Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: To create for Sasori a series of jedi robes for the different uses
- Image Source: Captain Marvel
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: Jedi Commander
- Manufacturer: Sasori Research
- Model: Sasori Robe Series
- Affiliation: Closed Market (explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase)
- Modularity: Colors and Size
- Production: Semi-Unique
- Material:
Sasori SynthMesh - Saori Skylar
- Commander's Sash
- Sasori Inth
- Sasori Agena
- Kinetic Weave
- Sound Dampening Enhancement
- Classification: Multipurpose
- Weight: Heavy
- Resistances
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: Very High
- Other:
- Sonic: Average
- EMP/ION: Average
- Elemental: Average
- Piercing: Very High
- Sasori Cracken
- Tensai Components
- Magno Clasp
- Sato Interface
- Temperature Regulating:
Sweat Control: It won't start to smell when the one wearing it begins to sweat - Waterproof: Designed to function and be submerged without getting heavier
- Thermalproof: Designed for being worn in heat without getting uncomfortable
[*]Stain Resistance: With the design the fabric doesn't absorb liquids such as water, ink, blood or other fluids
[*]Inspiring Aura: Lowering doubt and fear, the jedi commander is a symbol of strength and resolve able to inspire their men through the force.
[*]Protective Aura: Enhanced into the weave of the armor, creating a protective force shield for the wearer is able to be created.
- Superior Protection: Designed using the Synthmesh, wintrium that as it ages continues to grow stronger and skylar which offers a form fitted compression material.
- Minor Arms Protection: Small blades and calibur or powered weapons can be deflected and handled by the silk that is used. With reinforcement from the threaded material.
- Absorbital: Set as a coating on the exterior of the plating. The material has strong anti blaster properties.
- Hard to Hack: Being organic the circuits are more difficult to interface with using standard means of computers and slicing equipment. Adding protection
- Attune: The crystal weave is designed to thread and weave into the mix a crystal lattice able to develop a connection for augmentation with the force. Permanent or temporary effect can vary by one using it
- Moderate Benefits: The duraplast while being as a solid plate highly protective loses a large portion of its protective qualities when it is threaded. In general its lightsaber, kinetic, energy levels are minor to low quality
Kinetic: The threaded material is woven enough that it can lessen reducing the impact of a mandalorian shotgun being fire point blank to the groin. The material might not be penetrated but it will be like getting slammed and smashed with a truck which can make your insides liquid - Lightsaber: Losing more of its protection it has the same levels of armorweave for glancing blows that can be surprising compared to others
- Energy: Able to absorb and take a direct hit in an area. The heat will melt away and possible cause the material to melt onto the skin of the one wearing it... but generally they will have survived the hit initially
[*]Calming:Thanks to the synthweave the material is able to calm your mind and body. Allowing the ones wearing it to keep a level head
[*]Lightside: Designed with the jedi and lightside in mind, the material while able to be worn by others can make those who use the darkside uncomfortable
- Rigid Material: Designed to be protective and the closer it is to the body, the more compression of the fabric the less it is able to bend or stretch
- Kinetic Impact: High grade kinetic impact from heavy slugthrowers and matukai styled punches cannot be dispersed
- EMP/Ion Vulnerabliity: THe material has virtually no protection from ion and emp weapons.
- Kinetic Impact: High grade kinetic impact from heavy slugthrowers, mass drivers and even matukai styled punches cannot be dispersed
- Corruption: For something strong enough and with a strong enough connection the circuits can be corrupted given enough time and focus
- Destruction: Being something of the lightside, darkside energy or weapons can cancel and break the enhancement like any force object
- Organic: With the amnioid a skilled force user is able to properly stun and stop the functions in their tracks. As Satele Shan showed the fluid produced by the cirsuits can be manipulated and used to calm or disable the bodies for a time as long as there is concentration
- Requires Connection to the Force: For the synthweave effects to function within it the material needs to be able to feel the force energies around it. Vong tech, yalisimiri, voidstone, dampening fields are all counter to what the material can handle.
- Reduced Quality: While it is made from woven together materials that are by themselves pretty strong, combining them has reduced and taken away some fo the levels of protection that the material can offer
While woven and protective ultrasonic vibro weapons can cut between the threads for piercing - Lightsaber blows will quickly melt and damage under sustained contact with the material
- Blaster bolts will start to melt with continued fire in areas of contact.
Designed by Sasori for jedi commanders in the field of battle. Skilled, talented and protected from attacks that might come. The equipment they have and the resolve of the jedi using it. The bodyarmor is more protective and heavier while looking sleek and compacted. The force connection of it bonds the armored robes to the jedi wearing it. Making it more a part of them and something few others can use, the capabilities of it to generate and draw on the force for the jedi so they can focus and maintain the force itself to inspire or protect their people.
Comparison's for the armors abilities go towards the ancient sith battlelords who were designed to ensure and force slaves to fight for their masters. The differences is the jedi commander inspires and pushes them forward instead of exerting their will over their minds. Other comparison's are that it is a quasi battle meditation that doesn't allow reaching larger groups. The effect ois weaker only able to work for one side, within a limited area. The ability for them to move around means that outside of the bubble they create the effects cannot be felt.