual clothing with no amour.Notable Physical Characteristic
- Tattos below her eye and on forehead associated with her race
- Several across her lower body from the events of Kessal, from burns to slug thrower wounds
- Lawful Evil, though is slightly leaning towards good
- Sith (main
- Jedi (Major)
Governmental Ideology
- Imperial rule with Sith and Jedi in their respectful places but not influencing the government

Iturizu tries to be calm and put and outwards apprentice of disinterest most of the time not really caring about what others thinking unless it affects her personally. She is rarely happy but sometimes shows empathy to those who are very unfortunate, unless they are a person she deems unworthy to live. Respect is something she often shows to others that display skill and is willing to humble herself to someone stronger, (though this will just cause her to pursue more training to beat said person). Despite harboring anger towards both Jedi and a reasonable amount of Sith, she can put her emotions on hold when required to prevent confrontational events, most of the time.Biography
Iturizu was led a normal childhood life with her merchant family traveling in the outer rim worlds until her most them were killed in one of the countless battles fought fought between the SJO, Dominion, TRE and SA. Due to this she developed an anger towards the Sith and Jedi as at the time to her they seemed to be just as war hungry as the Sith. After a few day upon felling the hatred from her as well as being force sensitive she was taken by a Sith who had survived the battle and decided to go rouge from his faction and train her in the dark side of the force.Though mainly focusing on her hatred she did learn a few things about the light side of the force more out of necessity and secretly came to respect some of those who used it properly, still her anger at the majority of the Jedi stayed. During training she diligently studied the most effective light-saber techniques to use against other saber uses developing into a expert offensive duelist. Upon her masters death due to old age and battle wounds she left in on her own accord to travel the galaxy using s refurbished X-83 twin tail star fighter.
Through here journey she found out about the different Jedi and SIth faction, coming to hate some Jedi as she viewed them as hypocrites, while distancing herself from the Sith faction because of their unjustly violent nature, excluding the Sith Ascendancy. This was because of their take on maintaining control and law, but refrained from joining the order as of current due to their possible involvement in her families death. She spent a few years gathering knowledge about the dark side increasing her force powers and on occasion fighting both Sith and Jedi alike to get a taste of combat.
Now she serves as an inquisitor for the Galactic Empire believing that it is the only power that can restore true and stable galaxy unlike the Jedi or Sith.
Related Rps
First Training
Unexpected Meeting
Kessel Skirmish
A new Hope?
Rebel treason open
Equipment and gear
Mirco binoculars,
Her Sith like amour with standard durasteel plate pads on certain parts of the body,
Single blade red light-saber given to her by her master
Security slicers
Multi purpose data pad for programing/hacking.
Fighter: TIE fighter Mark IV
Land: Z-74 speeder bike
Other: non
Friends: [member="Alema Valla"],
Teachers: [member="Krieg Merriden"]
Acquaintances: [member="Kha'ro Ottosuki"]
Kills: Pirates and a few low level force users