Izalith Vora

- The Omen -
Name: Nivaea Ghastyr. "Izalith Vora".Faction: The Sith Empire.
Rank: Acolyte.
Species: Human.
Age: Early thirties.
Sex: Female.
Orientation: Asexual.
Height: 5'11.
Weight: 152 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Short.
Skin: Pale white.
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths & Weaknesses (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Militant: Raised by a military family, Nivaea was made to follow a rigorous schedule of a lifestyle, experiencing harsh and abusive treatment from most of her kin with no exceptions from even her father. Yet Nivaea considers herself better for having lived through it.
+ Lightsaber Combat: As an individual sensitive to the living Force, Nivaea adopted the usage of lightsaber combat into her arsenal, picking up on its niche applications rather quickly and with exceptional grace.
+ Brawler: Doused in seething scars and soul-clenching resentment, the expression of using one's body as a weapon as well as a conduit for the Force allows Nivaea to excel in hand-to-hand engagements.
-/+ Sadist: Never being able to uphold the integrity of her family's past, Nivaea has not taken this well psychologically. Years of being beaten down and broken emotionally has left a pit in her gut that craves the demise of others. Nivaea cannot process rational thought normally, causing her to become reckless and overzealous in her fetish to bring about death and suffering when her pride is bruised.
- Daughter Of None: Born to an Imperial veteran whom only received sons, Nivaea is a first. Her gender is regarded as a bad omen and has brought about a stigma and veil of shame upon her family's military legacy. Frequently reminded that she has no place in her own bloodline, Nivaea disconnected herself from such a bitter reality, also disowning anyone attempting to bond with her.
- Latent Inferiority Complex: Second-guessing, pessimistic, and starving for attention, Nivaea will do all in her capacity to rise above any obstacle before her, acting as if her prowess in any field is superior; however, her mind is a feeble thing filled to the brim with self-bastardization and sorrows of drowning in inconsistencies and failures bound to come for simply existing. Vanity and an ego are a result of the toxicity that brews within her on a daily basis.
Appearance: A scarred, stoic woman, Nivaea never appears to be of an optimistic or overly enthused demeanor. An almost perpetual state of seething anger is her default expression, eyes glaring with deeply seeded spite buried within the pits of her soul. Short, unkempt hair further reflects a lifestyle predominated by a militant and warrior-like mindset. The desire for anything frilly or light-nature is null and void, and in their place bolstered with steely willpower is discipline and resolve.
What's more, Nivaea is almost never seen outside of her attire of synthleather - frequently will her head by shielded by an obscure, dark helmet. Almost as if shadows are inhabiting a mirror.