Grozurra's armored bulk rested comfortably in one of the few chairs in the galaxy designed to acomodate a creature the size of a Wookiee. The
ship he flew, like he himself, was Mandalorian. Accomodation of bulky armor was a design feature of nearly all Mandalorian products, but this one in particular had been modified for Grozurra's personal use.
The wookiee's stomach lurched as the ship exited hyperspace and returned to reality. From the cockpit, Grozurra could once again see the familiar blackness of space dotted by pinpricks of distant stars and galaxies. Dominating much of this view, the yellow-orange gas giant known as Yavin Prime stood out in start contrast of the black and white field of space which she called home. Sensors beeped and updated the wookiee with his current coordinates and readings on nearby celestial objects. The moons of Yavin Prime filled his holoprojector as the Astromech Droid plotted the best path around the giant and to his destination, the Jedi Temple of Yavin IV.
Ordinarily, the Jedi would not be tolerated to come and go as they wish within Mandalorian space. But Yavin IV was a special case. Here was the home of the Rekali clan, and it was upon their word of trust that the outsiders were able to navigate freely as they traveled to and from the planet. And while few Mandalorians had any trust for the Jedi, it was their long history of standing against the Sith of the galaxy that had truly earned them the tolerance of the Mandalorians. It was also that long history that had inspired Grozurra to seek them out.
The young wookiee had not been a Jedi for over a hundred years, but he once had the honor of calling himself padawan to a wise and merciful master. In the time since then, he had embraced the Mandalorian way of life and adopted their culture. He was far more a Mandalorian than he had ever been a Jedi. The Mandalorian view on the force, the Mandalorian love for war, the Mandalorian value of family... each of these things was now at the core of Grozurra's very being. But once... once upon a time, Grozurra had desired nothing more than to win the approval of his master and help bring peace to the galaxy.
They were fond memories for Grozurra. No matter what would become of the wookiee, his memories of his first master would always be a treasure. She was a kind and beautiful woman that had given everything to stand against the Sith. And that more than anything, was something that would stick with Grozurra until the day he died.
When fighting against the Sith, you give your all.
Grozurra stared out the cockpit window as the patrol ship flew on autopilot towards Yavin IV. In the distance, Grozurra spotted the silhouette of a Concordance Mining Barge within the swirling clouds of Yavin Prime. Even after six years and a galactic disaster, the ship still rested comfortably within the upper atmosphere of Yavin Prime where she dipped her tendril-like Gravity Tethers into the crushing depths of the planet as she fished for Corusca Gems. Nearby, but well above the atmosphere of the planet, Grozurra could also see a pair of Keldabe Battleships that guarded the precariously stationed mining ship that had taken its position
so many years ago. Between them, a fourth ship sporting a Mandal Hypernautics logo haunted the void above Yavin prime. This one,
a prison ship, was the one that Grozurra loathed. Even from such a great distance, Grozurra could feel the hole in the force created by the ship and her complement of Ysalamiri.
Officially, the ship was stationed in such a position out of convenience. She was a prison. What better place for her to orbit than in close proximity to a pair of battleships?
Unofficially? She was stationed there by Mandal Hypernautics as a not so subtle reminder to the guests of the Rekali clan. Being asked to leave and being forced to leave carried two very different consiquences.
Grozurra shuddered at the thought of being imprisoned upon such a ship and tried to instead focus on the path ahead of him. He too would soon be a guest of the Rekali clan. For it had been far too long since Grozurra had received training