Dream to Be.
There were actually two things following the group. Quietly a separate shuttle had docked at a discreet location, unloading just a few modest supplies, and with it Sera Inkari, a Vahla priestess. A newcomer to the temple who was merely an observer, but was repaying a kindness shown to her in aiding her own plight. Quietly walking through the landscape of dathomir, it's murky, beautiful luminescence at night and lively colorful jungles by day, the pictures had not done it justice, it was breathtaking.
Dressed in deep reds, rolling end over end, her robes were simple but bold of color, wearing full ceremonial garb to give the impression of stature and prominence to any witch who looked her way. Females on the planet they were stood on, had to show dominance in their actions, so she had come dressed for the part.
With a ruffle of the bushes behind them she emerged through the thickets, and glancing to the Jedi with a polite, closed mouth smile, she spoke.
"I am Sera Inkari. I also know a little of where we are, and some of the customs necessary. If you will have me the temple thought I may be of some small service." She said modestly to Syn offering him a respectful nod, then folding her arms back into her robes. Sera recognized nobody, only his description from the Jedi whom had sent her. She would not be able to offer the men here much in the way of politeness where they were headed, to do so would be considered weak, so she wanted to do so now instead. Waiting patiently to make sure her aid was welcome.
@[member="Elayne Hawk"] @[member="Lavania"] @[member="Syn"] @[member="Ven Balterius"] @[member="Garth Hummel"]
Dressed in deep reds, rolling end over end, her robes were simple but bold of color, wearing full ceremonial garb to give the impression of stature and prominence to any witch who looked her way. Females on the planet they were stood on, had to show dominance in their actions, so she had come dressed for the part.
With a ruffle of the bushes behind them she emerged through the thickets, and glancing to the Jedi with a polite, closed mouth smile, she spoke.
"I am Sera Inkari. I also know a little of where we are, and some of the customs necessary. If you will have me the temple thought I may be of some small service." She said modestly to Syn offering him a respectful nod, then folding her arms back into her robes. Sera recognized nobody, only his description from the Jedi whom had sent her. She would not be able to offer the men here much in the way of politeness where they were headed, to do so would be considered weak, so she wanted to do so now instead. Waiting patiently to make sure her aid was welcome.
@[member="Elayne Hawk"] @[member="Lavania"] @[member="Syn"] @[member="Ven Balterius"] @[member="Garth Hummel"]