Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Je'daii Trials; The Great Journey

Once a Je'daii Padawan is deemed ready to progress, their true training begins. Alongside lessons with the Je'daii Masters, which vary according to the whims of both Student and Teacher, the Padawan - now deemed a Je'daii Journeyer - must undertake a series of Trials known collectively as The Great Journey.

The Student must make a pilgrimage through each of the Je'daii Temples, and earn the Mark of the Temple Masters. The Trials vary in complexity and skill requirements, some for personal betterment and others for the good of the greater Galaxy. They are intended to instill the ideals of the Order through practical experience as opposed to learning the same old textbook codes and definitions.

It is important to understand that while optional on an OOC basis, all Je'daii will have ICly completed these Trials at some point. It is impossible to become higher than a Journeyer without having undergone the Great Journey. At least some mention of the Trials should be made, even if it is only in brief passing.
In order to complete the Great Journey, an individual must carry out one mission from the Mission Terminal for each of the Je'daii Temples, or include one of the basic trial concepts into a roleplay thread where it is the main focus. Each Trial must be completed within its own thread.


  1. Learn or practice the Ritual of Alchaka (only counts for either Akar Kesh or Stav Kesh, not both)
  2. Recruit a new member to the Order (and complete their introduction thread with them - only counts for Akar Kesh or Padawan Kesh, not both)
  3. Learn or teach the main concepts of the Je'daii Order, such as Balance, Moderation, and the Je'daii Code
  4. Work alongside a localized police force to conduct and complete an investigation
  5. Battle the demons of your past, or face your fears for the future, eg: Luke's experience in the Cave of Evil
  1. ​Learn how to utilize a piece of technology not typically preferred by Force Users, eg: Blasters/Slugs, Stealth Generators, etc
  2. Learn how to disarm a bomb
  3. Learn how to hack systems and technology
  4. Construct a lightsaber (and submit it to the Factory if its properties deviate from the standard)
  5. Discover a new planet or location (and submit it to the Codex)
  6. Discover a new Semi or Non-Sentient Species (and submit it to the Codex - if more than one person discovered it, only one person needs to submit it obviously)
  7. Utilize Alchemy to create a new species, eg: Rancor-Dragon (and submit it to the Codex)
  8. Create or test a new form of technology, vehicle, or starship for Je'daii use (and submit it to the Factory)
  9. Perform a scientific study or examination of a sentient species/individual
  10. Perform a scientific study or examination of a semi or non-sentient species/individual
  11. Participate in study out in the field, eg: studying the habits of a species, practicing cartography by mapping out an area, etc
  1. ​Create or test a personalized set of robes (and submit them to the Factory)
  2. Create or construct a piece of art that will encourage a specific response from onlookers, eg: having a calming or invigorating 'aura' (and submit it to the Factory)
  3. Research a culture you were previously ignorant to, and spend time among its people
  4. Discover a new Sentient Species and learn more of their culture (and submit them to the Codex)
  5. Host a festival or cultural celebration for others to participate in
  6. Host a theatrical play or musical performance and participate in it somehow, eg: being one of the actors, musicians, etc
  1. Discover a piece of history previously lost or forgotten, eg: an artifact, a holocron, an old stone tablet
  2. Participate in an archaeological dig to unearth information about ancient civilizations
  3. Add a unique book, datacron, etc, to the Je'daii Archives, after discovering it in the Galaxy
  4. Host a lesson or debate on a specific subject which interest you, and allow others to play devils advocate to your beliefs
  5. Take the initiative and lead some sort of expedition, task force, or mission
  6. Participate in a diplomatic venture, where issues, conflict, or arrangements are resolved without violence
  1. Learn, and put into practice, how to heal through the Force
  2. Learn, and put into practice, how to administer First Aid
  3. Learn, and put into practice, how to provide medical care without the Force or Bacta
  4. Discover and make use of an alternative to Bacta and Kolto
  5. Render aid to those in need, eg: providing humanitarian aid following a disaster
  6. Give indiscriminate aid to the wounded on a battlefield, regardless of which side they fought for
  7. Conduct a medical examination on another sentient being/player character
  8. Perform a psychological evaluation on another sentient being/player character
  9. Provide psychological treatment for a fellow sentient being/player character
  1. Host a lesson pertaining to basic Force skills, eg: Telekinesis, Force Sense, etc
  2. Host a lesson pertaining to basic Lightsaber skills, eg: Shii-Cho, Marks of Contact, Sokan
  3. ​Teach the fundamentals of Form Zero
  4. Teach a fellow Je'daii something you know that they previously did not, whether this is informative or practical
  5. Help a Je'daii Youngling with their training
  6. Recruit a new member to the Order (and complete their introduction thread with them - only counts for Akar Kesh or Padawan Kesh, not both)
  7. Spend a day with the younglings, so that they can learn from you and ask questions about what awaits them once they become Journeyers
  8. Organize an event in Padawan Kesh for the Younglings to participate in and employ their learned skills as much as possible
  9. Write a short book with your personal advice and tips for the Younglings so that it can be included in the Room of Counsel
  1. Build upon your knowledge of Control, Alter, and Sense abilities, and learn how to utilize a Force Power from each category if possible (some characters a purposely limited to only being able to utilize one or two of these branches, don't break character to complete this)
  2. Host a lesson on Control, Alter, and Sense abilities, with specific examples taught for each
  3. Host, or participate in, a lesson pertaining to an advanced Force Power, eg: Tutaminis, Art of the Small, Alchemy
  4. Actively seek out information on other Force Sects, and learn their views of the Force
  5. Host a lesson on Force Theories, which includes but is not limited to the Je'daii Philosophy
  6. Utilize the Force to the benefit of those around you, whether to strengthen their resolve through the likes of Battlemind, or by making a more tangible difference, eg: removing obstacles in their way, constructing a new building, etc
  7. Befriend an animal, or help a garden to flourish, through the Force
  8. Utilize the Force to seek out a lightsaber crystal in the wild, and attune it to yourself
  1. Participate in a duel against a worthy opponent, it doesn't matter if you win or you lose
  2. Utilize Form Zero to find an alternative route to violence in the face of adversity
  3. Host or participate in a lesson on a more advanced Lightsaber Form, eg: Form II-VII, Jar'Kai, Tràkata
  4. Host or participate in a lesson on a less known Lightsaber technique, eg: Fast, Medium, and Stong Style, Three Rings of Defense, Trispzest
  5. Learn or practice the Ritual of Alchaka (only counts for either Akar Kesh or Stav Kesh, not both)
  6. Host or participate in a lesson on hand to hand/martial arts-based combat, eg: Matukai, Teras Kasi, etc
  7. Decide on what form or style of Lightsaber combat you wish to focus on, and learn it in theoretical and practical detail
  1. Construct a Force-Imbued weapon or object (and submit it to the Factory if its properties deviate from canon)
  2. Construct an Alchemized weapon or object (and submit it to the Factory if its properties deviate from canon)
  3. Learn the art of Alchemical Metallurgy
  4. Learn the art of Force-Imbuement
  5. Create a new substance, metal, or alloy (and submit it to the Factory)

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