Valiens Nantaris
Head Admin
He is a clown.
This. This wins the internet for best answer yet.Daxton Bane said:Strictly speaking there is only the Force. Neither good nor evil. The labels and by their extension is based on the interpretation of how the force was used in the first place.
For example: For most people Darth Sidious was an 'evil' Sith, Ruler of a Galactic Empire that sought to subjugate millions. Yet people tend to forget that he was elected Supreme Chancellor by the people themselves. He did not start a military coup, he did not seize power, no it was freely given to him.
I know there will be those who say he controlled the senate. Bah Jedi Mind Tricks. First off, no force user has the capability to control that many minds for that long a period of time. He brought order to the Universe, something which is not in line with the traditional accepted practice of 'evil' or the 'Sith'
Yoda, one of the few surviving masters, fled into exile. Hardly what you would call heroic or even good. So in essence Sith and Jedi are just differing labels to brand the same Force.
I'm going to be honest and say I disagree there - what I rarely hear anyone ask is why the Sith do that. Is it just because they're all power-hungry egomaniacs with a touch of Force ability? I've always felt that the Sith ultimately had a greater goal (one that Palpatine came close to realising, for all his sadistic lunacy), in that the Sith believe themselves gifted and superior by virtue, not only of their Force abilities, but through the insight that the Force gives them. There's that sense of Natural Selection thrown in, with the Sith being an extension: the weak perish, the strong survive and thrive. The Sith seem to believe that their duty is to rule, impose order upon the Galaxy and create a system where strength is cherished and nurtured, to make all stronger. My inclination is to say that the Sith might even seek to serve the Galaxy as a whole, altruistically, but get caught up and corrupted by the means they use to achieve this i.e. allow themselves to be driven by passion, exist via ruthless action and ultimately have to kill, maim and fight to survive and reach the pinnacles of power.DarronWraith said:Sith focus only on themselves, doing whatever they can to accomplish what they want. Jedi simply focus outwards, and do what's best for everyone. They sacrifice and take the hard road, whereas the Sith take shortcuts for greater power.