The End Narrator
I'm working slim.Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn said:WHERE'S MY FRIGGIN MEDALS
Going to be a while.
I'm working slim.Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn said:WHERE'S MY FRIGGIN MEDALS
I just want to say when someone with a puple heart and combat action ribbon sees another with the same things they understand each other. That is the purpose of those to say yeah I chewed that dirt too and not because they were like "hey let me get hit today" or "let me get shot at". Ribbons and medals for being there count to the ones who got them. No one with out a sea dervice deployment ribbon knows what 6 months on a karking boat feels like. No one with out an over seas service ribbon knows what it's like to spend months or years away from everything you know. I say let the ribbons stand if you don't want one don't wear it. That's just me.Alyesa Praxon said:I am suggesting things that can assist in character development ladies and gentlemen. Irl I did not strive for a purple heart or a combat action badge. You know what I'm saying?
Sorry, mis-read your excerpt. I agree with exceptional acts and titles of valor based on the moment and I'm willing to create them on a whim. Just depends on the situation.Ayumi Pallopides said:The Hero's of were for Invasions and for Exceptional deeds like Selena stopping the kolto from being Poisoned, Nico getting the entire Imperial library of ships, manifests and tech (at that time), Diana engaging the Emperor by herself and buying time for the rest of the jedi. The Invasions so far have been less then steller I don't think there was a hero of Empress Teta. I would love to see them come back and invasion perks as well. We have companies that can produce regularly small scale items for faction use and a library of newly decommissioned ships we could give out or gear. We had a fun mood and appreciating effort and hardwork united the group.
Although I agree with you to an extent, maybe a Protector title is warranted (Planetary) but see above. It loses the luster. This makes titles and honorary things essentially like Bronze Stars became in the Iraq War, a common place and they lost value. We don't need Heroes of each invasion, we don't need heroes of planets.Kiskla Grayson said:I believe it was Ki'an who said this -- but my $.02 is I like the idea of titles / rewards for participation.
Obviously there are canon titles that are something to set goals towards, but there was a time when there were select individuals that were the Hero of ______. I would like to resurrect this.
Again, might have been said already. If so, yeah! I agree.
If not, yo.
+1Talon Vosra said:I just want to say when someone with a puple heart and combat action ribbon sees another with the same things they understand each other. That is the purpose of those to say yeah I chewed that dirt too and not because they were like "hey let me get hit today" or "let me get shot at". Ribbons and medals for being there count to the ones who got them. No one with out a sea dervice deployment ribbon knows what 6 months on a karking boat feels like. No one with out an over seas service ribbon knows what it's like to spend months or years away from everything you know. I say let the ribbons stand if you don't want one don't wear it. That's just me.
They can be twisted into the Star Wars environment. I've done it before, I took the entire medal structure and made them all Star Wars based. The Star of Coruscant is the Medal of Honor written into a citation that is based on Star Wars.Atticus Savar said:[member="Vaudin Miir"]
Nice examples of awards and metals but not applicable to a Star Wars setting. I am sure somewhere in the depths of Wookieepedia there is a list somewhere of metals in the Star Wars Universe.![]()
Yes.Marcello Matteo said:I'm assuming you changed the image as well, [member="Alyesa Praxon"]?
You can actually be prosecuted in Federal Court if you don't, just FYI.
I'd rather not piss myself off.Atticus Savar said:Not to mention piss off a bunch of veterans.