Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jed mission/ crazy cool plot?

Vanilla Toner

Vandin. Didn't your son save your soul or something. Cause I vaguely remember this Light-sided Force Ghost somewhere. Or are you still 'jumping for the high ground' these days? :p
Vanilla Toner said:
Vandin. Didn't your son save your soul or something. Cause I vaguely remember this Light-sided Force Ghost somewhere. Or are you still 'jumping for the high ground' these days? :p
The Force works in mysterious ways. Who knows why I was brought back?
Oh, right, I see what you're after now. I don't usually tend to RP with those these days - if I make reference to them at all, it's in terms of a Jedi or Sith having been taught that discipline or style, but I'd never go comparing one to another or suggesting that you use Soresu to counter Djem-So or anything along those lines - I'll just write the fight as I think it fits the character. Personality, not combat style, because that's my preference.

Lord Ghoul

I'm guessing this is the OOC for the "Acceptance and Other Things" thread. If not, I'll just have to deal with being an idiot. A common occurence.

SO.... I just wanted to OOC comment on how the Jedi padawans are seeing through the dark side-masking illusions produced by two fully fledged Sith Masters. A little odd, dontcha think?
Mikhail Shorn said:
SO.... I just wanted to OOC comment on how the Jedi padawans are seeing through the dark side-masking illusions produced by two fully fledged Sith Masters. A little odd, dontcha think?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I'm having a lot of trouble making my entrance.

I simply can't choose what to wear! Though I assure you, I'm within this little Sith thing in Jedi business. Also, I wonder what that apprentice has wondered..

Stop fucking logic, it makes the children retarded.

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