Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Convention - 851ABY (open to all Jedi)

Dissero took that proffered hand with a firm grip and a single, solid shake, "Al," he smiled the sort of smile you'd come to expect from someone having a good joke, "can't say I've ever heard of a Teepo Paladin before but they must be alright people to be welcome here."

Blue was the color of the gaze that followed the hand gesturing to the weaponized wares on the table. He gave them a measured look over, hand lifting to rub thoughtfully at his beard, "That revolver's an interesting piece. Reminds me a bit of-"

"Think you can do anything with this?" a new addition to the convo arrived in a whirl of a blaster.

Alchemist looked to the man in question, a one Artifact Appraiser named [member="Zark"] before returning to the Teepo Paladin. Curious, what could the man do with such a thing? Dismissing himself from their own conversation with a short wave of his hand, Dissero stood to hear just what [member="Kael Rose"] might answer with.
Name: Karren Trask
Looking for Instructor: Yes
Looking for Student: Sure
Looking for Sparring Partner: For Sure
Barter and Trade: Yes
Services Offered : Shien Instruction, Piloting, A lil bit of Blaster Training

Headed towards: CARGO HOLD THREE/BAR

She was mighty late to the party. But that was OK. the droid handed her the name tag and she filled it out. Instead of brown robes, or a grey flightsuit she was simply in a grey tunic, grey pants and black boots. Some of them were definitely going to recognize her, perhaps others not.

The part about Sparring was highlighted on her nametag several times. It'd been a while since the young Jedi had a chance to flex her sword arm. She was still biter about Varik beating her in the mines back on Alderaan, but that score would be settled when next she met the empire.

She stalked down the halls, a serious expression on her face until she burst through the doors of the cargo hold. the young woman was perhaps a little more zealous than most. She sized up the room, throwing a whimsical smirk across the way as several droids approached from the corners. She was impressed. They read her name tag and then proceeded.

"Sparring Partner Initiative has been checked. Karren Trask, do you accept a duel?"

She grimaced when she saw the force pikes.

"What are you guys? Magna guards?"

"We are not guys organic. We are simply humble duelling droids. Do you wish to duel?"

"Maybe later."


Then she was at the Bar, having a drink as she glanced around. Once upon a time she might have nullified the toxic alcohol with the force. Now she didn't, letting it run through her system. She became a little looser, and her stern gaze melted into a grin.
Observation Deck
[member="Dissero"] [member="Zark"]

"They're a bit of a niche thing. Didn't really catch on much after I left." Kael replied after Al spoke of the Teepo Paladins. Truth be told he hadn't met another one since the last war he fought the Sith in. How many wars had there been with the Sith since? Kael had lost count. Mr. Chemist looked over the revolver and seemed fairly intrigued by it. Thoughtfully the man stroked his beard as it reminded him of something, but another Jedi had come up and presented his piece before Al could finish. Kael took a glance at the newcomer, and then back at Al and saw the dismissing hand and figured he was fine with waiting a moment to get back to the revolver.

"Lemme see here." Kael said as he gripped the blaster and put it on his table. "Some heft here. Heavy stuff. Not familiar with the brand but it's good make. Dallorian Alloy shows attention to details, helps with the heat. I can do this or that to it, depending on what you want. If you want a bigger bang I can mess with the galven circuitry, can also mess with it to give you some spread, can focus the blast and give you a bit more range for some damage. If you're fond of the stun setting I can play with the innerworkings and get it work like a paddle beam, go through regular lightsabers and defenses and stuff. Finish, grip, lights and the like are simple stuff, but might take a little while depending on how precise you want things." Kael said as he inspected the weapon, before pointing it down unto the table and handing it back to the man.

"Biggest question I'd ask is what do you want to use it for? Or how can it better help you than what you're doing with it now?"
Observation Deck

Zark caught the glance between [member="Kael Rose"] and [member="Dissero"], and realized self-consciously that he had already made a minor breach of etiquette. Set up so close to one another, the Jedi had assumed the two were old friends engaged in casual conversation, but now he got the feeling that he had perhaps interrupted another potential transaction of some sort. They had both treated his intercession politely enough, but he wasn't exactly doing wonders for his reputation in these circles by coming across as rude in his first encounter.

