Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Well, if the kid was gonna do it -- and not get shot, at least not that Jethro could hear -- no reason not to go in and see [member="Makkik"].

"I'm looking for ship engines," he said to the Jawa, shooting a glance at the browsing [member="Khaleel Malvern"]. "Or repulsorlifts. Anything that'll work for a light to medium freighter."
(Sorry for the late reply)

Makkik glanced up from his datapad game of angry zabraks, and nodded rapidly. "Ooooh! Yesyesyesyes! We haveshipparts! Whatkindyouwant? Hmm? Hmm? Tachyon? LL-2? LighttoMediumfreigher... Lotsofpartswillworkforthat! Lots,lots! Repulsorliftwon'tbegood... No, hm,mmm... Followme!" The hyperactive Jawa leaped off his high barstool, and ran to a small corridor in the back of the shop, that led to the junklot out back.

[member="Jethro Merrill"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Hand resting inappropriately on the butt of his newly acquired blaster, and with a glance at the kid, he followed the Jaws out back.

For a moment - alright, maybe more than a moment - he considered robbing the joint.

"Alright, show me what you got. You have trouble with those scuzzballs I saw on the way in?"
The Admiralty
[member="Jethro Merrill"] [member="Makkik"]

And there it was, an opportunity given to him on a platter. Khal almost couldn’t believe that the Jawa and the Spacer both left the shop for a few moments out in the back, to check some stuff- he didn’t get this lucky, never, part of him was afraid this was some kind of trick.

That if he took something freaking laser-turrets would appear out of nowhere and gun him down while trying to get away… he quickly dismissed that particular thought. Khal doubted the Jawa in question would have had enough money on him to create such an ingenious contraption, ‘least he hoped the guy didn’t have it.

Would be very awkward otherwise.

Other part of him wanted to rob the guy blind, take as much as he could carry and then just run. Then a third part (yeah, don’t even ask), the more decent part, decided that he wasn’t that much of a schutta to do that to the little guy. Guys like them? The poor? The Kin? They had to stick together, sorta, even when they were stealing from each other.

So Khal took a quick glance, did some simple ‘What’s the best for my buck’ and then went with a small, circle object that seemed rather expensive- if you ignored the obvious wear and tear of an old item.

It was unknown to him that this object was, in fact, a little, dormant droid.

Which, if he would manage to get it to work, would cause him all matters of annoyances in the future.

Another glance and then Khal took it from the stall, there was some hesitance in his movement before he decided to leave something behind- quid pro quo and all that. It was a homemade shiv, with an electronic component; it basically gave out a little shock if you stabbed someone with it.

Pretty handy if you were in a metaphorical pickle.

He left it there with some regret and then started to leave the shop, pocketing the little droid.
Makkik led [member="Jethro Merrill"] out into the junk lot, where literal mountains of various ship parts, entire speeders, knick knacks and doo dads, droids, and skeletons of projects Makkik had never completed sat at haphazard angles, as if they were ready to fall on everyone's head at any second. "Rightrightriiiight! Whatyouwant? Hmm? Oh,Iknow!" The little Jawa ran over to the nearest pile, and pulled what looked like a bent skillet out of it. "Flyswatter? Nononono!" He spun around, and grabbed a small remote out of another pile. One press of a button later, what looked like a tiny scale model of a TIE fighter flew out of a pile ofjunk, and flew at Jethro's head. "No! Wait! Shipparts!" Makkik flung aside the controller, and ran to another pile, out of sight.

Meanwhile, the other Jawas that ran various parts of Makkik's shop never noticed the pockpocketing [member="Khaleel Malvern"]. There were no defences, no security cameras. The only security was Uncle Alakikk, the Jawa behind teh weapons counter... Who was in a heated debate with a fat Dug. Khaleel got away without trouble.. and only a guilty conciense.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

"Chief chief chief, don't worry about it none." Was the Jawa tripping? In the interests of maybe finding something like unto a repulsorlift, Jethro opted for politesse. He caught a miniature TIE fighter upside the head, a bit too slow on his feet. "Yo little chief, calm it. Just...ship parts. All I need. I can browse fine."
Soon, Makkik had led the spcer through a virtual tunnel of junk to a small mountain of ship engines covered in large tarps. A moment later, the Jawaw was ripping off parts, sending them blowing in the harsh wind all over the lot. "Repulsorenginesss! Letssee, letssee!" Makkik darted from engine to engine, climbing up the mountain as he went. After a few minutes of flinging small parts, and brushing the rust off some of the older-looking engines, the Jawa yelled out form the very top of the mound. "Heresone heresones! Comeup!"

[member="Jethro Merrill"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

"Oh yeah hoss." Jethro clambered up the junk pile without undue emphasis on stepping lightly. There was, at a guess, a chance he could damage salable junk, but he had his eye on a bit of repulsorlifteshness of...alright, sort of unimpressive proportions. The Washburn-class he flow, the ship he meant to modify, was a good eighty meters long. He didn't see many chances for boosting its lift capacity without just strapping on a ton of junk lifts this size. Then again, this looked starfighter-grade, not just starfighter-sized, so maybe it could take some oomph. Momentum was just mass and speed, right? And if he wasn't looking for much speed, it could take the mass? He vaguely remembered something something squared...

"Yeah, this'll do, chief." He heaved up the corner of a block of circuitry three times the Jawa's size. "How much?"
Makkik nodded rapidly, so that the pointed bit of cloth at the back of his cowl shook in the breeze like a windsock. "Yesyesyes! Ofcourseit'lldo! You'llbuyit! Hmm, howhowmuchhowmuch! Hmmmm..." Makkik scurried around the engine, inspecting it from all angles. It was pretty much in perfect condition- jsut a small patch of rust, which Makkik quickly rubbed off. After inspecting it, Makkik glanced back up to [member="Jethro Merrill"], his eyes glowing brighter then usual. "50,000credits!" Jawas were known for their haggling- this one was no different.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

"You crazy? I could buy my own ship for that. Like, I could literally pick up a used Tachyon for that bill, hoss. Fether's worth twenty-five tops, and I'd toss in a delivery anywhere in the Rim."
Makkik tilted his head. That was a perfectly good offer, and he was right, he probably could get a used Tachyon for that... But there was lalways a chance he could get a little more. He didn't really care about teh credits- he had plenty of credits- but hagglilng was fun!

"Hmmmmmmmm! Thirty-five!" The Jawa smiled under his cowl.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

"Let me guess. And you'd be taking a loss at that price." His good-natured sarcasm had a bit of an edge. No reason he couldn't find it funny that a junk dealer was full of crap. "I could do twenty-seven. I could totally do twenty-seven. The difference would about cover my time filing the rust off. And is that a loose wire there?"
The Jawa stomped much like a paticularly annoyed toddler. "No! There'snoloosewires!" Makkik paused, turned around, and quickly inspected the engine, beefore stomping again even harder. "See! Noloosewires! Hmm, hmm, twenty-nine!"

[member="Jethro Merrill"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

"Fine, you little frakker, you've got your twenty-nine." He scratched his chin in thought. Specifically, he pondered trying to do the half-up-front load-this-while-I-get-the-other-half fly-away-having-paid-fifty-percent scam.

But this was Tatooine. All roads led here, and one did not burn one's bridges here.

Nefertari entered the junk shop. It was nice, yet somewhat strange, that she was back on Tatooine.

Nef stepped up to the counter, where the Jawa was.
​"I am searching for micro power cells. Do you have any available?"

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