Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Jedi Academy- Orientation Day!

Tags: Braze Braze , Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru , Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso , Thea Nyko Thea Nyko


"And what are you inviting me to come do exactly?"

"Eat food," Loomi stated, "O-or I guess come be social and eat food rather. I think its supposed to be called a 'potluck' or something."

Of course, they really didn't need to bring anything. Loomi was more concerned about making something for people to begin to get to know each other, which Braze seemed to immediately pick up on.

"Braze is right, you can just bring yourself," she agreed. "But if you wanted to, you could always get something premade. I think that anything is fine, the most important part is just being there. Aaaand, it will probably be loads of fun! So you should definitely go."

That's what she would be. Loomi was going to be the one to connect everyone.

Thea tilted her head thoughtfully, her gaze lingering on Loomi for a moment before a small, smile tugged at her lips. "Alright, you've convinced me," she said, her tone playful yet sincere. "I'll come and check it out—and I'll bring something too. I might be able to find the right ingredients at a market to make a dish from back home. That is if you lot are willing to try a Dathomirian dish."

Braze Braze Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso Loomi Loomi

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