Smooth, he admonished himself as he struggled to follow along with the more technical aspects of the weapons modder's musings. The design was used primarily by Alliance Space Ops marines, but the Admiral had used one since Castameer and he knew enough about its inner workings to strip, clean, and reassemble it. But he was no engineer, and despite Kael's use of simple language in his explanations, the Ex-Teepo had lost him for a bit somewhere around galven circuitry.

"Nothing illegal, if that's what you're asking," he answered hastily, before wincing at how defensive that sounded, "My line of work regularly places me in high risk situations, but I'm not interested in excessive force. The stun options, on the other say it could penetrate a lightsaber?"

He gazed at the heavy blaster with a newfound appreciation. The Jedi was passingly familiar with paddle beam and sonic based technology, but the notion that such a concept could be adapted to his service weapon surprised him.
Ohservation Dekc
[member="Zark"] [member="Dissero"]

Kael let out a strong and hearty laugh when the man said "Illegal". Legality was a complex matter for the traveler, different governments and the like, but the thought amused him.

"I'm not giving you some code or nothin to make you say something. It's alright man." Kael said as the man winced a bit as he realized how he sounded. He nodded, then talked about his line of work. 'High risk situations' and the like. He wondered how many people at this meet didn't get into 'high risk situations'. Perhaps that was the Force's curse, make those who could touch it walk through the coals. Or perhaps it was just the people Kael knew. Confirmation bias and all that.

"Well, the paddle beamers kind of move around the lightsaber. They bend around it and get past it and lay a good stunning bolt. The Lords of the Fringe were the first ones to hook it up to a standard blaster, but it needed two power packs and was a bulky thing. In the last ten years a lot of companies have worked on getting one of those bolts without all the Ssi-Ruuvi tech, and done good work. It's not really cheap enough to just slap on every old blaster yet, and it draws a bit more power than a regular bolt, but I can get a single power pack to shoot either type of bolt." Kael said and pulled out his datapad.

"Infact, I actually made a rifle recently . . . " He drew out his words and let them hang a bit as he scrolled. "There she is. Natasha. Fires a blaster bolt and a Ssi-Ruuvi bolt simultaneously from the same power pack. I have three left I can part with of her, and I can tell you from experience it is darn useful to have the two working in unison."
Observation Deck

"You named your rifle?" Zark raised his eyebrow in incredulity, smirking in mild amusement as he inspected the data readout on the pad raised up in front of him for his inspection. It was based off a BlasTech E-series design, of that much the amateur firearm aficionado. Much of the listed modifications and technical specifications were lost on, but still he appreciated the quality of the craftsmanship enough to know that at least he was not dealing with a hack.

"It," he paused, then corrected, "she looks most impressive, but I'm not exactly planning an assault or anything like that."

The Admiral's face had fallen only slightly as Kael had explained the limitations of the proposed modification. Perhaps it had been foolish to expect something line an additional firing mode would not have drawbacks, but Zark could still see the merits of specially designed power packs for use in certain scenarios. The mention of cost, however, had caused him to wince. His military salary had not exactly made him wealthy, but he had some disposable income. One man's fortune could just as easily be a pile of useless junk to another though, and while the Knight had some more universally valued assets stored away from his privateer days, none were exactly on hand.

"The paddle beamer tech interests me. Perhaps we should discuss payment," he ventured cautiously, bracing himself for a reaction to what he said next, "I can pay you in Alliance credits, but if that's a problem I believe...I have...something..."

Rummaging around in his satchel, Zark produced an ornately designed bottle of some sort of blue liquid.

"There we are. Sullustan gin, very high quality," he swiveled the bottle a little, "Got a whole case stored away offworld. I could make a deposit now, and ship you the rest as payment upon delivery if you would prefer."

[member="Kael Rose"]
Observation Deck: [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Zark"] [member="Kael Rose"] [member="Dissero"]

She could see others were on the observation deck now, interesting to say the least she was seeing everything that was being given and there was a lot of faces she just didn't know. Her mind focusing on some of the other supplies as she saw Jorus... or at least his name tag said it. She had seen him once or twice in several years at a distance... He seemed to have done something with his hair. Junko approached seeig a group discussing equipment and trhe petite atrisian remain quiet but her face was neutral. Calmness and serenity before she was looking out at blasters and heard the faintest parts of a conversation.

