Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Izak Zinch [Defector, Outlaw, Space Cowboy] (WIP)

Izak Zinch

Name: Izak Zinch
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Species: Nagai-Human Mix
Birth Place: Metellos
Affiliation: Outer Rim Coalition
Occupation: Pilot/Mercenary
Status: Outlaw in Sixteen Systems
Known Aliases: Bando Darrard, Black Jack, Nice Eyes
Known Skills and Attributes:
> Slippery Customer: Izak is an expert pilot from his days as a One Sith pilot, a weaver of tough trajectories and whirlwind evasive maneuvers
> It's High Noon!: Don't engage Izak in a blasterfight unless you came to bet and pray
> Debts. Debts. Debts: Izak has no real safe house in the underworld. He either owes money or a blood debt to every major crime organization in the galaxy
> Outlaw: Izak has to sneak and slip by a lot to get anything "officially" done, as a result out in the open he's name is easily drawn up in galactic security records (that is i you have is right name)

Biography (Pre-RP Story)

...opening link secured...opening...
"Huh? Well hello there. Didn't think you'd show. I'm impressed, you see I'm not the usual company most folks out here in the galaxy like to keep.

Why you ask? Well that's because I have sh!t luck in this world. Always have. Always will. You see my parents were low, the lowest, living in the pits of Metellos. So we couldn't buy anything worth a damn. But, I was pretty good at stealing - I was a small kid. Small kids get into small places. The kinda places where you wanna keep something valuable. Then the One Sith decided to flatten the core under its black boot.

I got caught. But, instead of the prison, I was thrown into the mind meld of the empire's military and fashioned at a young age to become a cog in their war machine. I never saw my parents again from that point on...Hmmm?, Hah. No need to shed emotional tears of sympathy. I forgot about it long ago. That is not to say sometimes I don't fly back to the pits and wander. But, nostalgia is deadly. Be warned..."


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