Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jailhouse Blues


A third giant presented problems, firstly because he was heavily armed, secondly because he was speaking a luanguage Mala didn't know. Hell, she only spoke basic in its simplest forms, it was easy to stump her if you used long words. Unless they were technical terms, then she understood. She did however pick up names, only one she recognised. How could she forget the pretty giant who took her shiny's in processing. She opened her mouth to reply but the other giant beat her to it, then pointed a finger at her.

She protested with a short, high pitched and very loud scream followed by a swing for his hand with the baton. She was sure he'd move his hand in time, the scream was more than enough to voice her dislike at being pointed at and spoken of in a language she didn't understand. "No keys!" she shouted, then pointed that accusing baton at the albino one.

"Pirten processes, took my shiny's." her ears twitched. She was picking up the scent of explosives on the albino. She inched forward, baton still extended in front of her. "Bounty?"

[member="Sasha"][member="Trechtus"][member="Ardak Serifen"]

Rekali the Hutt

There was a discernible sigh as Ardak heard the human's apparent translation. None of the troubling trio seemed to speak adequate huttese to translate him. Which left him with a few options. Break character and speak basic, try to play the translating guessing game with them, or simply leave them to their business. Then the Squib spoke, in traditional squibby manner. Short, broken, and to the point. But that last word, bounty, he could use that.

"Me Murishani"<I am a bounty hunter> He said pointing to the squib "Me Killee Yira Shull an Seera Pirten." <I am to kill Yira Shull and Seera Pirten.> Ardak continued, before laying on something the 'human would hopefully understand. "Bargon u noa-a-uyat." <Help and your services will be rewarded.>

[member="Sasha"] [member="Trechtus"] [member="Mala"]
But a short ways from the prison, the Midnight Drag Queen was setting down amidst quite the commotion, at least given the relative scale of Moridebo; what sufficed for an entire district's police force was buzzing about, albeit rather aimlessly. With a hiss, the landing struts locked stiff, ghostly smoke radiating from the freighter's underside, the freighter came to a halt. Once the rumble of the engines had died and the smoke had cleared, Shakes had a clear view of the situation, leaning forwards across the controls to try and get a glimpse of exactly what was going on.

He honestly couldn't tell; all the action seemed to be centered within the confines of the gaol. Either way, he wasn't like to get far with his particular cargo given the concentration of authorities- in his experience, police weren't too lenient when it came to deathsticks.

Lots of deathsticks.

It was all he could do to resist just departing instantly, but he'd rather not have a five-digit bounty on his head courtesy of a rather prominent crime lord. Surprisingly, Hutts didn't like it when people chickened out on major jobs.

As he pondered on such things, he heard a loud clang upon the hull, followed by a disgruntled shout.

"Open up! Police!"


@all of the hamsters in this thread
I cocked my head. "Oooooh, I get it now. We're supposed to help him nab a few bounties," I explained to Trechtus, who was undoubtedly suffering from his woeful lack of transgalactic experience comparable to one such as I.

"Well, I think helping him would be a wonderful idea. Much better than getting shot."

With Team Sasha of one mind, I sifted back through my memories to drag out more Huttese. <ok>

[member="Shakes"] [member="Ardak Serifen"] [member="Mala"] [member="Trechtus"]

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