There wasn't much she had made out but paladin had been said and paddle beamers. She thought about the paddle beams they had for equipment and the new stun batons to give it melee and range capabilities. Not speaking to take out the luster she proceeded past and motioned at a table to clear it a little bringing out some of their hardlight projectors. Mini ones that could display a large amount of the catalogue offered with some of the larger ships for personalization, some of the food, clothing and weapons for protection. The field equipment a number of them could use with special blinds and tents they could use.
Name Dimah Nubaan
Looking for Instructor ___
Looking for Student ___
Looking for Sparring Partner ___
Barter and Trade ___
Services Offered drawing and music

Dimah stuck close to Master Dragon as they made their way to wherever he was going. She looked around at the groups of people that crowded around.

She whimpered with fear, she still wasn't comfortable with social situations. "Master Dragon?"

Dimah clung to his robe, scared.
Current Locations or Destinations
Bow section: [member="Seydon"], [member="Lora Seren"], [member="Elaine Thul"], [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Cedric Grayson"], [member="Mason Raxsted"], [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Cassius Droma"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Karren Trask"]
Observation deck: [member="Junko Ike"], [member="Kael Rose"], Jorus Merrill, [member="Zark"], [member="Dissero"] (Mr. Al Chemist)
Sparring area/cargo hold: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] (Eriond sin Fal'dorei),
Undefined: [member="Leo Vandermolen"], [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Douglas Starwind"], [member="Sarge Potteiger"], [member="Barenziah Song"]

Business wasn't exactly booming, but the couple of dozen people milling around the observation deck had their eyes on the prize. As Jorus unpacked his bag on a side table, he eyed the knot of interested folks at Kael Rose's table. No surprise: Jorus loved those Natasha double-function guns enough that he'd bought one for his wife. A scruffy-looking guy in that crowd - all right, that didn't narrow it down - sparked a vague memory. Something from Rave's files, maybe. Jorus kept on setting up.

A futzy holoprojector flared to life, off-kilter. Jorus snagged a brochure from a nearby table, folded it in half, and used it to level out the recalcitrant machine. Holographic ships disassembled and recombined in the air at stomach height. He laid out a handful of salvaged but perfectly useful components - a fighter-scale gravitic modulator, a resolution enhancer for a sniper scope DER, a flux capacitor - and that was that.

Oh, and the banner. Dingo Darr had insisted.


Eloquence itself.

Jorus settled into the folding chair and turned to the next table. The woman who ran the booth wore all kinds of jewelery or accessories he didn't recognize. A cultural thing, maybe. "So you're repping Sasori, eh? Got anything in the ship parts department?"
Observation Deck
[member="Kael Rose"] [member="Zark"]

"Mm," grunted Mr. Chemist, arms folded across his front while he listened in on the two, "that Sullustan Gin's no joke. Not a bad deal."

He smirked, affably, gaze trailing towards a handful of new arrivals filing in. None that he recognized personally but the name Sasori rang a bell. One didn't work in the business of Alchemized trinkets without knowing your competition. He'd seen their stuff - ingenuity for a dime a dozen. He couldn't match their production levels for a sneeze, but custom was hard to do past a handful. Had to tip his hat to them for that.
"Vee and the others on Voss will probably be amenable to give you the proper latitude should it come to using your consultancy to deal with Sithspawn; they understand that the sort of Sithspawn problems that will require your services will also require to give appropriate freedoms to the hired people to carry out their work effectively"

Here she was referring to Valae Kitra, the current Grandmaster, as Vee; perhaps previous administrations have been harder on [member="Seydon"]'s kind because of past actions that she doesn't know about because they might have happened before she was a Jedi in the first place. Her early stint among the Silver Jedi was pretty low-key because she was a padawan back then. Today, she takes on a variety of high-level tasks that needs to be done but that few, if any, possess the skills or knowledge to tackle. She volunteered for the diplomacy assignment on Chandaar for that very reason. So she is now in position to take into account the conditions Seydon would pose if there ever was a Sithspawn problem big enough to require his services. And she may even be the main point of contact for him if it ever came to it. Not that she would expect it, of course, unless special circumstances arise.

"I can offer to be your point of contact if it ever came to it"
Observation Deck
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Dissero"] [member="Zark"] [member="Junko Ike"]

"I name 'em because I"m proud of the work I"ve done, and the work they do for me." Kael replied as [member="Zark"] commented on Kael naming his rifle. He knew it wasn't exactly standard, but there was reason enough for it, least as far as Kael was concerned. A little while later the man started talking payment, with Zark seeming to be a little worried Alliance Credits wouldn't get him anywhere. Credits were credits are far as Kael was concerned. Even if he couldn't use them at a specific place he was travelling to getting an exchange of currency was as simple up Tonith-Damask or some other big bank around. But then there was the offer of Gin.

