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Jedi Awards and Medals.

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Alright, I'd like to get some community feedback and input.

I'm going to be working on some tags/titles that are equal to say the Medal of Honor, Purple Heart and so forth. Something everyone can earn and be awarded by the Council or the Grandmaster and be put in for.

Right now, I'm focused on the Jedi, yes I know. Soon I will be shifting to the Republic and NFUs, don't you worry :)

Anyways, I'm going to be doing alot of these by hand (photoshop) write-ups and such and I wanna know what people have in mind. \

This is not to be a heated debate, this is to be a creative avenue please.

Example: Commendation of the Council (Poor example but whatever.)

Atticus Savar

[member="Alyesa Praxon"]

No offense but wouldn't such a thing be in direct contradiction to the ideals of selfless service and all that other stuff about doing things for the greater good and not personal gain the Jedi are supposed to stand for?
You're confusing selflessness with a martyr complex. Military Awards and Decorations are rarely something soldiers strive for, because qualifying for one usually means doing something suicidal for the good of your country/unit and a fair share of them are awarded post-mortem.

Their a means to reward and bring to light valiant service, honor, and put the people on a pedastal, urging others to follow their example. The one way this can go against Jedi teachings is if the Jedi in questions is acting like a tit and shoving it in everybody face going "BOOYAH, SUCK IT NERDS!", which has nothing to do with the awards themselves but the personality of the Jedi in question.

Zion Krayt

Several Jedi have received awards and commendations.

Characters from SW:TOR.
Kyle Katarn.
Halagad Ventor.
Bastila Shan.

Those are only a few, and that was from only checking out the recipients quickly from reading the pages on wookieepedia. Also, many of the awards in Star Wars are simply just for being 'present' in the battle.

[member="Alice Red"]
[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

"Being Present" awards are some of the thing you may want to consider not adding. It devalues both the meaning and the market value of the medals and decorations if every Joe Average that participates in a battle gets them, even Billy Bob the guy behind the fronts that carried boxes of supplies to transport ships if we're gonna be extreme. Keep them to decorations for "Going beyond the call of duty", "Showing insurmountable courage in the face of defeat", Post-Mortem decorations for stuff such as "Died standing his ground, allowing his company to escape encirclement and destruction." and other such awards.
[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

This is a different Republic then the ones on wookiepedia. If needed, that can be changed. It's up to what you people want to do with them, I'm just throwing my two cents in.
I am suggesting things that can assist in character development ladies and gentlemen. Irl I did not strive for a purple heart or a combat action badge. You know what I'm saying?
Please continue to suggest and assist. Do not let this be a point of contention. I will be home on and off. If needs be I can jump on Skype mobile. If it's something you really want to discuss we can talk on Skype voice.

Qun Vell

[member="Alyesa Praxon"]

Personally, from an OOC perspective I'd think this would mean more if it was something done for particular events, for example "exemplary service"(whatever that means) in an invasion or faction thread. Dominions too I suppose from an IC perspective but OOC it's more of a participation medal than anything. In anycase I'd recommend talking to [member="Cira"] about it, as she ran a similar system for OP that went rather well.
[member="Qun Vell"]

I remember when Cira was doing her system. A similar concept but I'd like to see what creativity can be sparked out here amongst the Republic players.

I am trying to go from that path as the Army, Navy, USMC or Air Force does. If someone goes above and beyond the call of duty, they would be able to be recommended for something like that. It's no different than when the Chancellors of old awarded Jedi for things.
If the Republic wants to give Jedi awards and medals, I say let them.

I can't see the Jedi giving each other awards and medals, though. It's not like you saw Jedi walking around the Temple in dress uniforms with a veritable salad of medals and commendations on their chest. It just doesn't compute, especially since it kind of devalues the fact that the Jedi don't really make any money and are still, generally speaking, a monastic order of peacekeepers.
I could see the council issuing honorary titles (e.g., The Hero of Tython....thank you SWTOR) but I feel funny about calling them awards. It just seems to go against who the Jedi are. Also, if this is going to happen, what would be the criteria for issuing said title/award? One would think it best to be hard to get them. Wouldn't want everyone running around with the title/award as it would devalue it.
@Ki'an Karr

I think you're thinking of something else.

I think SWTOR ruined alot of honorary things. People need to understand since Titles were brought up, those were mostly held by Knights and Masters. A Padawan who held Barsen'thor died and was given the title.

Beyond that, Padawans don't really hold those type of titles. I'm sorry it doesn't make sense. I really don't want this to become convoluted about Honorary Titles and such as that issue has been addressed and is being worked on.

Now, Awards people are like say if Popo creates the Coruscanti Star and it's the same as the Silver Star, he awards it to a Jedi for exceptional whatever, it's within his right.

Example of an award in real life terms: Purple Heart (Being wounded in combat with the enemy.) Silver Star, Bronze Star, Navy Cross.

[member="Alyesa Praxon"]

No I understood that you wanted to allow for the potential of Jedi receiving awards, I just thought honorary titles were more like the Jedi as awards would seem to go against the selflessness of their traditions.

Now if the Republic (i.e, Popo/Senate) is issuing the awards it would seem less un-Jedi like then if the Council or Grandmaster was issuing it. I just have trouble seeing a Jedi giving another Jedi an award, but can wrap my head around another entity, such as the Republic, issuing the award.

I also think a Padawan shouldn't have awards or honorary titles! Their reward is proving themselves worthy of carrying the title Jedi Knight.
Ki'an Karr said:
[member="Alyesa Praxon"]

No I understood that you wanted to allow for the potential of Jedi receiving awards, I just thought honorary titles were more like the Jedi as awards would seem to go against the selflessness of their traditions.

Now if the Republic (i.e, Popo/Senate) is issuing the awards it would seem less un-Jedi like then if the Council or Grandmaster was issuing it. I just have trouble seeing a Jedi giving another Jedi an award, but can wrap my head around another entity, such as the Republic, issuing the award.

I also think a Padawan shouldn't have awards or honorary titles! Their reward is proving themselves worthy of carrying the title Jedi Knight.
*nods* I just wanted to make sure people understood the purpose. *shrugs* I've gotten some good feedback overall I can say. I'm not trying to do more than boost morale, give people something to add into their character development and biography and you know, be proud of in overall development.
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