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Character Jannik Morlandt



Themelost memories
Full NameJannik Anders Morlandt
Haakon Vu Noi
Class(es)Jedi Consular
Jedi Seer
Sage Master
AgeHave a guess
Personality TraitsCompassionate
Education TraitsCoruscant Underworld
Jedi Training
Ember of Vahl
Sith Training
Lifestyle TraitsWayseeker
Rank(s)Jedi Master
Faction(s)New Jedi Order
The Order of the Selab
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Kinetic Communication
And a smattering of others
Force SensitiveYes
Force AlignmentAshla
Character AlignmentNeutral Good
Weight170 lbs
PlaybyLuke Evans
Template Credit Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau


    Jannik Morlandt is a Jedi Master, Seer, and man of a very individual faith whose known history runs through the Galactic Republic of the decades following the Gulag Plague, the Galactic Alliance that supplanted it, and into the resurgent Galactic Alliance that stands to this day.

    Throughout his years as a Jedi, from his time as a Padawan to Master, Jannik has seen and experienced a great many events and times of strife, both in vision and reality, and contended with the truth of his origins.

    A veteran of the One Sith War, he has largely taken to the path of a Wayfinder in the years since, but such a life can be a solitary, isolating one… even if that isolation might have been intentional at first, as pain, loss, and self-wariness can be strong motivators to directions one might not otherwise take.

    Now, having largely made his peace with who he is and has been, and the ravages of his path, Jannik has reconnected with the greater community of Jedi, and lends himself and his knowledge to the growth, efforts, and protection of those who stand in the Light.


    The Sith of Eons: A Summary
    Hákon was born a twin and child of the Vahla people, and grew to become a Chosen of the Goddess Vahl in the decades prior to the destruction of the Ember of Vahl at the hands of Jedi Knights, many thousands of years prior to the events of the Sith-Imperial War. This single event, and the loss of their homeworld, would drive the actions and deeds of Hákon and his sibling - the girl who would eventually become Moira Vu Noi - for millennia, chaining the destiny of the Ember of Vahl to that of the Sith Empire, and successive dark-side states, with both twins ensuring their continued existence through dark means.

    This cycle continued until the early decades of 800 ABY, when Hákon fell for a woman outside of the Ember of Vahl, and left that life behind, having children by her. The wrath of those he had betrayed in leaving, his sibling in particular, eventually found him, slaying his wife and children, taking him prisoner, and putting him through what would become the last time his essence was forced upon another body - that of his infant nephew, the half-Miraluka Haakon Vu Noi.

    But those loyal to him alone, those who also sought to secede from the endless slog of vengeance, came into play, stealing the boy away, sealing the essence of their master away in the wee boy's mind, and leaving his fate to the underbelly of Coruscant... a tiny speck amongst the billions that called the ecumenopolis home.
    The Young Musician
    The boy that became Jannik Anders Morlandt spent his early years in the care of an orphanage, with vague mental images of what he could only guess might have been his mother, and was a well-behaved boy despite the nightmares that plagued his early childhood at times. He received a basic academic education, with the rest of his knowledge coming from the world around him, but largely avoided trouble when the Zabrak Azai, a proprietor of one of the lower levels' many cantinas took an interest in the hardworking boy and his nascent musical talent.

    From then on, young Jannik learned the ins and outs of the cantina, was taught to play the quetarra and encouraged to sing by his mentor. This eventually led to the boy becoming a fixture of the Azai Cantina stage, and from there, eventually earned him the mentorship of an elder musician from off-world, from whom he learned to write better songs and improved his singing and playstyle in the final years of the man’s life.

    At thirteen Jannik returned to Coruscant, meeting friends he had left behind almost as if they were new again, and some that were new altogether, like De’arin and Shayenne, with whom and some others he formed a band, which would have moderate success in the underground circuit over the coming years.

    But so too did his nightmares return, which in truth were visions, which he increasingly tried to keep at bay with drink and drug, becoming dependent on this way of existence until one Zhellday in 843 ABY when, at the age of 17, it all came crashing down, and he came to the notice of the Jedi.
    To Be A Jedi
    To be written when I've energy for it!

    1. Notable Skills
    2. Force Abilities & Lightsaber Combat
    3. Other Major Skills & Knowledge





    As a Jedi, Jannik is a seer first and foremost. Aside from this, he is a skilled mentalist and telekinetic, and has significant command of the natural realm.

    He is not typically a front-line combatant, but is an incredibly strong element in battlefield support, and can defend himself if necessary, but the lightsaber is a last resort, as it should be.