Gin wasn't Kael's go to drink, he preferred whiskey, but he wouldn't turn down a drink. Even so, he was offering a full case. Wasn't nearly as liquid as credits, but there were buyers out there if he needed to get some credits. Not to mention the job was more about the labor and know-how than it really was the materials.

"That's a fair deal far as I see it. I'm going to be manning the booth for today, but I should be done with sometime this week." Kael started hitting a few buttons on his datapad. "If you'll fill that out and gimme a little info I can get that done for you right quick." Kael replied. The form was pretty basic, nothing like a grade A contract. Mentioned that Kael's work would probably void a factory warranty, that he would fix his work in the unlikely event it messed with the blaster, had spots for contact info and a meeting location, and a few other things Kael wasn't going to make a customer say in front of other strangers.

"Al, were you looking at getting some work done?" Kael directed the conversation back to [member="Dissero"], while taking note that [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Junko Ike"] had started setting up their own booths. He was particularly interested in ship modification, but there'd be time for that later. For now it was time to take care of Mr. Chemist.
Observation Deck

Zark accepted the offered datapad gratefully, pondering timetable logistics as he did so. If he cut his leave short by a half day tomorrow, he should be able to make it out to Kael's proposed meeting coordinates and back. In the back of the Admiral's mind, he reminded himself that very few would challenge him in the Defense Fleet if he stretched his absences by a day or two, but it was the principle of the thing. As a Jedi, even not a very good one, there was still a deeply ingrained need to observe them etched onto his psyche from years of training. The gin however, was another matter, as it was currently hidden away on a station near the Elrood system, but he had a few reliable contacts who could stow it on an Alliance transport between now and then to avoid shipping fees.

"You've got a deal," he said once he had filled out the datapad, shaking hands with [member="Kael Rose"], "I'm going to check the rest of the place out, see you around."

The modder then turned to resume his conversation with [member="Dissero"], and Zark nodded once more in thanks to the man he had interrupted before moving off away through the small crowds. By now more vendors had filtered in and begun to set up their stalls, and a face he thought he recognized from the Coruscant Temple but whose name he couldn't place in [member="Jorus Merrill"]. The Knight resolved to check out what the newcomers had on offer, but once he had circled back around through the rest of the convention. Bolstered by the mostly positive interaction he had had in the bazaar, he was feeling perhaps a little less like an outsider and more comfortable as part of the crowd.

Still not quite sure if he wanted to brave the bow of the starliner, he instead made his way back towards the cargo holds, where there was supposedly friendly sparring matches taking place. The last time Zark had crossed sabers with another, duel or otherwise, had been on board the Omega station over Castameer, and the encounter had cost him most of his right forearm, leaving him with the obsidian omegium-alloy prosthesis that was now covered by his leather greatcoat and the phrik plated vambraces from his uniform. So while he was not exactly eager to get back in the ring, he could not deny the appeal of observing other Jedi in action.

He had taken only a few steps around a sharp corner and into the cargo hold three when he almost ran right into [member="Eriond"]. The Gray Jedi wasn't sure exactly what he had expected, but a seemingly lost little boy with curved ears and a bowl cut was just about the last thing on that list.

"May May I be of assistance, young squire?" Zark asked.

Sor-Jan Xantha

[ obligatory theme music ]

The IG-100 dueling droids were actually super-astral nice!

One of the IG-100s was helping the boy look at the various training sabers that were available. There was a crossguard saber, a curved hilt dueling saber, and... one that, frankly, boggled his mind as to just what it was even supposed to be. Like, it was trying to be a lightsaber, but maybe it was trying too hard..?

While the blind Sephi was unable to detect droids in the Force, the presence of kyber crystals allowed him to sense the lightsabers. So, he at least had some idea of what he was looking at, even if he had to hold the object to get a real appreciation of it.

Even then, it didn't tell him what the capabilities of the weapon were. Case in point, the youngling was feeling along one model that the droid - whom he'd already named Iggy - when the boy's expression became quite confused. "Why is the handle so long?" the child asked aloud.

"That is a saber staff."

The boy's head tilted to one side. "Saber... staff?" He was trying to picture what that meant in his mind, but staff and lightsaber just were not working for him conceptually.

