Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jarck Rabsch

Jarck Rabsch


NAME: Jarck Rabsch​
FACTION:Galactic Alliance (Starfighter Corps)​
RANK: Flight Officer​
AGE: 25​
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 1.65 Meters​
WEIGHT: 65.7 Kg​
EYES: Brown​
HAIR: Brown​
SKIN: Not too fair, but by no means dark or olive​


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Instinctually Skilled Pilot: While he's not quite the expert or experienced pilot that some of his older compatriots are, Jarck has an instinct for flying, which made him one of the best in his class in the GA's flight training
+Brave...: The legendary General Han Solo supposedly once said that being an A-wing pilot required being either brave or crazy. and Jarck's personality certainly shows a strong amount of bravery and courage, one of the traits which led him to attain the rank of Lieutenant shortly after flight school
-... Or Crazy: However Jarck's personality also applies to the second. Hotheaded and foolhardy, sometimes he's known to volunteer for some of the most reckless and dangerous missions simply out of some crazed loved of danger
-Arrogant: Jarck has many skills, humility is scarce one of them, most definitely. While he's smart enough to stay serious in briefings, any other time, even in combat, he's as arrogant as can be, bragging about his exploits and taunting enemy pilots over open channels. If he's not careful, one day his mouth might write a check that the rest of him can't cash.

Nothing too outstanding, he's a trifle shorter than the average human, as well as somewhat light, most of his mass being muscle in his lower body, he has brown eyes and brown hair, he's also got calloused hands from grabbing the control stick on his A-wing tightly during heavy maneuvers.

Jarck was born to a pair of smugglers, running their own corellian freighter through the heart of the scummiest parts of the galaxy. While he, for understandable reasons, romanticized the smuggler life as a younger child, as he grew up he desired better employers than hutt lords, better jobs than moving spice into Alliance territory and moving weapons into the First Order. He desired a role in life where he could make a difference. Growing up on a fast smuggler's freighter meant that at a young age he learned how to fly, and more importantly how to fly fast. By the time he was old enough that most Governments would let him fly a ship, he already had the experience of many freighter owners. But he still wanted to learn more, do something better. When he turned eighteen he started taking jobs off his family's ship, eventually working his way by jobs and by passenger ships to Sullust, where he signed up for the Galactic Alliance's Starfighter Corps. Learning to fly the X-wing and the Y-wing was great, but Jarck's true first love at the Academy was the A-wing. Fast, maneuverable, and the perfect ship for a hotheaded youngster with skills beyond his years, he loved the ship, and spent most of his time outside of the classroom learning about it. It was because of this dedication to the ship that he was assigned to fly it, leading a flight of other A-wing trainees in simulations and in reserve patrols. Eventually he was assigned to Red Squadron, flying alongside several other A-wing pilots as well as their compatriots in X-wings. It wasn't too long in Red Squadron before he was promoted to Flight Officer and made a full member of Red Squadron. After several missions, including the battle of L-49, he was assigned to create a new Space Superiority Squadron, Lightning Squadron.

He flies a standard RZ-1 A-wing, with Blue and Gold Markings signifying his status in Lightnng Squadron

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