Useless pieces of metal, pfft. Its memories screamed out to her, but tragically only her. Nato sniffed a little, indifferently, not really that bothered at @[member="Tracyn Ordo"]'s looming,
she'd seen bigger. The Kiffar had to bite her tongue, literally, the sly wisecrack was coming, but she stifled the thought and was glad too! Because she knew nothing of the man, until @[member="Je'daii"] said a few things which made his mood more obvious, and had her feeling a big pang of sympathy also for Tracyn.
Hopefully this rod could be plugged back into wherever it had broken from, it might even work on the door. If only Fyor was here to fix it, she suddenly felt a bit of a longing pang for his pasty face also, realising she had far too few friends left.
Getting up to move away, the rod was clutched pretty tightly in her pawing petite hands, wrapped around them like a childhood toy. She smiled brightly to @[member="Scarlet Faith"], her watery eyes only a bit blurred.
"It's important, someone treasured it... a long time ago." The words didn't really explain the years of memories, the countless hours a pilot had held this stick, the journeys the pilot had taken with it, and the scenes she had seen him live while touching it.
Walking back over the wreck, she stopped. Looking left and right, darting her head, and realising something. This was the deck from the memory, the memory was right there in the stick.
"Wait... wait I know this."
"It's over there," she stopped and walked a way to the right, looking directly at a huge rock, which was covering the entrance, an entrance this rod would activate. Nato walked over to it and tried to budge it, but it was three times her size and there was no way the petite girl was moving it on her own.
It was so difficult to part with the rod in her hands, it almost made her heart wrench to do so, almost breaking it.
"Here. You'll need this to get inside, if we can move the rock." She wasn't sure what to call @[member="Je'daii"], but she just smiled and passed the control rod over to...
"I ah, don't know your name, sorry, I might have missed it." Nato only hoped that knight looked after those memories in the metal, they'd never be seen again.
@Natol'ine @Enya May @Scarlet Faith @Kahne Porte @Tracyn Ordo @[member="Je'daii"]