"It has two blades," Iggy explained, clarifying further. "One on either end of the emitter."

The boy's face made clear that he still wasn't certain just how he felt about such a thing. Sliding one hand toward the middle of the device, he found the actuator. The lightsaber hummed to life with a snap-hiss.

Instantly, the boy was exhilerated. Virtually bouncing up and down as he let out a loud, "Coooooooooooooool!"

Outdoor voices and metal bulkheads likely did not mesh well.

"May May I be of assistance, young squire?"

Shutting off the lightsaber, the child turned toward the male voice. It was difficult to describe just how the youngling saw people. He felt their presence in the Force, but he also saw the Force in them. Perceived of the nexus at which the Force surrounded them, penetrated them, and bound them with the universe.

As such, he was neither looking directly at [member="Zark"] nor was he looking up. Instead, the child seemed to be looking through him instead. "Hi!" the space elf greeted the stranger warmly. "I'm Eriond."

He was not supposed to talk to strangers, but he wasn't certain he knew what a stranger was. After all, if you need their name, then they weren't a stranger anymore... right?

"Do you know about lightsabers, mister?"

Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes...
Name: Karren Trask
Looking for Instructor: Yes
Looking for Student: Sure
Looking for Sparring Partner: For Sure
Barter and Trade: Yes
Services Offered : Shien Instruction, Piloting, A lil bit of Blaster Training

Headed towards: OBSERVATION DECK

#PimpmystealthX #Needcoolgunstoo!

As she entered the theatre drink in hand she found quite a few folks in there. One caught her eye. A face finally put on a name that she'd seen all too often mentioned in the Jedi Library Network. One [member="Jorus Merrill"]. She approached his station, eyeing the starship parts he had strewn across his display. She cocked her head to the side.

He was an odd fellow, with a strange accent as he spoke. Finally she cleared her throat and then extended her hand.

"Hello, I'm Karren Trask. I hear you can mod ships?"
Ship Bow

The viper coiled as identities became clear. Cedric involuntarily braced for a verbal assault, or perhaps even a physical one. Of the few thing Cedric knew of Korr, the man's position within the New Jedi Order had been one of them. The hostilities between the NJO's host government and his father's regime had been quite public. It was likely that many would hold that against the youth in the ages to come, and such judgement would linger upon his family long after his passing.

Let them. We did what we thought was right. My conscience is clear.

But it wasn't: not entirely anyway. If it was, he certainly would not have come here.

"It's a familiar sensation," he muttered, arms falling down to his sides, his presence within the ethereal relaxing along with his body. "I learned what a Jedi was as a child. I was spoon fed its teachings by tutors under my father's payroll. In the end, he chose to forsake that path," the youth's brow furrowed. "I did what I thought I needed to do. I left my people to deal with what I thought to be a greater menace - the Sith from within and without slaughtered them because of my mistake."

Cedric drew in a deep breath. Spheres of ice met those of steel. "I thought of them as tools that could be redeemed if they fought alongside us. I was wrong."

A moment of hesitation.

"I was taught to wage war and rule. I learned how to fight like a Jedi, how to call upon the force like a Jedi, but I've never lived like one. It made me arrogant. It ruined me," his voice quieted, "I need to learn how to truly follow the path. To be the man my father couldn't."

[member="Ryan Korr"]
Kael Rose said:
"Al, were you looking at getting some work done?" Kael directed the conversation back to Dissero, while taking note that Jorus Merrill and Junko Ike had started setting up their own booths. He was particularly interested in ship modification, but there'd be time for that later. For now it was time to take care of Mr. Chemist.

"Mm?" the man turned back from his side musings, thoughts having wandered to the many Jedi faces milling about. None to be recognized as of yet and that was perhaps the unknown blessing for him today. Then there was the pistol. He eyed it curiously again, consideration given and then subsequently declined.

"Ah, no, not actually. I'm not much of a gun-fellow, myself. But seeing that one got me thinking on this revolver I came into possession of a while back. Don't have it with me presently, but I've never used the thing and I'm about as likely to use it as I am to proclaim myself Dark Lord of the Sith. It's a Chaavla Revolver, beskar-plated-limited-edition-some-such. That something you might be interested in acquiring?"

