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Approved NPC Jedi of the Ciomia Temple

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Jedi Headmaster Shree O'Bal​

Jedi Weapon Instructor Zenar​

Jedi Force Instructor Alisse​

Jedi Archivist Verona Marst​

Head of Security: Jedi Magnus Magnusson​


  • Group Name: Jedi of the Ciomia Temple
  • Classification: Jedi
  • Headquarters: Ciomia, Jedi Temple of Ciomia (to be submitted)
  • Loyalties: Jedi of the Republic Remnant, The Republic Remnant
  • Group Sigil: n/a
  • Description: When the Jedi of the Republic Remnant constructed the Jedi Temple of Ciomia, they effectively moved the main base of operations to the capital world of Ciomia. Having done so, the Jedi must now begin to train the next generation of Jedi in service of the Republic. To this end, the Jedi have gathered a number of Jedi to Ciomia who will spend their remaining time with the Jedi in service of the students. These Jedi all reached Knighthood as active members of the Jedi Order and are now retiring from missions in order to instruct or serve other functions (e.g., head of security).

  • Hierarchy: Follow the typical structure of Jedi hiearchy (Padawan - Knight - Master), with the Headmaster in charge of the Temple duties.
  • Membership: Must be a Jedi of Knight rank and willing to forsake ever leaving the Temple.
  • Dogma/Doctrines: Dedicated to the Jedi philosophies and the instruction of the new generation of Jedi.
  • Curios: Their lightsabers are really their only distinguishing characteristics, though these do not identify them specifically as instructors, merely as Jedi.
  • Goals: The provide for the protection and instruction of the students of the Jedi Temple on Ciomia.

  • Jedi Headmaster Shree O'Ball: Jedi Headmaster Shree O'Ball is a Jedi Master at the Jedi Temple on Ciomia. An Ithorian, Shree was born on Takobo and identified as force sensitive at a relatively young age. Seeking out training, Shree was one of the last generations of Jedi to be trained as a Jedi by the Galactic Republic before it fell and scattered into the Republic Remnant. Shree made a name for himself as a Jedi Diplomat, successfully negotiate disputes across the galaxy for many years and on several occasions averted wars. His work bringing peace to warring factions elevated him to his Master status. With the reforming of the Jedi on Ciomia, [member="Kian Karr"] approached Shree once an agreement had been reached to establish a Jedi Temple on the capital world. Shree, seeking peace after so many years of conflict resolution, took on the role without hesitation. Shree is known for his calm, steady presence and his ability to see to the heart of social interactions.
  • Jedi Weapon Instructor Zenar: Jedi Weapon Instructor Zenar is a Cathar Jedi Knight hailing from the planet Cathar. Zenar did not follow a very traditional path for a Jedi. He was sold into slavery at a young age and until his late teens was an assassin for the Hutt Cartels. One day, sent to kill Jedi Master Shree in order to destabilize two warring factions that Shree was in the process of pacifying through negotiations, Zenar was freed from his servitude both to the Hutts and the darkside by the Ithorian. Zenar went on to train, excelling as a Jedi Guardian, his years as an assassin having taught him a great deal of fighting techniques. Upon reaching Knighthood, Zenar requested to stay at the Temple as an instructor, having experienced enough of battle in his days as an assassin and wanting to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the temple.

  • Jedi Force Instructor Alisse: Jedi Knight Alisse is a Togruta Jedi Consular who functions as the Jedi Force Instructor at the Jedi Temple on Ciomia. Alisse walked the traditional path of a Jedi Consular but was noted early on in her training as having an especially strong aptitude in telekinesis and shielding techniques. Alisse served on numerous missions as a Jedi Knight, her peaceful contemplative nature allowing her to often resolve conflicts without violence. Alisse was reluctant to give up her duties in the galaxy, but at the suggestion of Headmaster Shree, Alisse agreed to stay on at the Temple to instruct.

  • Head of Security Magnus Magnusson: Magnus Magnusson is a large, imposing Corellian male who served on the front lines of many battles from the time of the Galactic Republic, through the early wars of the Galactic Alliance, and until coming to the Republic Remnant. Wherever a major engagement was, Magnus Magnusson would not be far behind. He is a Jedi Master whose focus was on lightsaber combat, mastering several of the famous lightsaber forms. He is also noted for his grasp of strategy and tactics. Magnus was adamantly opposed to taking on the role of Head of Security for the Jedi Temple on Ciomia, but pressure from the Jedi Masters of the Order and the insight that the younger generation of Jedi would learn a great deal from his wisdom and protection changed his mind.

  • Jedi Archivist Verona Marst: Jedi Archivist Verona Marst was a padawan under the tutelage of Jedi Researcher Pra'ct. Jedi Pra'ct, as a friend of Jedi Master Kian Karr, suggested Marst for the role of archivist at the Jedi Temple on Ciomia shortly after the Temple was constucted. Marst is renown among scholars for her insights and knowledge of the various force organizations of different cultures (e.g., Baran Do).


The Jedi Temple of Ciomia, located on the capital of the Republic Remnant, was established to be the main home and academy of the Jedi of the Republic Remnant. In order to ensure the younger generations of Jedi are ensured a proper education in the ways of the Jedi, the Jedi of the Republic Remnant established a core of instructors and personnel who would not leave Ciomia, but would dedicate themselves to instruction and protection of the younglings and padawans on the planet. While traditional Master/Apprentice learning is still ongoing at the Jedi Temple on Ciomia, the Jedi of the Republic Remnant are often pulled away to various conflicts and missions. As such, there is not always sufficient Jedi around to ensure that students are trained properly. By establishing an instructor force at the Temple on Ciomia, the Jedi hope to counter this deficit. Under the guidance of Headmaster Shree O'Ball, the Jedi Temple of Ciomia has become a bastion of learning and Jedi values and the Jedi Knights and Masters who make up the personnel of the Temple are all dedicated to this goal.
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