    Click each heading to see Jannik's full powerset, and combat capabilities. Hover over abilities with dotted underlines to see how those abilities apply specifically to Jannik. All abilities are links - click them for more information.
    Battle Meditation
    Force Healing
    Force Resistance
    Force Speed
    Force Valor
    Hibernation Trance
    Projective Telepathy
    Thought Shield
    Battle Meditation
    Force Meld
    Force Sense
    Force Sight
    Receptive Telepathy
    Alter Environment
    Battle Meditation
    Electric Judgement
    Force Deflection
    Force Jump
    Force Light
    Force Stun
    Force Spark
    Mind Trick
    Protection Bubble
    Though Jannik has taken the time to learn lightsaber combat, the brunt of his defense and offense comes from his considerable strength in the Force; the lightsaber is a last resort, as it should be, and is rarely removed from his belt.

    Nonetheless, these are the forms that Master Morlandt knows to a more-than-functional degree, and he can instruct others in their use:

    He also has knowledge in the stances, katas, and philosophy of these forms. Though he has not used them in active combat since his 'past lives' as a Sith, they were repeatedly his most used forms so the knowledge is indelibly imprinted upon him, and Jannik has taken the time to adjust his knowledge through a Jedi lens and relearn the feel of their motions. He will win no fights with these, but he can instruct others in their use:

    Click here to return to top of tab!



    As part of a life well-lived and travelled, Jannik has come into contact with various cultures, groups, faith systems, and so on, and has accrued various skills and knowledge that aren't per se exclusive to his life and work as a Jedi, though they have supported it; some are more significant in impact, experience, and knowledge than others. These are detailed below.

    Click each title to read more.
    Kinetic Communication
    As his master was herself Lorrdian, she taught Jannik the art of Kinetic Communication; his muscle memory for it and ability to read others grew over the years under her tutelage, and later on, through their friendship, and through time spent with countless others from various cultures.
    Jannik has had an ear and talent for music since he was a child in this life. He took to playing the Zabrak Quetarra as a young lad, and the vocal training he received in his teenage years has stuck with him, supporting his already wonderful singing voice. Though he hasn't held a show since he was a young man, he can still be encountered strumming a tune, humming or even singing along softly, if you are fortunate enough to catch him at it.
    Writing and Record-Keeping
    Jannik has considerable skill in creative and formal writing, through his years of recording and detailing his visions and experiences on a personal and archival level, songwriting, storytelling, and the antiquated art of letter writing.
    Ritualistic Practices
    Jannik has been exposed to many cultures and their practices over the years. These are a few of note:

    Ember of Vahl: As a man of predominantly Vahla heritage and origins, who for the overwhelming majority of his 'past lives' had been one of the Goddess Vahl's foremost servants and prophets, the man now known as Jannik Morlandt is deeply aware of the intricacies and specifics of Vahla religious practices. These form the background of his current ritualistic practices, particularly in advance of battle, morphed through the lens of Ashla.

    The Ashlan Faith: At some point in the many years of his life, Jannik has come into contact with the Ashlan Church. Though the Church of the Force was a known quantity, this fervent and zealous lightside faith had hallmarks that felt more in common with what he already knew from the Ember of Vahl. As such, he studied in depth and asked questions. Coupled with his eons of prior Vahla faith, his schooling in the Ashlan Faith has formed the backbone of his own unique and current ritualistic practices and observances - a lens through which to adjust to the Light all that had been woven into his very essence through an incomprehensibly deep well of time.

    The Witches of Dathomir: Amongst the many from which Jannik has learned his skills and knowledge in the Force, there is a witch... and a considerable amount of time spent amongst her kind on Dathomir. It is impossible to learn and practice Allyan Witch Magic without also engaging in the rituals and and practices of the witches themselves. While what he learned does by and large compliment his Jedi abilities, he is no full-blown warlock, but the time spent learning and living amongst the Singing Mountain Clan is a valued experience that plays (to a lesser degree) into his own unique practices and observances.


    Items and Weapons
    1x Lightsaber
    1x Dantooine Sphere
    1x deck of Sabacc Cards
    1x personal projector
    Hardcopy and digitised personal Seer's Journals
    1 x Zabrak Quetarra


    Jannik reintegrates himself into the company of other Jedi after an almost complete absence of many years.
    Not What I Had In Mind | The Long and Winding Path | Placeholder | Placeholder



    words words words
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder


    1. Alliance & Enclaves
    2. Blood Relations
    3. Other Connections


    Valery Noble Valery Noble Jedi Master
    Sword of the Jedi


    Darth Isolda Darth Isolda Twin Sister | Sith Lord
    Darth Nephthys Darth Nephthys Niece | Sith Lord
    Darth Tuk'ata Darth Tuk'ata Nephew | Sith Lord


    Chloe Blake Chloe Blake Friend
    Kira Talith Kira Talith Former Master
    Erinyes Draclau Erinyes Draclau Former Mentor
    Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Chloe's Former Student

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