[member="Kael Rose"]
Observation Deck: [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Zark"] [member="Kael Rose"] [member="Dissero"] [member="Karren Trask"]

She looked up when someone asked her and a small tight lipped smile came to her face. Speaking there for a moment as she tapped lightly with her fingers in a more practiced motion even without having to look at it. She stood up straight bringing the holograms into view on the table as she spoke. "I am and we do though not in the ways of some companies here. We have the basic living Module, a nearly completely self sustaining and self contained to make the different rooms of a ship. There is our ultra rare and very large Praestigiae Ginnregin, while not made for small ships it is one of the few things in the galaxy to harness quintessence."

She left that in the air, she knew there were a number of groups that might want to use such a thing but it wasn't something they had just been able to like many other exotic technologies into small and easy to use pieces. "We have a Biot Jelly that can be used to make a normal ship force dead when it is fully intact between the hull plates. We produce a specialized Holochair that can be biometrically locked and set to allow only select people the ability to override control of the ship and when paired with the Saotome Circuits we have created you can automate a ship to be controlled with a single person almost. Droids would also be helpful in some places."

She had gotten through some of the exotic things, there were a few special packages that they had designed to be installed on ships. She had the list of the different things, including the standard and more personalized packages that could be used on ships. Collecting some standard systems and some that only a few others used. She also pulled up what was something of a small ship. The runabout was cheap and easy to produce but it had speed and some protection for something that was disposable. She had the different parts that could work for ships where they wanted to show it when she saw some others approach

"We have also built a few ships such as fighters that are designed to use these upgrades. She showed the Cats Cradle that was great for landing colonization ships on planets and setting everything up for it. "The Saori Attire uniforms we have created are also something of interest, designed to be worn and serve to protect you in space as well as in any number of situations." She brought them up and showed they had built in regulators to recycle oxygen and survive in vacuum in case of anything. THe protective qualities being above normal clothing and even throughout thanks to the skylar material.
Cargo Hold Three

"Nice to meet you [member="Eriond"]," he greeted the boy cautiously, somewhat out of his element, "My name is Zark."

Sith Lords and Imperial battlegroups were one thing, but when it came to children the Jedi Knight was woefully short on experience. He didn't exactly make a regular habit of interacting with younglings at Jedi temples, and there were laws against that sort of thing in the Defense Force. Still, he had at least enough common sense to pick up on the boy's peculiarities, and it did not require much focus for him to sense an affinity with the Force radiating off Eriond's aura.

"I am no blademaster, if that's what you are asking," the middle aged human replied in answer to the boy's question. After he saw the crestfallen expression begin to form on the face of the apparently unsupervised adolescent, he added, "But my Master taught me the fundamentals, including some...foundational techniques I would be willing to demonstrate if you wish."

Sending a nerve pulse to the corresponding neurolink in his prosthesis, Zark triggered the hidden compartment in his prosthetic forearm, and the hilt of the lightsaber he had forged on Sulon sprang from the release in his palm and into his grip. In the back of his mind, he recognized that his behavior was a little showy for his age, but he reasoned that at least his intentions were pure. There was no harm in a little braggadocio if it meant inspiring the next generation to strive a little harder. Although he did not know of Eriond's unique insight into Kyber crystals, the fragment of the Heart of Sullust in his saber's hilt would likely burn brightly with unstable power.

The Gray Jedi had noticed the peculiar way the boy had of looking at him, almost as if he were looking through him rather. It was unsettling, to be sure, but as he seemed fully aware of Zark's presence the older man chose not to call attention to it. With the Force as an ally, he knew better not to judge another's limitations on the surface.
Observation Deck

Kael nodded to [member="Zark"] as he finished the paperwork and headed off, making a note on his schedule that he had some modding to do. Mr. Chemist admitted that he wasn't a gun guy, but confessed he acquired a beskar-plated Chaavla Revolver he'd acquired over the years and wasn't looking to use. Kael thought for a second on it. He knew a couple of mandalorian mercs, one who swore by the Chaavla, but Kael was never really a slugthrower guy. Preferred hot plasma. Still, a beskar plated piece was a tough thing to pass by on. Kael certainly didn't have anything that fancy.

"I'm definitely interested in a piece like that, but I'm a little puzzled. If you're not a blaster guy then what would you like in exchange?" Kael replied. He was also a bounty hunter, but he wasn't about to announce that in a Jedi shindig. Maybe Mr. Chemist had inferred that and had some work lined up. Perhaps he was just a good sithmaritan. Then there was the chance he wanted something else entirely. But what?

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