Izevel Zambrano

"Zambranos are like Potato Chips. Father couldn't stop at just one."

Name: Izevel Zambrano
Alias: Raven
- The Sith Empire
- House Zambrano
- Sith Knight
Age: [
Sex: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: [
Eyes:Bright Emerald
Hair: Black
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes

Significant Other: ---
Sire: [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Mother: A Fleeting Memory
Siblings: Too Many
Offspring: [member="Runi Verin"], [member="Nyx"]

[ + ] A combination of personal grooming at the hands of her sire and service within the original Sith Empire have resulted in a rather capable assassin.
[ + ] Born of Epicanthix blood, Izevel is effectively immune to mind-affecting powers of the Force.
[ - ] Upon hearing the word [
[ - ] For better or worse, Izevel feels the need to place herself in "exciting" situations...such as near-death experiences, battles, and so on.

Armour: ---
Weaponry: ---
Primary Transport: ---
Property: ---
Miscellaneous: ---

Apprentice [ I ] - Knight [ II ] - Master [ III ] - Specialist [ IV ]
- Pending

That was it meant to be a member of House Zambrano. During the reign of the Sith Empire, my actions were expected to exalt the divine blood within me. My every word, my every breath, belonged to the God who saw fit to create me. I was a tool: a manifestation of his Will sent to thrive in the shadows. I listened. I stole life. I did everything as commanded; until the Empire collapsed in on itself.
Then, and only then, did a blasphemous seed take root within me. Rebellion. The Chaos of the collapse provided an opportunity: to slink into the pitfall of personal freedom. I took it, and in doing so created like my sire before me. Freedom beget vices, vices beget life. Life was a burden that jeopardized everything, and so two of my own blood were left to the Galaxy. They were Zambrano, they would survive.
As for me, all Rebellion is eventually stamped out. I do not know why I was allowed to live past my capture, nor do I question it. I do not question anything, anymore; for the God-King saw fit to personally open my eyes. Now, I do as I always have. I listen. I steal life.
I thrive in the shadows.